Polish Church Archives


Please find below basic information on Polish Church Archives including postal and email addresses, prices for vital records and research services and bank details. Please note that this page will be updated often.

Administrative division of Catholic Church in Poland

By Bastianow (Bastian) - Ta ^specifik^ z W3C grafika wektorowa została stworzona za pomocą Inkscape przez Bastianowa (Bastiana)., CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=860998

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Białystok Archive

Archive website: https://archibial.pl/instytucje/archiwum-i-muzeum-archidiecezjalne/


48 Warszawska Street

15-077 Białystok


Telephone: +48 85 732 40 51

E-mail: aab@archibiald.pl

Opening hours: Thursday and Friday - 9.30am -12.00pm (call first to arrange the visit)

List of collections: (scroll half way down the page, please use Chrome to auto translate) https://archibial.pl/instytucje/archiwum-i-muzeum-archidiecezjalne/#

Conditions: Access to the reading room is allowed only with a pencil and notebook. Person can only make notes, no digital copies, no photos are allowed.

Price: none

Research fee: does not offer research services

Bank details: will be provided with the reply to request

Orthodox Diocese of Białystok Archive

Archive website: http://www.ckp.bialystok.pl/page.php?id=12


5 Świętego Mikołaja Street

15-420 Białystok


Telephone: +48 85 744 30 10

E-mail: kancelaria@ortodox.bialystok.pl

Opening hours: Tuesday 8:30am-1:30pm

List of collections: please call

Conditions: please call

Price: will be communicated upon request

Research: Please call +48 794 319 190 or request research via e-mail

Bank details: will be provided with the reply to request

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Częstochowa Archive

Archive website: http://www.aacz.czestochowa.pl/


41 św. Barbary Street

42-225 Częstochowa


Telephone: +48 34 365 12 15

E-mail: no e-mail, please write snail mail

Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 9:00am-1:00pm

Tuesday, Thursday - 2:00pm-6:00pm

summer break - July

List of collections:

Conditions: http://www.aacz.czestochowa.pl/index.php?id=1330328204&langu=pl There is no scanner but you may make photo of the individual records.

Online records: https://www.familysearch.org/search/collection/2115410

Online indexes: http://www.genealodzy.czestochowa.pl/indeksy-metrykalne (login required)

Price: on-site access to the records is free

Research fee: does not offer research services

Bank details: none

Roman Catholic Diocese of Drohiczyn Archive

Archive website: http://drohiczynska.pl/diecezja/instytucje/#archiwum


10 Kościelna Street

17-312 Drohiczyn


Telephone: +48 85/655 78 08 ext 710 (please call to arrange the visit)

E-mail: archiwum@drohiczynska.pl

Opening hours:

List of collections: (please use Chrome to auto translate)


If you wish to receive vital record with via e-email or snail mail, please provide the following:

  • official request with your details (name, surname, address, phone number) and your signature

  • copy of your identification

  • information regarding the requested vital record (type of record, name, surname, date, name of parish)

  • if record is later than 1914 please provide proof of relation to the person

  • archive does not copy or scan records, it provides duplicate and maximum number which can be requested 3 duplicates.

If you visit the archive you may make a photo of the record, but only the one related to your research.

Price: there is no specific price set for the visit and photos of records, however archive accepts the donations, price for duplicate will be stipulated in the reply to the request.

Research fee: research services are not offered

Diocese of Elbląb Archive

Archive website: http://diecezja.elblag.pl/instytucje/archiwum-diecezji-elblaskiej/


11 Świętego Ducha Street

82-300 Elbląg


Telephone: +48 55 232 73 70

E-mail: archiwumelblag@elblag.opoka.org.pl

Opening hours: unknown

List of collections: please call to verify other resources than below listed:

  1. św. Katarzyna in Dzierzgoń

  2. Zasoby archiwum parafii Mątowy Wielkie

  3. Kończewice parish

  4. Św Jerzy Malbork

  5. Żuławki parish

Conditions price and research fee: please request info via e-mail

Roman Catholic Diocese of Ełk Archive

Website: http://diecezjaelk.pl/


1 Katedralny Square

19-300 Ełk

Telephone: +48 87 621-68-12 (please call to check the collection and to arrange the visit)

E-mail: archiwum@diecezja.elk.pl

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Gdańsk Archive

Archive website: http://www.diecezja.gda.pl/wierni-2/archiwum


2 Bpa Edmunda Nowickiego Street

80-330 Gdańsk Oliwa


Telephone: +48 58 552 00 51 (request to transfer to archive)

E-mail: archiwum@diecezja.gda.pl

Opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 9:00am-1:00pm

List of collections: will be provided with the reply to request

Conditions: will be provided with the reply to request

Price: will be provided with the reply to request

Research: archive offers the research services fee will be provided with the reply to request

Bank details will be provided with the reply to request

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Gniezno Archive

Archive website: http://www.archiwum.archidiecezja.pl/en/the-archdiocesan-archive-of-gniezno.html


2 Kolegiaty Street

62-200 Gniezno


Telephone: +48 61 426 19 09

E-mail: metryki@archidiecezja.pl

Opening hours: Tuesday 9:00am- 4:30pm and Wednesday-Thursday 9:00am- 2:00pm

List of collections: http://www.archiwum.archidiecezja.pl/pl/katalog-on-line.html

List of parishes:


Archive vital record request form:

Price: 18 PLN per scan

Bank details

Bank Spółdzielczy w Gnieźnie

IBAN PL 06 9065 0006 0000 0000 4965 0001


Past & Future coordinates:

website: https://sites.google.com/view/pastandfuture/Main-English


1a/12 os. Orła Białego

62-200 Gniezno

Telephone: +48 669 893 149

E-mail: sebblo@wp.pl

Research request form (see below)

Roman Catholic Diocese of Kalisz Archive

Archive website: http://www.diecezja.kalisz.pl/archiwum-kurii-diecezjalnej


80-82 Widok Street

62-800 Kalisz


Telephone: +48 62 766 07 20 mobile: +48 784 600 705

E-mail: blizin@autograf.pl

Opening hours: Monday, Saturday - 8:30am-12:00pm Wednesday 9:00am-1:00pm, Thursday, Friday 9:00am-12:00pm

List of collections: TBC

List of parishes: http://wtg-gniazdo.org/pliki/opracowania/Parafie_Diecezji_Kaliskiej.pdf

Conditions: TBC

Price: TBC

Research: TBC

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Katowice Archive

Archive website: https://archiwum.archidiecezjakatowicka.pl/


39 Henryka Jordana Street

40-043 Katowice


Telephone: +48 32 201 75 51 or 201 75 50 ext 551

E-mail: archiwum@archidiecezjakatowicka.pl

Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Friday - 9:00am-3:00pm

List of collections:

Conditions: Please call, a day ahead, Mr. Damian Gruchlik +48 609-728-570 (from Monday to Friday between 9:00am-3:00pm) or write at damian.gruchlik@archidiecezjakatowicka.pl to make an appointment. Rules are stipulated here, please use Chrome tor auto translate http://archiwum.archidiecezja.katowice.pl/pl/index/content/23/

Price: Access to digitized records in the archive is free.

Research: Archive offers genealogical research services requested only by snail mail. E-mail and phone may be used later only to specify further details. Archive research is limited to only one branch of family at the time. Please use below posted vital record research form.

Contact person:

dr Wojciech Schäffer

Telephone: +48 519-546-114

E-mail: wojciech.schaeffer@archidiecezjakatowicka.pl

Vital record order form: http://archiwum.archidiecezja.katowice.pl/files/kwerenda.pdf

example: http://archiwum.archidiecezja.katowice.pl/files/kwer_gen.pdf

Research fee: will be communicated, generally initial price is 50 PLN

Bank details - will be provided with the reply to request.

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Katowice, Diocese of Gliwice Archive

Archive website: www.kuria.gliwice.pl


1 Łużycka Street

41-101 Gliwice


Telephone: +48 32 230 71 42

E-mail: kancelaria@kuria.gliwice.pl

Opening hours: wtorek – piątek: 9.00-16.00

List of parishes: http://kuria.gliwice.pl/parafie/alfabetycznie/

Conditions: The digitized vital records registers can be viewed in archive reading room with an appointment. Please verify that archives has digitized records for parish you are interested in. If not, please contact parish directly. Genealogy research request should be sent to the archive e-mail.

Price for vital record and research fee will be provided in a reply to the request.

Bank details: will be provided with the reply to request

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Katowice, Diocese of Sosnowiec Archive

Archive website: http://kuria.sosnowiec.pl/instytucje/archiwum-diecezjalne


2 bpa Śmigielskiego Street

42-500 Będzin


Telephone: +48 504 070 325

E-mail: archiwum@diecezja.sosnowiec.pl

Opening hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00am-1:00pm, occasionally Saturday, please call or e-mail for an appointment.

List of parishes: http://kuria.sosnowiec.pl/parafie/parafie

Conditions: Details regarding use of reading room, research services and price will be provided by the archive. Please verify that archives has digitized records for parish you are interested in. If not, please contact parish directly.

Price and research fees: dated 1 February 2019:

  • one time visit 20 PLN

  • yearly access 50 PLN

  • research on request per hour 10 PLN

  • xero - each 0.5 PLN

  • digital copy - each 1 PLN

  • certified copy - each 10 PLN

  • plus additional fees for sending via regular mail

Bank details: will be provided with the reply to request

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Katowice, Diocese of Bielsko-Biała Archive

Archive website: http://www.biblioteka.duszpasterstwa.bielsko.pl/kontakt/


5a Żeromskiego Street

43-300 Bielsko-Biała


Telephone: +48 734 176 686

E-mail: biblioteka@kuria.bielsko.pl

Opening hours: Monday 9:00am -4:00pm, Tuesday and Friday 9:00am -3:00pm

Wednesday 9:00am - 1:00pm; 2:00pm-3:00pm, Thursday closed

List of parishes: https://diecezja.bielsko.pl/parafie/

Conditions: Details regarding use of reading room, research services and price will be provided by the archive. Please verify that archives has digitized records for parish you are interested in. If not, please contact parish directly.

Bank details: will be provided with the reply to request

Roman Catholic Diocese of Kielce Archive

Archive website: http://www.archiwum.diecezja.kielce.pl/


3 Jana Pawła II Street

25-013 Kielce


Telephone: +48 41 341 59 71; 41 344 54 25 ext 219

E-mail: adk@archiwum.diecezja.kielce.pl

Opening hours: Monday closed; Tuesday 12:30pm-5:00pm; Wednesday to Friday 8:00am-1:00pm

List of collections: (in development) http://www.archiwum.diecezja.kielce.pl/zasob2

Conditions: TBC

Vital record order form: TBC

Price: ... PLN per scan TBC

Research fee: TBC

Bank details:

PEKAO I branch Kielce

IBAN PL 12 1240 1372 1111 0010 5644 7825


Roman Catholic Diocese of Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeska Archive

Archive website: http://www.archiwum.koszalin.opoka.org.pl/index.html


2 Seminaryjna Street

75-817 Koszalin


Telephone: +48 94 345 90 27

E-mail: archiwum@koszalin.opoka.org.pl

Opening hours: Monday - Friday 9:30am-14:30pm

List of collections: http://www.archiwum.koszalin.opoka.org.pl/ksiegi.html

Conditions: unknown

Price: unknown

Research: on-site, unknown if provided by email

Bank details

PKO BP SA I Oddział Koszalin

75-054 Koszalin, ul. Młyńska 20


PL 21102027910000740200818120

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kraków, Metropolitan Curia Archive - in development

Archive website: https://archiwum.diecezja.pl/


3 Franciszkańska Street

31-004 Kraków


Telephone: +48 12 628 81 32, +48 12 628 81 33

E-mail: archiwum@diecezja.pl

Opening hours: Tuesday - Friday - 9:00am - 1:00pm, Monday closed.

List of collections: https://archiwum.diecezja.pl/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/03/SPIS-METRYK-aktualny.pdf

Conditions: https://archiwum.diecezja.pl/regulamin-czytelni/ (researching on site)

Vital record order form: TBC

Price: ... PLN per scan TBC

Research fee: TBC

Bank details TBC

Archbishop Baziak Archive - Kraków

Archive website: http://upjp2.edu.pl/uczelnia/uczelnia/instytucje/archiwum-abpa-eugeniusza-baziaka-w-krakowie


10 Bobrzyńskiego Street

30-348 Kraków


Telephone: +48 12 252 35 60

E-mail: archiwum.baziaka@upjp2.edu.pl

Opening hours: Tuesday - Wednesday - 9:00am - 2:00pm

List of collections: https://poszukiwaniakresowe.pl/archiwum-abp-eugeniusz-baziaka-w-krakowie/ and http://ptg.gda.pl/dokumenty/kronika/6-ArchBaziaka-2019.pdf

Conditions: please contact archive for research request

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Lublin Archive

Archive website: https://www.archiwum.diecezja.lublin.pl/


2 Prymasa Stefana Wyszyńskiego Street

20-105 Lublin


Telephone: +48 81 532 10 58 ext. 334

E-mail: metryki@diecezja.lublin.pl

Opening hours: TBC

List of collections: https://www.archiwum.diecezja.lublin.pl/zespoy-archiwalne.html

Conditions: https://www.archiwum.diecezja.lublin.pl/informacja-archiwalna.html

Vital record order form: https://www.archiwum.diecezja.lublin.pl/images/dokumenty/formularznr4.pdf

Price: https://www.archiwum.diecezja.lublin.pl/cennik.html

Research fee: see price list above

Bank details: TBC

Roman Catholic Diocese of Łowicz Archive

Archive website: http://adlowicz.wixsite.com/eng-archive


Stary Rynek 19 A

99-400 Łowicz


Telephone: +48 46 837 62 18

E-mail: ad.lowicz@gmail.com archiwum@diecezja.lowicz.pl

Opening hours: Tuesday - 10:00am - 04:00pm

List of collections: http://adlowicz.wixsite.com/archiwum/lista-zdigitalizowanych-parafii

Conditions: http://adlowicz.wixsite.com/archiwum/udostpnianie-zdj

Vital record order form: http://adlowicz.wixsite.com/eng-archive/contact-order-form

Price: 20 PLN per scan

Research fee: does not offer research

Bank details:

Bank ING

IBAN: PL 52 1050 1461 1000 0023 1884 6652


Roman Catholic Diocese of Łomża Archive

Archive website: http://www.diecezja.lomza.pl/kuria/kuria-diecezjalna


3 Sadowa Street

18-400 Łomża


Telephone: +48 86 473 46 11

E-mail: kuria@diecezja.lomza.pl

Opening hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am - 1:00pm

List of collections: information is only provided by phone. For example, the following is known to us; vital record registers can be found in the archive:

  • Białaszewo 1728-1867, Brok 1804-1870, Burzyn 1788-1870, Czyżewo 1826-1870, Dąbrowa Wielka 1700-1870, Dąbrówka Kościelna 1613-1870, Drozdowo 1673-1870, Grabowo 1620-1870, Grajewo 1826-1870, Jabłonka Kościelna 1779-1870, Jabłoń 1654-1853, Jedwabne 1826-1870, Jelonki 1712-1870, Kadzidło 1808-1837, Kleczkowo 1808-1820, Kobylin 1798-1870, Kolno 1794-1870, Kołaki 1727-1870, Kulesze Kościelne 1808-1870, Lubotyń 1808-1870, Łomża 1686-1870, Mały Płock 1772-1863, Miastkowo 1732-1870, Niedźwiadna 1810-1870, Nowogród 1808-1870, Piątnica 1718-1870, Poryte 1611-1870, Puchały 1808-1870, Radziłów 1694-1867, Rajgród 1754-1867, Rutki Kossaki 1590-1870, Słucz 1836-1870, Szczepankowo 1831-1870, Szczuczyn 1727-1870, Szumowo 1808-1870, Śniadowo 1704-1870, Wąsewo 1648-1870, Wąsosz 1826-1870, Wizna 1808-1870, Wysokie Mazowieckie 1665-1870, Wyszonki Kościelne 1810-1857, Zambrów 1808-1855, Zawady 1698-1870 .

  • Please also consult https://familysearch.org/catalog/search in case any of the above is accessible online.

  • Check also Virtual Łomża

Conditions: access to the records, taking pictures of ancestral records on-site, the archive does not offer research services. To order a vital record, use the form located on the Contact page. The order should contain the name of the parish, year, type of record (birth, marriage or death), name of person(s) and record number,

Price: 5 PLN for the record when research is done onsite, 20 PLN when requested by e-mail.

Research fee: no research services

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Łódź Archive

Archive website: http://archidiecezja.lodz.pl/archiwum/


3 ks. I. Skorupki Street

Telephone: +48 42 66-48-719 or 66-48-749

E-mail: archiwum@archidiecezja.lodz.pl

Opening hours: Monday to Wednesday - 10:00am - 2:00pm (please call to make an appointment)

List of collections:

Conditions: Please provide your name, address and details regarding your research.

Price of vital record and research fee: will be provided by e-mail.

Bank details: will be provided with the reply to request

Roman Catholic Diocese of Opole Archive

Archive website: http://www.diecezja.opole.pl/index.php/instytucje/archiwum-diecezjalne


1a kard. Kominka

45-032 Opole


Telephone: +48 77 441 28 20

E-mail: archiwum@diecezja.opole.pl

Opening hours: Tuesday - 11:00am - 08:00pm

List of parishes: http://www.diecezja.opole.pl/index.php/parafie-i-kaplani/parafie/alfabetycznie

Conditions: TBC

Vital record order form: TBC

Price: TBC PLN per scan

Research fee: TBC

Bank details: TBC

Roman Catholic Diocese of Pelpin Archive

Archive website: http://diecezja-pelplin.pl/instytucje/archiwum-diecezjalne


11 Biskupa Dominika Street

83-130 Pelplin


Telephone: +48 58 536 12 22 ext. 314

E-mail: archiwum@diecezja-pelplin.pl

Opening hours: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - 09:00am - 04:00pm Saturday 09:00am - 02:00pm

(closed in July and August)

List of collections: (scroll down) http://diecezja-pelplin.pl/instytucje/archiwum-diecezjalne

Conditions: records only 90 years and above

Vital record order form: send email request

Price: please obtain info by email

Research fee: please obtain info by email

Bank details: will be provided with the answer

Roman Catholic Diocese of Płock Archive

Archive website: http://diecezjaplocka.pl/instytucje/archiwum and https://archiwumplock.pl/


2 Abpa A. Nowowiejskiego Street

09-400 Płock


Telephone: +48 24 262 63 34

E-mail: archiwum@diecezjaplocka.pl bibl.wsd@wp.pl

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm Please call father Dariusz Majewski for an appointment.

List of collections:

List of parishes: http://diecezjaplocka.pl/dla-wiernych/wyszukiwarka?no-search=true&tab=parafie

Price: free if vital records registers are accessed in the archive reading room, also free to make photos of your personally-related ancestors' vital records.

Research fee: price will be communicated via e-mail.

Bank details: will be provided with the reply to request

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Poznań Archive


2 Ks. Ignacego Posadzego Street

61-108 Poznań


Telephone: +48 61 810 15 19

E-mail: sekretariat@aap.poznan.pl or http://aap.poznan.pl/kontakt/formularz-kontaktowy/

Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday – 10:00am – 3:00pm; Thursday – 10:00am – 4:30pm (July – August to 3:00pm), Friday – closed, from 15 July to 15 August closed

List of collections: http://bazy.aap.poznan.pl/ksiegi.php


  • You may visit reading room to access microfilms or registers, however you need to make an appointment for that.

