Male Involvement During Postnatal Period

Postnatal Period

The period immediately after the birth of the new addition to the family is one crucial season that the support of the male is vital to the welfare of both the mother and the child.

"Two good hands cannot be as effective as four good hands"

Do you know?

Woman are not the only ones who are biologically able to care for their babies when they become mothers

A new study has revealed that fatherhood produces hormonal changes in men, such as decreased testosterone, to help them become better fathers

This reduction of testosterone facilitates a stronger father-baby bond, and makes the father's body more open to developing a strong biological and psychological connection with the baby.

Source: Program P A Manual for Engaging Men in Fatherhood, Care-giving, and Maternal and Child Health

Parental Roles

The limitations attached with gender parental roles are only valid when it comes to breastfeeding, the man is as capable as the mother in catering for the demands of the newborn child. Doing this task faithfully would ensure healthy mother and child.

Helpful Postnatal Tips for Dads

Here are some helpful postnatal tips for you;

  • Learn how to change diapers

  • Learn how to carry a baby

  • Encourage your partner to breastfeed exclusively

  • Help with domestic chores in the home

  • Bathe and dress the baby

More Helpful Tips

Here are some more helpful Tips

  • Check in with your partner regularly to see if she feels she is coping

  • Invest in her love language

  • Do not body shame her

  • Be on the lookout for signs of Postpartum depression

  • Do not pressure for sexual acts, give her time to heal

Be Creative about how you give support, as there would be a lot of other ways you can provide support, which is not necessarily on this list

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