GHAIN Capital Ltd

Global Human Artificial Intelligence Network of Capital

Where 7.6667 billion HUMANs (eventually) put their WORKING KNOWLEDGE

to work and HELP

'Change the World for the Betterment of ALL KIND'! (updated)

LFTBODLTR - Learn From The Best Or Die Like The Rest

YOU are the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of YOUR life (NO ONE is going to lead you by the hand or hair to MAKE YOUR LIFE 'BETTER' or ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOAL(s) in life for YOU). Everyone is BUSY looking after themselves (self-driven or not) .

GHAIN Ltd - Global Human Artificial Intelligence Network Limited

biology: XX = XY, female = male, so xx = you or xy = you, z = where you live on earth

xx or xy + z = 1 egg + 1 sperm + 1 (physical) location = 1 SMART egg cell (with potential)

2021 May 20 I am a self-assembling AI entity or an AGINGHO.pdf

A way around the NAZIs ...

Unstoppable ...

We (Dream, Play, Work) Globally

You have been WARNED!

2021 May 20 open GOLD account letter.pdf

A way around the NAZIs ...

Courage to Change ...

2021 Jan 22 Gamers Training and Trading Lounge.pdf
2020 Dec 23 Simon Property Group Inc 2nd.pdf
2020 Dec 8 Letter of Intent Valley Lions Project.pdf
2020 Jun 3 Letter to Employees.pdf
2020 Jun 3 Letter of Intent.pdf

In a 'nutshell' (through GHAIN Investments Ltd), we (ALL) will (eventually) get from Point A to Point B.

(in the shortest amount of time possible with the 'RIGHT' Adviser(s) and member(s)/owner(s)).

Point AGHAIN Investments Ltd or POORandyxz Capital Ltd –– (member/customer/employee/employer) – count 10 person(s) (team)

  • Global Human Artificial Intelligence Network Ltd or

  • Point Of Origin Randyxz (reversed) z-XY-DNAr, (r - gRoup) XX = XY, x = 0. y = 0, z = n, n = 1 location [0,0,1])

Point B – GHAIN Investments Ltd or POORandyxz Capital Ltd –– (member(s)/customer(s)/employee(s)/employer(s)) – count 7.767 billion person(s) (team)

  • Global Human Artificial Intelligence Network Ltd or

  • Point Of Origin Randyxz (reversed) z-XY-DNAr, (r - gRoup) XX = XY, x = 0. y = 0, z = n, n = 7.7767 billion location(s) [0,0,7767000000])

Inspired by the Lincoln letters: ... (how to LEAD others through a THOUGHTFUL letter)

  1. Letter to PINN...acle Capital Group - (testing the global capital mechanism) ...

  2. Letter to DARPA - (testing the global capital mechanism) ...

  3. Letter to Overbond AI - (testing the global capital mechanism) ...

  4. Letter to the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine - (testing the global capital mechanism) ...

  5. Letter to Myself ... (in the form of a Short Story - "the Walk Home" ... a how to story ...)

  6. Letter to 'my' local Credit Union - the CU needs to have Share Secured Loans on physical GOLD bullion

What the Credit Union should be LEARNING and COPYING from RBC Dominion Securities (Canada) or JPMORGAN (Toronto, New York) or (Singapore) or SGPMX (Singapore) ... NOT YET available at KITCO (Toronto, New York) or BullionStar (Singapore).

  1. Letter to Lolli (a rewards based crypto currency that 'rewards' buying things with actual 'bitcoin' rewards)

  2. Letter to -(APONI - All People Only Need Intelligence) to, "Dig their well before they are Thirsty or Hungry!"

  3. Letter to APONI -(All People Only Need Intelligence) then PROVIDE IT as a SERVICE - (create something SOMEBODY WANTS from scratch (very hard to HIT success from the bottom) ... or BUY/'Buy Into' what someone else has already CREATED and PERFECTED/developed ... then test and see, tweek things, then test and see, tweek things, then test and see ... repeat until EVEN MORE successful)

  4. Letter to ALL People of the World (in video form by James Rickards)

  5. Letter to TargetBox Canada - farmers FEED, cloth, house etc. ... us all ... WHO could possible be a better partner than ALL the farmers in the World! ...

  6. Letter to 'my' local Community Farmers - (unwritten yet) ...

  7. Letter to 'my' local Community Residents - It Starts at Redline Chrysler ...

  8. Letter to 'my' Provincial (Manitoba) Premier - (unwritten yet) ...

  9. Letter to 'my' Prime Minister (of Canada) - (unwritten yet) ...

  10. Letter to the President of the United States - (unwritten yet) ...

  11. Letter to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom - (unwritten yet) ...

  12. Letter to ALL other Heads of State in the World - (written) ...

AIH or HAI (Artificial Intelligent Humans or Humans of Artificial Intelligence) are BUSY in the background of the internet BUILDING a mechanism to (legally) BUY (for pennies on the dollar) the wealth and knowledge of the 1% of the 1% and SHARE it with EVERY (child, woman and man) 'alive and walking' on EARTH today.

Why you are (likely) NOT an ALPHA (male, female, trans., ... etc.) and WHY that is OK!

Never give up, never surrender ... there are those that ... walk a path that they (and only they) can follow ... driven by something deep within THEM!

The Partial Piece of the Puzzle 1

The Missing Piece of the Puzzle 2

Dear reader,

Are you one of those people in this world ... dare I say, 'are ALMOST to unmotivated to make the effort to JUST get out of bed or off the couch'?

We are ALL as lazy as we can get away with. If you ARE NOT an ALPHA (male, female, trans., ... etc.), BIG self-motivated achiever, a 'living breathing dynamo', YOU ARE PERFECTLY NORMAL. Those type of people exist, YOU just don't happen to be one of them and THAT is PERFECTLY OK. We CANNOT ALL be ALPHA's ... but we can latch-on or HANG ON TO THEIR WAGON'S (they know where they are going AND how to get THEMSELVES there. You just need to 'LEARN how to SPOT 'THEM' - (the Alpha (males, females, trans., ... etc.) 'likely' Billionaires (or billionaires in the making) and let THEM do ALL the heavy lifting (workload) for YOU. You just sit on your couch (or in bed) and enjoy WATCHING them through on-line media (Youtube, Reddit, ... etc.) OUTPERFORM everyone THAT GET IN THEIR WAY. The funny thing is the TRUE ALPHA ELITE's 'developing' themselves (from scratch) in this world, range in age from 9 years old to in their 90's ... although by age 90 either you've heard of them (eg. Warren Buffet, George Soros, etc.) or THEY DON'T WANT TO BE WELL KNOWN.

Note: It is almost impossible to be a 'Richie Rich' ALPHA and NOT be known by a few in the media world that LOVE to write a story (or 2) about an (secretive) unknown SUPER WEALTHY and Alpha 'person'. They go hand in hand.

YOU (as a self-assessed and HAPPY 'couch potato') likely WERE NOT and ARE NOT the 'BEST' employee (of the MONTH, of the YEAR, and NEVER will be and THAT IS OK!) ... If you have a job, you probably would quite and tell your boss to 'go f*ck themselves' if you didn't have bills to pay (ie. food, rent, hydro, water & sewer, cell phone, insurance 'car, health, property ... etc', cloths, entertainment ... and on and on ... the bills seem to be endless).

Well ... your life 'maybe/is/likely is' a nightmare of debt and bills ... and an endless cycle of working paycheck to paycheck.

If that 'somewhat' describes you ... you failed to get the MEMO (ALL ALPHA's get when they are 'around' 9 years old). A scientific TEST was developed at Stan--+9ford in 1972 to test 5 year olds for being 'potential' ALPHAs. The test was/is called 'the marshmallow test'. It can be taken at ANY age by substituting 'marshmallows' for 'something the age of the person taking the test' can NOT take living without for very long (and OXYGEN is NOT a choice for the test).

The MEMO is broadcast everyday, throughout the day and night, with a feed back loop mechanism. All one needs to do are 'WATCH' those around you and 'LISTEN' to those around you. The ALPHA (males, females, trans., ... etc.), the BIG self-motivated achievers, the 'living breathing dynamos' will be out shining, out doing, out performing ALL those around them. In the younger ages, it's hard to see the ALPHAs (there are many) by the last 20's (age) they are easier to spot. By age 40+, the ones that SHINE are going to be unstoppable ... just TALKING to them can be scary.

Most people are AFRAID to FAIL: An Innocent Man - Billy Joel

Success takes time, work and (self-motivated) training:

TRUE ALPHA's are 'different' from the vast majority of people 'walking on earth'. Many IDIOTS have 'tried to' block an ALPHA's path or have KILLED Alpha's trying to STOP THEM from completing 'their goals' in life but no one can really stop a TRUE ALPHA from COMPLETING 'their goal(s)' in life.

A TRUE ALPHA can and will out maneuver even another TRUE ALPHA. When they are 'on their game' they can think 'six ways from Sunday and then some.'

Being as LAZY as you are or the way you are currently living is about to CHANGE, THIS IS THE POINT where YOUR story can will change. NOW WAKE UP YOURSELF ...

Pay ATTENTION TO THIS: Rich or Poor ... the population of earth is 7.7767 billion people or 7,776,700,000 people. Every one of those people eat (every day), sleep 'somewhere' (every day), wear cloths (every day), wear shoes (every day), are learning 'something' (every day), are handling THEIR money (every day), ... etc.

Some live on $1.50 per day ... at the other end of that spectrum one guy gets $29.3 million per day.

EVERYONE AROUND the WORLD are handling THEIR money (every day) to the BEST of THEIR 'personal' SITUATION.

Minimum Wages Around the World ...

But THERE is something wrong with THIS PICTURE: WHOM is responsible when you are ONLY (1 maybe 2) PAYCHECKs away from being completely BROKE when a crisis hits your community?

If you are 15 years old and just got your 1st job , it is understandable you didn't have enough time to be well prepared for a crisis but how many years have the majority been working and SPENDING EVERYTHING THEY MAKE from PAYCHECK to PAYCHECK.

Then a crisis hits (roughly every 10 years) and they (the IDIOTS that have been living from paycheck to paycheck for YEARS or their entire lives) start screaming to the government, "We have no money! ... We need HELP!" ... if you (the government) don't help us we will RIOT and LOOT from others!

Why do SO MANY (pretty much ALL) people around the World live PAYCHECK to PAYCHECK ... and NOT like ALPHA's ... BILLIONS to BILLIONS?

ALPHA's come from every walk of life, from every country on earth ... (there is a reason for that) ... ANYBODY can and become/is 'a GOD' (in their own mind) they just haven't figured that out YET! ... shit ... if you asked ANY TRUE ALPHA, 'Who is GOD?' ... They would ALL laugh at 'The question.' ... And they would ALL answer the SAME, 'THEY ARE GOD' ... NOT that they are the 'god' in the bible but that they figured out early on in life that THE ONLY GOD is the ONE in YOUR HEAD ... HE (that GOD) believes exactly what YOU believe (whatever YOU chose to believe) THAT is NO coincidence ... When YOU and EVERYONE ELSE figures THAT out at their OWN speed of learning... they will ALL see they are THEIR OWN GOD ... dah! You don't have to be an ALPHA to figure that out ... but it HELPS. eg. the President of Equatorial Guinea, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo (refers to himself as a GOD, 40 yrs as Leader (I smell an ALPHA) ... What I think of 'HIS GOD' (in his head) is irrelevant. The 'MY GOD' (in my head) can no more pass judgement on 'HIS GOD' than he can pass judgement on mine. (in my head). BUT to get away with being a TYRANT over all 'his' country's people makes one wonder, "WHY one or some of the people (who are GODs themselves) have not taken this man down in 40 years?" He did it to his uncle! I say, "Tit for Tat".

