Bio-colours in prototypes

Team: 4

Team members: Sofie Kelchtermans, Jony Mille, Henri T'Kint

Coach: Angela Pisani,; Elise Verkindt ( from + UGent (Francesca)

Challenge: Bio-based colours are an interesting alternative to artificial colours. Although natural colours have an ancient tradition, many challenges remain open, for example:

  • How can we introduce this knowledge in our IO curriculum?

  • What activities can engage with these colours (sketching? prototyping? etc.)

  • How can we engage different stakeholders and actors in this mission? How can we make this a self-sustainable system?

  • ...

Starter kit includes:

  1. 2 industrial bio-based colours

  2. Avocado pits (ca 20kg)

  3. 1lt of extracted colour from avocado pits

Infrastructure needed:

  • Hotplate

  • Pots and small utensils

  • Drier (in the composite lab at IDC)

Specific sources: