The Easy Guide to Host QuickBooks in the Cloud

If you are running a small or mid-sized business, then the first priority for you must be the business data that contains all the crucial information of your business. QuickBooks being the top most preferred accounting application provides numerous features and tools to keep your business data in best shape and safe from theft or damage. The only downside of using QuickBooks Desktop is having your company file stored on the local machine which possesses a risk of data damage in the company file. If you are a QuickBooks Online user, then you can work hassle-free without worrying about your business data as it is stored online over the cloud. Fortunately, you can reap the benefits of QuickBooks Online in QuickBooks Desktop by hosting QuickBooks Desktop in the cloud. Here with this article we are going to discuss the benefits that you can avail by hosting your QuickBooks Desktop data over the cloud and what important consideration you must keep in mind before choosing your cloud hosting service provider.

If you are not sure whether to host your QuickBooks Desktop in the cloud and need to consult a professional, then dial (844)-932-1139 and get in touch with certified QuickBooks Desktop experts now who can help you get a better picture of QuickBooks Desktop cloud hosting

Top Benefits of Hosting your QuickBooks Desktop in the Cloud

Apart from being able to access your QuickBooks Desktop data from anywhere and from any device, there are several other benefits that you can avail by hosting QuickBooks Desktop in the cloud. Here is a list of all of them:

  1. Managing IT Infrastructure is always a challenge for small businesses and taking your business over the cloud with QuickBooks Desktop helps cut the cost and efforts managing the IT Infrastructure.

  2. Keeping your crucial business data online not only helps you keep it safe from theft but also ensures it is safe from damage and loss because of external threats like natural disaster and failure or corruption of the storage device.

  3. Once you have your QuickBooks Desktop data online, you have the options to integrate it with a number of third-party application for better business performance.

What you Must Consider before Choosing your QuickBooks Desktop Hosting Provider?

  1. Make sure the service provider has top level of infrastructure to handle your business data.

  2. Customer support must be available 24/7 so that you can seek assistance in case of emergency.

  3. The performance of the servers also is an important consideration as it will decides how efficiently QuickBooks Desktop works on the cloud.

  4. Your service provider must provide automatic backups of the data to safeguard it from accidental loss.

If you still not sure whether to host QuickBooks in the cloud or not, then without wasting a minute dial (844)-932-1139 and get in touch with our certified QuickBooks Desktop experts now.