School Counseling Support

School Counseling Department Support for the Seal

Criteria for the Seal of Civic Readiness 

In order to obtain the Seal of Civic Readiness, a student must complete all the requirements for a New York State local or Regents diploma and earn a total of six points with at least two points in Civic Knowledge and at least two points in Civic Participation. Students may also earn points by completing a middle school Capstone project and/or a high school Capstone project.

Several of the components of the Seal of Civic Readiness (circled in red below) can be tracked by school counselors and/or administrators to maintain student privacy. The components would be accessed through student transcripts and records. 

*Students may receive these points more than once.

Testing accommodations recommended in an individualized education program or section 504 should be adhered to. Accommodations Plan must be provided for all State and districtwide assessments administered to students with disabilities, as consistent with State policy. Students in schools with an alternate pathway for graduation approved by the Commissioner will be held to those schools' criteria.

Best Practices