5-2022 Czech rep. - students mobility


Uherské Hradiště

16 - 20 May 2022

Official programme: HERE

Kahoot Quiz: HERE

Link to Padlet international cooperation: HERE

ENGLISH - Mobility to the Czech Republic - programme


16 May 2022

It´s the beginning of our hosting of teachers and pupils from partner schools within the Erasmus+ project. Pupils from Slovakia, Spain, Italy and Portugal are coming.

The headmistress, Mrs. Marie Leitgebová, warmly welcomed our guests, we presented our school and the students from abroad introduced their schools. We looked at the plan, at the activities to promote environmental protection that were taking place during this mobility.

After the tour of our school we went to the town hall where we were received by the deputy mayor Ivo Frolec. Our pupils had also prepared a tour of the city.


17 May 2022

This morning we spent in Kovozoo in Staré Město. We took a train ride around the grounds and learned interesting information about recycling. The blacksmith showed us how to hammer a nail. Some of us even tried it. We all admired the animal exhibits created from seemingly unnecessary waste materials.

After lunch, we went to see the Velehrad Basilica and then headed to the Living Water - Modrá. Here we most enjoyed watching the sturgeon with its four whiskers. Unfortunatelly, we couldn´t look around properly since it started to rain.

Despite the rain, we enjoyed the day.


18 May 2022

We spent the whole sunny day on Rochus and enjoyed it very much. We looked around this natural and cultural historical site, we learned about the history of the place, peeked into the building. There were workshops on wirework and ceramics. We learned the technique of wirework from the very beginning and created amazing objects. Working on the pottery wheel is not easy, but our creations were also successful. We also cooked the "messy bride", an old Czech potato and apple cake.

We didn't forget to walk to the Rochus Chapel and then hurrah back to school.


19 May 2022

May in ZOO Zlín is beautiful. All the pupils were divided into international teams and spent the whole morning doing tasks in their groups. Everyone in the team was of a different nationality, but this did not prevent anyone from enjoying the day to the fullest. We took photos, videos and taught our foreigners Czech. Some of the tasks were also focused on how the Zoo Zlín approaches environmental protection.

In the afternoon we walked a bit in the university city of Zlín.


20 May 2022

The final day of our mobility we focused fully on our "Recycling theme". All morning we created a logo, which won the competition for the best logo in our project Protect Earth, Save Life during the pandemic and was painted by pupils from Italy. Today we tried to make it out of recyclable materials. We decided to use tins. Anyone who wanted to could create a piece of art out of recycled materials. We used scrap metal and mouldings donated by the staff at Kovozoo for one of our art technique. An Erasmus+ corner at our school was created.

After lunch we moved to the computer room to look at our week together. We played Kahoot quiz, completed a questionnaire. Pupils and teachers received their certificates. Our time spent together was concluded by our school principal wishing us all the best in our future project work.