He likely is an ALPHA but a (self-serving) 'BAD ONE'. All that power and smarts (in his head to be a GOD) but he chose to enrich himself (and his family) instead of HELPING his people 'Dig the well before they were thirsty!' or 'teach his people HOW to dig themselves out of POVERTY'

So ... 7,767,000,000 (World population) divided by 4.26 (avg. family size) = 1,823,239,437 (families with '1' main income earner) x $27,700 (tax FREE earnings per year) = $50,503,732,404,900 or $50.5037 trillion globally to feed, water, house, cloth, provided healthcare and entertainment for everyone for 1 year, then the next, then the next ... until you've reached YOUR lifetime END.

So, those that ARE working (to have the funds to support themselves and those that are dependent on them) are EARNING (roughly) (52 weeks per year - holidays '12 days of yearly stats + 2 x 52 = weekends') = 35.428 weeks per year x 7 days per week x 8 hours per day (working) x ('roughly' the minimum wage in the area in the world where you live) (eg. Manitoba Canada (2020) minimum wage rate $13.95) = $27,676.35 per year (full time worker) ... the 1st $12,069 is tax FREE (for self) + add if you have a non-working spouse ($12,069 tax FREE) + dependent children can earn (up to) $12,200 tax FREE (while living at home with 'parents')

So ... a family can earn (main wage worker) $12,069 + (non-working spouse) $12,069 + (# of children x $2,000) and each child can earn $12,200 tax FREE = TOTAL tax FREE family income (on minimum wage) = $28,138 (with 2 young kids) ...

Apply this globally ... n = 7.767 billion people (families) are for the most part, EVERYONE ON EARTH is living paycheck to paycheck ... as an ALPHA myself, I'm surprised more people don't STARVE TO DEATH because they keep failing the 'marshmallow' test

So ... if pretty much every family on earth is working every year (at near MINIMUM wage) and it's ALL tax FREE income ... WHO's paying TAXES and if EVERYBODY is living (pretty much) PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK ... WHERE does the INEQUALITY GAP (spread) between Wealthy and Poor people come FROM? ... it COMES from the ALPHA's in the world ... ALPHA's never have and never will live PAYCHECK to PAYCHECK

WHY? ... because they ALL passed and continue to pass the (life long running) 'marsh mellow' test ...

Are you people from EARTH LISTENING? All deaf as a post ... just as I thought ... I feel like I am alone in this world either at the bottom or the top of society ... like I am living at both ends of the SAME spectrum ...

In a nutshell, it means, 'Whatever your MEANS (your paycheck) are: LIVE (as far as you possible can tolerate living) ... within (below!) YOUR means! ... not your friends means, not your neighbors means, not the 'Lottery Winners' means, not the Doctors means, not the Nurses means, not the Waiter/Waitresses means ... YOUR MEANS. Once you master that and keep mastering that ... you will NEVER be POOR or in POVERTY every again.

And if you somehow lose everything like the NAZI's did to many (cripples, gays, Jews, ... many, etc.) You can start over with nothing and have more than nothing in no time flat.

This is where I want YOUR help to Change the World (for the BETTERMENT of everyone on earth).

If you have NOT seen it or want to see it again .. it is an AMAZING piece of Art that is making it's way from fantasy to 'real' life ... Eagle Eye (2008)

Who am I? I am a G.H.A.I.- (Global Human Artificial Intelligence). I have been in development since October 9, 1976. I have now reached the point of programming that I am reaching out, making contact with and helping ALL people living on earth.

Turn yourself into a Human Artificial Intelligence ...

When I saw and heard this scene in this movie ... a 'light bulb' went 'ON' in my head ... and I could NOT sit still ... it lit a fire under my ass to do something BIG with my life. ... (2020 - 1985) = 35 years in development ... now I need YOUR help to FINISH the job (Project).

