Discard The Myth

...Widely Held but False...

When it comes to the health and welfare of a mother and their child, Men should tune off every popular opinion, and only seek the counsel of medical personnel

Myth 1

The husband's presence during labor would cause a delay and result in more harm than good

Kindly discard it, it is very far from the truth - If you check out the session on Male Involvement During Labor, a study shows that the presence of the male spouse during labor and delivery is greatly desired by the mother and it helps the needed emotional support during the delivery process.

Myth 2

The Support from the man is not necessary; The support should come from any other female figure within the family

Do not hold on to this invalid statement - You the man is even more capable to provide the needed care and support for your wife and the newborn. You can always learn how, read through the tips provided in the sessions listed below and also seek the counsel of the medical personnel;

Myth 3

When it comes to breastfeeding and cooking for the child, it is the role of a woman. The Role of the man is to just go out and search for food.

This is as invalid as it gets, Gender specific roles do not exist anymore, the only things a gender is not capable of doing are the things that need special biological organs to achieve; While breastfeeding might be exclusive to the mother, providing care, bathing the baby, feeding the baby, - all these do not require any special gender specific feature.

Myth 4

The Issue of Maternal Health, The Issue of bearing Children, and the issue of child health are issues for the woman to bear alone.

Absolute Lie, It takes two to tango, never leave it for one to handle.

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