  • Archives upon request provides only duplicates of vital records, does not offer genealogical research services. Research services are provided by the external company ORIGO.

Price: ... PLN per scan TBC



Website: www.origo-gen.pl

Telephone: +48 607 142 146 (from 9:00am to 5:00pm)

E-mail: office@origo-gen.pl

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Przemyśl Archive - in development

Archive website: http://archiwalna.przemyska.pl/duszp/start.php?go=diecezja/instytucje


4 a Katedralny Square

37-700 Przemyśl


Telephone: +48 16 678 66 94 w. 38

E-mail: b.archiwum@op.pl archiwum@przemyska.pl

Opening hours: everyday 9:00am - 1:00pm

List of collections: vital records from the following Parishes and (start with page 47) http://www.pbc.rzeszow.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=1623&from=publication

List of parish: http://archiwalna.przemyska.pl/duszp/start.php?go=diecezja/dp

Conditions: TBC

Price: ... PLN per scan TBC

Research fee: TBC

Bank details TBC

Roman Catholic Diocese of Radom Archive

Archive website: http://archiwaonline.pl/


1 Malczewskiego Street

26-600 Radom


Telephone: +48 48 340 62 20

Contact form: http://archiwaonline.pl/2-Kontakt.html

Search tool: http://archiwaonline.pl/szukajaktow.html

Collection online: http://archiwaonline.pl/6-Linki.html

Roman Catholic Diocese of Rzeszów Archive

Archive website: https://diecezja.rzeszow.pl/archiwum-diecezjalne/


4 Zamkowa Street

35-032 Rzeszów

Telephone: +48 17 852 44 19

E-mail: archiwum@diecezja.rzeszow.pl

Opening hours: Monday 10:00am-1:00pm and 2:00pm-4:00pm

Conditions: Please call upfront to arrange your visit

Roman Catholic Diocese of Sandomierz Archive

Archive website: https://bdsandomierz.pl/archiwum or http://archiwum.diecezjasandomierska.pl/ and http://archiwum.diecezjasandomierska.pl/strdiec/kuriawydz.html#05


Collection: https://poczekalnia.genealodzy.pl/pliki//AP-Warszawa/_AD_Sandomierz/AD_Sandomierz_KuriaDiecezjalnaSandomierz_inwentarz.pdf


1 Katedralna Street

27-600 Sandomierz

Telephone: +48 15 644 53 53

E-mail: kuria@sandomierz.opoka.org.pl (ask to forward to the archive) or archiwum@bdsandomierz.pl

Opening hours: 9:00am - 1:00pm (closed holidays, please make an appointment)

Roman Catholic Diocese of Siedlce Archive

Archive website: https://diecezja.siedlce.pl/instytucje/archiwum-diecezjalne/


64 Piłsudskiego 64

08-110 Siedlce


Telephone: +48 25 632 31 26

E-mail: archiwum@ks.internetdsl.pl

Opening hours: Monday,Tuesday, Friday - 09:00am - 01:15pm, Wednesday, Thursday - 09:00am - 04:00pm

Parishes directory: https://diecezja.siedlce.pl/diecezja/parafie/dekanaty/

Conditions, price for vital record and research fee, bank details: please contact the archive

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Szczecin Archive

Archive website: http://www.archiwum.szczecin.pl/


4 Papieża Pawła VI Street

71-459 Szczecin


Telephone: +48 91454 16 09

E-mail: archiwum@kuria.pl

Opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday 9:00am - 1:00pm (please make an appointment)

List of collections: http://www.archiwum.szczecin.pl/?id=28

Conditions: Vital records can be only ordered via e-mail or snail mail. Please provide your personal information, including name, surname, address as well details regarding the ancestors you are looking for.

Research fee: Initial price 100 PLN, each hour after that is 40 PLN, preparation of duplicate of each individual vital record 20 PLN, fee for snail mailing the record Poland 10 PLN, Europe and North America 20 PLN, other countries 30 PLN. Digital copies sent via e-mail are sent for free.