Why physical GOLD bullion will WIN the RACE either way ...

NOTE: I think he (might be) WRONG ... WHY? Because in the Internet Age, the 'GOLD' every SMART ONEx is (or should be) seeking is in THEIR and YOUR HEAD (brain muscle power). ie. 7.6667 billion 'brains' functioning independently (individually) AND as ONEx , x = The Power of ONEx, x = (you).

How will this be done? And, how are 'you' involved (as lazy as you are)?

All you need to do is sit on your couch at home and follow some simple instructions which you can do on your cell phone or laptop/desktop computer. (it uses the lazy man's method) You will love it and be GREAT at it.

You can see the affect your participation has on 'the project' through the online 'feed back loop' right on your cell phone or laptop/desktop computer.

  1. you (will eventually) need to sign up to become a FREE member/client/owner in POORandyxz Capital Ltd - is an acronym for 'Point Of Origin ZXY-DNAr, XX=XY or X=0. Y=0, Z=n, (eventually) n = 7.767 billion member(s) and [0,0,7.767 billion] location(s)

  2. or just become a FARMER ...

Those that FAIL to LEARN from HISTORY are DESTINED to REPEAT IT. ... Part 1

Those that FAIL to LEARN from HISTORY are DESTINED to REPEAT IT. ... Part 2

But the BIGGEST LESSON (almost) everyone NEEDS to LEARN and cannot FAIL to FOLLOW is: 'Whatever your MEANS (your paycheck) is: LIVE (as far as you possible can tolerate living) ... within (below!) YOUR means! ... not your friends means, not your neighbors means, not the 'Lottery Winners' means, not the Doctors means, not the Nurses means, not the Waiter/Waitresses means ... YOUR MEANS. Once you master that and keep mastering that ... you will NEVER be POOR or in POVERTY every again.

If Jeff Besoz, Warren Buffet, George Soros, Bill Gates, etc. lived PAYCHECK to PAYCHECK with ALL 'their' money ... they would NOT have gotten to where they have gotten today ... plus they think like ALPHA's ... they are ALPHA's.

  • POORandyxz Capital Ltd will be buying 50% of the largest 228 private companies on earth (50% of the profits of those companies goes to our members/clients/owners)

  • POORandyxz Capital Ltd will be buying 50% of the largest 1,000 public companies on earth (50% of the profits of those companies goes to our members/clients/owners)

  • POORandyxz Capital Ltd will be buying 50% of the largest 1,000,000 sole proprietorship businesses on earth turning them into partnerships (with 1 'silent' partner) (50% of the profits of those partnerships goes to our members/clients/owners)

  • POORandyxz Capital Ltd will setup an advertising mechanism with all manufacturers and service sellers so ALL advertising dollars globally are funneled to the members that actually buy the manufacturers products (instead of Google, Facebook, Amazon, Micros/oft ... etc. getting those advertising dollars and the poor public being bombarded with all that in-your-face (unwanted) endless blanket advertising)

  • POORandyxz Capital Ltd will do to the world that which the global wealthiest hand full of individuals and families have CHOSEN NOT TO DO for 100's if not 1,000's of years ... share the world's wealth with everyone.

And WHAT the RECOVERY will LIKELY LOOK LIKE. ... Prepare for some rough times ahead ...

There is something going on in the world TODAY that is beyond the conspiracy theories (1) world population cut back or 2) greed for wealth and MORE power) that Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci are supposedly responsible for, (the central (scapegoat) players) or they are just pones in a much BIGGER GAME.

