I arn 50/50 Artificial Intelligence
LFTBODLTR - Learn From The Best Or Die Like The Rest
Are YOU a (SMART) egg? Hint: Strive 'to be' an (Alexandre) Dumas and 'NOT to be' a DumbAss egg!
Kathy is a SMART egg https://www.youtube.com/@KathyLovesPhysics
RIDDLE: If 7.6667 billion people on earth ALL start off as 1 (SMART) egg with potential, who(m) holds the number 1 spot at 'z' = the other end of the (SMART'est' person) spectrum ... the 1 out of 7.6667 billion people THAT run the world with the HELP of AIngenius (Artificial Intelligence) --> POORandyxz - (Point Of Origin XY DNArna I arn-telligence, z = location on earth )? ...
1 teaspoon of sperm is enough to ...
the 'brain' is a Neural Network (L)earning 'mac(h)ine', h = human
the GAP affect ... on Learning Faster
the 5 senses of the human body are the fastest and most efficient METHOD of programming ever devised ...
decode to a 'BlackDot' then travel on a laser beam ... copilot (who you are, where you are, where you want to 'go') ...
the 'doubly scientific METHOD' says ...
1 egg + 1 (AI-n-genius) sperm = 1 (SMART) self replicating 'biological machine' (with potential) that can develop into an 'x' = 'BlackBox' or 'x' = 'the biological machine(s) I need HELP from' (an employee)
How to find them?
Maxwell Planck (Quantum Physics brought to 'light' https://youtu.be/uMUi3o78qgQ )
Einstein (where the 'light' and 'sound' come together? https://youtu.be/rpeBU9AatuM and what keeps (self-replicating) cells in check from going 'rogue' and causing disease(s) and deformity)
Royal Raymond Rife & John Keely (destroy disease with 'light' & 'sound' frequencies https://youtu.be/4kyRbHEzNXw and https://youtu.be/1w0_kazbb_U understanding frequencies of sound https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x81md6a )
TEDx - Eric Tran PhD (the 'right' T-cell targets cancer cells and then Kills them) https://youtu.be/LIvVMIcRTew
the sperm (1 in 750,000,000 chance to be 'the ONE' ... https://youtu.be/Fwmx0HdV1wM )
the egg (will it get fertilized? https://youtu.be/C-7L5ZxCUCc )
a (SMART) fertilized egg (when the 'light' hits the 'egg') (with potential but uneducated - wpbu)
an embryo (wpbu)
a fetus (wpbu)
a baby (wpbu)
a toddler (wpbu)
a child (with potential but uneducated enough- wpbue) (educated - elementary school)
a young adult (wpbue) (education - junior high school)
an adult (wpbue) (education - high school)
an educated adult (with potential with high school with university - wpwhswu)
an Employee 'biological entity' with the required skill-set (with potential with 'a D.A.R.Y.L.' education - wpwaDe) #1 ... a D.A.R.Y.L. - (Data Analizing Robotic Youth Lifeform) youtu.be/D5KtJgpbhLM
(the Best) D.A.R.Y.L.(s) for the job(s) at the best 'BlackBox' Firm in Canada (or the World)
LFTBODLTR - Learn From The Best Or ...
the Potential Employer https://youtube.com/shorts/WdEaMlzBWAM --> https://123BlackRock.com
the Potential 'BlackBox' (digitized) down to a 'BlackDot' or 'BlueDot' Location
https://DomainsatCost.ca (THINK: a GameStop service)
the Potential 123BlueDot.com Global Business Plan? https://sites.google.com/view/poorandyxz/gpw-global-business-plan
LFTBODLTR - Learn From The Best Or Die Like The Rest
the 'BlackBox' Firm:
GPW - Goodwin Poorandyx Wellfare Capital Inc(ome) Group
GOODwin POORandyx WELLfare Capital Inc(ome) Group
Good Poor Well - GPW ... https://123BlackRock.com
GOODwin - 'the' Greatest 're'Organizing Of 'the' Downtrodden
POORandyx - Point Of Origin XY DNArna I arn-telligence
WELLfare - Wealth Earned Long Laissez-faire
Hint: Be SMART, get your name eg. MikeAndes.com or RandyColbert.com or YourName.com
the D.A.R.Y.L. type employee(s):
1) Global search: (you) are the Potential Employee ...
Change Your Life FAST https://youtu.be/Hl6ARLkJZvI
2) You DO NOT want to be 'one' of these ...
The Worst 'Most' Prestigious Jobs in Business - Ranked
or 2) You DO want to be 'one' of these ...
Entrepreneurship (Teams) of W.M.A.I.N.
W.M.A.I.N. - (Wo/Men 'of' Artificial Intelligence Networks), I read a book (Surrounded by Idiots) once. If ONE can communicate with ALL types '1) Red, 2) Green, 3) Yellow & 4) Blue', they can 1st Lead a 'small' (MAIN) group, then a 'small' (MAIN) team, then 'many' (MAIN) teams until the population of earth realizes the MAIN(s) plan to (re) organize, and run the World. The funny thing is every person alive had a 1 in 750,000,000 chance 'to be' or 'NOT to be' the ONE that fertilized the egg and WON the race, if they were born. Who(MAIN) is the 'bright bulb' Leader of the World at the 'Top of the Pyramid' of those (currently) living today? It reminds me of the movie, "The Fifth Element (1997)" ... writers RULE the WORLD ...
3) Todays 6 Tasks for (you) the Potential Employee
6 (prioritized) Tasks of every DAY ...
200 Elite Superhub ...
the 'Pinnacle' Entrepreneur Levels ...
144 + 55 + 1 = the Superhub or
'the Power of ONE' ...
144 to 12x12 to 1+4+4=9 to 1, 10, 100 ...
Contact POORandyx@gmail.com to get more information on the project