Male Involvement During Labor and Delivery

Labor and Delivery

This is a period that is popular for the huge amount of pain experienced by the woman, and the she deserves all the help she could get especially from her partner. Rem

Companionship During Labor

In a study conducted in Nigeria, it was reported that 84.4% of women desire companionship during labor and delivery with 80.8% preferring the male partner as their companion.

Adeniran et al., 2015

Your Presence would make a lot of difference

While so many people have held on to unhelpful beliefs as regard the presence of the husband during labor, we are glad to tell you that those beliefs are untrue and your presence would provide support and strength to your partner through the delivery process.

Physical Comfort and Emotional Support

Your involvement during this period offers physical comfort and emotional support to the woman.

Men Says

Find comments from young men who had played supportive roles in the child delivery process for their wives.

Lwanga, H., et al. An exploratory study of men's companionship perceptions and experiences during pregnancy and delivery in Uganda. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 17, 196 (2017).

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