Bank details

PKO BP II Oddział Szczecin

Plac Orła Białego 5

70-591 Szczecin

IBAN: PL 81 1020 4795 0000 9502 0152 1210


Roman Catholic Diocese of Tarnów Archive

Archive website: http://www.archiwum.diecezja.tarnow.pl/


3 Katedralna Street

33-100 Tarnów


Telephone: +48 14 622 34 23

E-mail: arch-diec@diecezja.tarnow.pl

Opening hours: Tuesday to Thursday - 9:00am - 4:00pm

List of collections: http://www.archiwum.diecezja.tarnow.pl/index.php/zasssoob and here

Price: http://www.archiwum.diecezja.tarnow.pl/index.php/cennik-uslug (please use chrome to translate)

Research fee: 10 PLN per hour

Bank details: will be provided with the reply to request

Roman Catholic Diocese of Toruń Archive

Archive website: http://www.archiwum.diecezja.torun.pl/


1 ks. Stefan:a Wincentego Frelichowskiego Square

87-100 Toruń


Telephone: +48 56 658 46 32

E-mail: archiwum_to@diecezja.torun.pl

Opening hours: Monday to Wednesday - 9:00am - 4:00pm

List of collections: http://www.archiwum.diecezja.torun.pl/art/files/25

Conditions: Access to the reading room is allowed only with a pencil and notebook. Person can only make notes, no digital copies or photos are allowed. To order the item from collection one needs to fill the order form providing the information including the number and name of collection, parish name, date and signature.

Price: 5 PLN for one item from collection (i.e. register)


Request for research is handled by external private company called Instytut Promocji Historii Sp. z o.o (Ltd). 5/102 Gagarina Street, 87-100 Toruń, telephone: +48 537 000 316, e-mail: kwerendy.iph@gmail.com

Conditions: http://www.archiwum.diecezja.torun.pl/art/files/26

To request the research please submit vital record order form provided below.

Vital record order form: http://www.archiwum.diecezja.torun.pl/art/files/27

Price: initial payment (including one hour research) 30 EUR/30 USD, each following hour 11 EURO / 11 USD, digital scan 35 PLN, additional fee for international money wire transfer 20 PLN http://iph-torun.pl/#genealogia

Bank details: will be provided with the reply to request

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Warmia Archive - in development

Archive website:


47 Kopernika Street

10-512 Olsztyn


Telephone: +48 89 527 51 97

E-mail: TBC

Opening hours: Monday to Friday - 10:00am - 2:00pm

List of collections:

List of parishes: http://archwarmia.pl/parafie/

Price: ... PLN per scan TBC

Research fee: TBC

Bank details: will be provided with the reply to request

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Warszawa Archive

Archive website: http://archiwum.mkw.pl/index.html


3 Dewajtis Street

01-815 Warszawa


Telephone: +48 22 56 10 136

E-mail: archiwum.archidiecezjalne.war@gmail.com

Opening hours: Tuesday, Thursday 10:00am - 3:00pm Sunday 10:00am - 2:00pm


List of collections:

Online indexes: http://archiwum.mkw.pl/zasob12.html

Conditions: Form to be filled before visit at the archive http://archiwum.mkw.pl/zasoby/Zg%C5%82oszenie%20u%C5%BCytownika%20AAW.pdf

Vital record digital copy request form: http://archiwum.mkw.pl/zasoby/Wz%C3%B3r%20zam%C3%B3wienia%20AAW.pdf

Price: 6 PLN per scan 10 PLN for duplicate, plus 2 PLN for CD

Research fee: no research services offered.

