Problems faced in Male Involvement in MNCH Services and Solutions

Some Problems reported by Male Participants

We conducted a survey to look into problems that currently limits the male from carrying out their role when it comes to Maternal, and Child Health, We had over 200 response, here are the dominant responses;

  1. No Paternity Leave for Dads

  2. The Nature of Jobs/Working hours

  3. The Attitude of the Wife

  4. The Attitude of the Health Workers

  5. The hospital's policy

  6. Tradition

  7. Social Stereotype

  8. Finances

  9. Poor knowledge on Maternal and Child Health.

  10. Fear


We decided to come up with some solutions that will address some of the problems highlighted by the male participants

  1. The Nigerian labor act should be reviewed to recognize paternity leave across all states and organisations in Nigeria.

  2. Men should be educated on male involvement in maternal, newborn and child health

  3. Men should be creative with how they get involved in maternal newborn and child health

  4. Health workers should be trained on male involvement in maternal newborn and child health.

More Solutions

  • Health care providers should be encouraged to have a positive attitudes towards male involvement in maternal newborn and child health services

  • Community dialogues with traditional and community leaders on male involvement in maternal newborn and child health and

  • More conversations should be held on social media platforms on Male involvement in Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.

  • Financial plans should be made in preparation for pregnancy, delivery and after delivery

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