Male Involvement During Pregnancy

During Pregnancy

Pregnancy periods comes with a lot of responsibility for the man as much as the woman, any attempt to make this section a one-sided show could be disastrous. We will be exploring the involvement of the man during this critical period of maternal health.

Be an active Part of this section

Never listen to the people who are of the school of thought that you are slaving away while helping your wife. Your support and care for her would be extremely needed for the health and well-being of the mother and the child.


This period serves as an entry point for greater fatherhood involvement. Men should ask their partners about the type of involvement and support they prefer - They should not force their involvement. It is not about the man rather the focus is the health of the mother and the incoming baby. So it should be as she wants it.

Involvement Strategy

You can look out for this basic involvement strategies during pregnancy

  • Know the Danger Signs during pregnancy

  • Accompany her for at least 4 Antenatal care (ANC) visits

  • Make informed decision with her about the baby

  • Identify trained skilled birth attendant

  • Identify blood donor

  • Make a plan for delivery location and transport

  • Ensure she goes for Antenatal Care (ANC)

Involvement Strategy

Here are more involvement strategies for you;

  • Save money for delivery

  • Save money for emergency

  • Be there for her

  • Encourage, reassure and show affection

  • Join a community of soon to be fathers

  • Help with domestic chores

  • Ask her about what she learnt during ANC if you cannot follow her

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