Bank details


IBAN PL 59 1240 2063 1111 0000 0202 2479


Roman Catholic Diocese of Warszawa Praga Archive - in development

Archive website: https://diecezja.waw.pl/1751 https://diecezja.waw.pl/instytucje/archiwum-diecezjalne


2A Floriańska Street

03-707 Warszawa


Telephone: +48 22 518 16 54

E-mail: archiwum.dwp@gmail.com

Opening hours: TBC

List of collections: https://diecezja.waw.pl/plik.php?name=17953.pdf

List of parishes: https://diecezja.waw.pl/parafie

Conditions: will be provided by email

Vital record order form: TBC

Price: ... PLN per scan TBC

Research fee: TBC

Bank details

Bank Polska Kasa Opieki Spółka Akcyjna

ul. ks. Ignacego Kłopotowskiego 15

03-708 Warszawa

IBAN PL 85 1240 6074 1111 0000 4998 1553


Order of Friars Minor in Warszawa Archive

Archive website: http://www.franciszkanie-warszawa.pl/?page_id=3716#toggle-id-1


1 Zakroczymska Street

00-225 Warszawa


Telephone: +48 22 831 71 98

E-mail: warszawa@prowincja.org

Opening hours: everyday - 9:00am - 12:30pm and 3:00pm - 17:30pm (please call to make an appointment)

List of collections: http://www.franciszkanie-warszawa.pl/?page_id=3716#toggle-id-1

Conditions: To access the records, you need to fill the application form which should contain the reason of your research, and details regarding your research (name, surname, parish, dates, etc.)

Price: free photo of each record but each time it has to be communicated to the archivist.

Research fee: no research offered.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Włocławek Archive


2/4 Gdańska Street

87-800 Włocławek


Archive website: http://serwer1766985.home.pl/strona/

Telephone: +48 54 231 11 12

E-mail: archiwum@diecezja.wloclawek.pl

Opening hours: everyday 8:30am - 1:00pm

List of collections:

Price: 2 PLN per each photo made yourself, 10 per scan

Research fee: 50 PLN, please write snail mail or send an e-mail to Father Zbigniew Gmurczyk zibibishop@op.pl providing your personal details (name, surname, address) and details regarding your research (name, surname, parish name, dates, type of record). When sending money please indicate your name.

Bank details

Raiffeisen Polbank

(for transfers in Poland) in PLN: 53 2340 0009 6680 1090 0001 2864

(for transfer from abroad) in EURO: IBAN PL 76 1750 0012 0000 0000 3046 6144


Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Wrocław Archive - in development

Archive website: http://www.archidiecezja.wroc.pl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=223&Itemid=247


12 Kanonia Street

50-329 Wrocław


Telephone: +48 71 327 11 78

E-mail: muzeum@pwt.wroc.pl

Opening hours: TBC

List of collections: TBC

Conditions: TBC

Price: ... PLN per scan TBC

Research fee: TBC

Bank details TBC

Roman Catholic Diocese of Zamość-Lubaczów Archive - in development

Archive website: https://diecezja.zamojskolubaczowska.pl/kuria/muzeum-i-archiwum-diecezjalne


1 Zamoyskiego Street

22-400 Zamość


Telephone: +48 84 627 9521 ext 40

E-mail: archiwum@zamojskolubaczowska.pl

Opening hours: TBC

List of parishes: https://diecezja.zamojskolubaczowska.pl/parafie

Conditions: TBC

Price: ... PLN per scan TBC

Research fee: TBC

Roman Catholic Diocese of Zielona Góra-Gorzów Archive

Archive website: http://www.archiwum.diecezjazg.pl/


8 Kaszubskie os.

65-548 Zielona Góra


Telephone: +48 68 459 33 20 and 666 028 237

E-mail: archiwum@diecezjazg.pl

Opening hours: Monday to Friday - 09:00am - 02:00pm however reading room is only open from 10:30am - 01:30 pm

List of collections: http://www.archiwum.diecezjazg.pl/index.php/zasoby-archiwalne/

Conditions: please contact archive before the visit providing your personal info, scope of the research, timeframe, name of parish.

Archive conducts simple research for known records. If you are interested in more detailed research please contact Antykwariat http://e-cymelia.pl/, email: a@e-cymelia.pl

Please check also: http://www.archiwum.diecezjazg.pl/index.php/2018/02/07/aktualnosci-2/

Price: 3 PLN per scan

Research fee: 30 PLN per hour

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