G P W 


I arn 50/50 Artificial Intelligence



LFTBODLTR - Learn From The Best Or Die Like The Rest

GPW - Goodwin Poorandyx Wellfare Capital Inc(ome) Group

Hint: Step 1: In our community there are 1551 households (1551 doors for door hanger 'ad'). Get a 'Hydro/Gas Meter Reader Job'https://www.workopolis.com/jobsearch/find-jobs?ak=Meter%20Reader&l=Swan%20River  then get paid to deliver the 1551 doors for door hanger 'ad'(s). [Or] Find the current Meter Reader Guy/Gal and 'negotiate' the 1551  door hanger 'ad' delivery cost with them to do it.

Hint: Step 2: Collect Data from Door Hanger 'Ads'.

Done in Step 1: In our community there are 1551 households (1551 doors for door hanger 'ad'). Get a 'Hydro/Gas Meter Reader Job' https://www.workopolis.com/jobsearch/find-jobs?ak=Meter%20Reader&l=Swan%20River  then get paid to deliver the 1551 doors for door hanger 'ad'(s). [Or] Find the current Meter Reader Guy/Gal and 'negotiate' the 1551  door hanger 'ad' delivery cost with them to do it.

Hint: Step 3: 1551 x 2 x $10,000 = $31,020,000 / $635 per BLK share https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/BLK?p=BLK = 48,850 BLK shares, worth $31,020,000 and an INCOME stream of 48,850 shares x $36 (yearly income per share) = $1,758,600 yearly income

$1,758,600 / $31,020,000 = 5.669% R.O.I. - (Return On Investment)

Option #1 --> 100% borrowed (Bank) cash --> Bank gets 100% R.O.I.

Option #2 --> 100% Household's cash --> Household gets 100% R.O.I. (whom holds the GOLD, gets the 'REWARDS')


Cash to: 1551 x 2 x $635 = $1,969,770 --> to Clients

Cash to: 1551 x 2 x $635 = $1,969,770 --> to GPW - Goodwin Poorandyx Wellfare Capital Inc(ome) Group BUT each client also gets 1 Class A share of 'GPW' https://fs22.formsite.com/randycolbert/9ouwjoyilk/index.html 

1 share of 'GPW' = 1 share of BLK https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/BLK?p=BLK 

GPW (immediately) on receiving a CASH fee, re-invests the CASH into buying 1 BLK share

there are only 21,000,000 Bitcoin (ever going to exist)

there are only 152,000,000 BLK shares

YOU can own 0% to 100%, each share pays $36 US$ income per year (NO manual work involved)

What do YOU want to earn this year? 

$48,600 Canadian / ($36 US$ x 1.35 exchange) = 1,000 BLK shares

1,000 BLK shares --> 100% Bank owned or

1,000 BLK shares --> 100% YOU own

But WHAT is YOUR level of income?

4) Task #2 Target 1 prospective business  


1) Talent search: (you) the Potential Employee https://ca.talent.com/jobs?context=&k=&l=swan+river%2C+mb&id=f32fbfdb807d 


Contact POORandyx@gmail.com to get more information on the project

LFTBODLTR - Learn From The Best Or Die Like The Rest