Join the Lab

Prospective Graduate Students

We are planning to accept at least one graduate student for the incoming Fall 2022 doctoral class.

Please refer to our FAQ tab for additional information.

Questions specific to your application or program requirements should be directed to the Graduate Admissions Secretary.

Additional information about the Kent State University Clinical Psychology PhD program is available here.

Application Materials for the Kent State University Clinical Psychology PhD program are available here. Please indicate in your personal statement that you are interested in working with Dr. Neal-Barnett.

Prospective Undergraduate Students

Thank you so much for your interest in the Program for Research on Anxiety Disorders among African Americans Lab (PRADAA)! Getting research experience in a lab (or multiple labs) is important for pursuing a career in psychology, and it’s great that you are taking the first step. Positions in this lab are on a volunteer basis, although you can receive course credit via Psychology 31498. If you are interested in receiving course credit please indicate that on your application.

We are looking for students who can commit to approximately 6 to 8 hrs/week for at least two consecutive semesters. You do not need previous research experience. Everyone starts somewhere and the earlier you get involved, the better. We are looking for students who are eager to learn about more about anxiety disorders in minority populations, as well as the research process in psychology overall, have an ability to work well with people, and can make the time commitment. Responsibilities may include helping with literature reviews, facilitating an anxiety intervention, coding, transcribing, and entering and analyzing data.

If you would like to be considered for a position in our lab, please fill out the application below. If you have a resume, please upload that as well. Once we receive your application, the project coordinator of the project you selected will contact you to set up a time to meet in person.