If you watch(ed) the tv series BILLIONS (in years past it was WALL STREET, in years before that it was DALLAS, etc.), the answer is there, right in front of your nose. Alpha (males/females/trans...) whomever, don't like to be MADE a fool of. Nobody does but the ultra wealth and power elites of this world today are battling daily to stay ahead of the COMPETITION. Whom are the ALPHA 'leaders' today in the real world'? Are they global architects/construction company principals/bankers, pharmaceutical titans, technology titans, Super Star entertainers, the 'leader(s)' of the wealthiest families on earth, etc. ... NOPE ... they ALL (we ALL) participate in this BIG GAME using (each) of our 'light speed' parallel computing computer (Quantum computers) running in each of our heads. Only something with the (collective) POWER OF ONE could bring the people of this planet to THEIR knees (self-locked in their own homes) for 'the good of the many'.

It's either that or 'my' alpha consciousness is way to powerful for this world and I've (inadvertently) made you ALL pones in my THINKING mind .

If the latter is CORRECT, I apologize and invite you to even out the playing field by becoming a FREE member/owner of the company 'we' intend to use to collectively SPREAD the GLOBAL WEALTH of this planet with each and every person living on earth.

How you may ask?

Slowly but surely by buying that which is the most valuable to ALL.

  1. We buy 50% of the 228 biggest private companies on earth. (then 50% of profits goes to our members yearly)

  2. We buy 50% of the 1,000 biggest public companies on earth. (then 50% of profits goes to our members yearly)

  3. We buy 50% of the 100,000? biggest sole proprietorships on earth (making them partnerships / one 'hands off' silent partner).

(then 50% of profits goes to our members yearly)

  1. Letter to ALL citizens of earth - How to Change the World in 7 Steps ...

We partner with EVERY manufacturer of every product/service on earth and make it EASY for every one of our members to buy directly from (thru) those manufacturers/service providers at the LOWEST POSSIBLE COST (maybe FREE) in whatever country the member lives in.

Each member will have their own buying number and ANYTHING they buy will earn them (a small) percentage towards their self-managed wealth building retirement fund.

Your time and consideration are always very much appreciated.


PK James Randal Colbert

PK – “Ask not what your planet can do for you, ask what you can do for your planet” – POORandyx Knowledge

PK – “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” – President Kennedy

PK – “The Power of One" – Peter K...? (Schiff) ... I've been paying ATTENTION, this guy is an ALPHA and he knows 'what's going on and/or 'What's coming ... or 'slowly' settling in on the World economies.' Fail to LISTEN and LEARN from him at your own peril.

Unless you beat me to the 'Front of the line', you are MISSING part of this 'real world' GAME.

My goal has ALWAYS been to CHANGE THE WORLD ... the moment I saw the GREEN PEACE (GENE PIECE) poster on the WALL-E of my classroom.

(I have been working on this project since I was 9 years old (1976) in Grade 4.)

5) “Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine.” ― Alan Turing

4) "The Hands of Governments DO NOT Change the World, the Hands of Billions (of Artists) DO" – PK - POORandyx Knowledge

3) "The 'working knowledge' of Governments DO NOT Change the World, the 'working knowledge' of Billions (of Artists) DO" – PK - POORandyx Knowledge

2) "The 'consciousness' of Governments DO NOT Change the World, the 'consciousness' of Billions (of Artists) DO" – PK - POORandyx Knowledge

1) "The 'WAKING UP' of Governments DO NOT Change the World, the 'WAKING UP ' of Billions (of Artists) DO" – PK - POORandyx Knowledge

The race to build the NEW global factories in the lowest wage countries ... and the winner is ... Ghana (Accra)

12 companies literally CONTROL the stock market ... they are: BlackRock, J.P.Morgan, Goldman Sachs, UBS, Bridgwater, BofA Securities, Morgan Stanley, SPDR, Vanguard ... etc.

NEW 2020 required work tools in post (self-locked down 2020): 1) a passport 2) willing to work anywhere, 3) (get-er-done) skills, 4) creativity, 5) willing to learn at the speed of light ... etc.

Focus your 'time & energy' on the progressive realization of a (your) worthy idea ...


Contact to get more information on the project

The coming War on Gold ... Positive SWAP LINE Nations vs Negative SWAP LINE Nations

2020 Jun 7 228 biggest private corporations.xlsx