obtaining Polish Citizenship


All information here is given to the best of FBPGG’s knowledge and is believed to be accurate based on online available information and assistance of citizenship specialist and Polish lawyer - Thank you Michał!!!


Polish citizenship is obtained based on:

  • the right of blood (Jus Sanguinis), meaning pursuant to the law, a child acquires Polish citizenship by birth to parents, at least one of whom is a holder of Polish citizenship, irrespective of whether the child was born in Poland or abroad

  • the right of the soil (Jus Soli), meaning pursuant to the law, when a child is born or found on the territory of the Republic of Poland, and both parents are unknown, or they have no citizenship, then, the child acquires Polish citizenship by virtue of law

  • by full adoption by a holder or holders of Polish citizenship (before child turned 16)

  • by confirmation of possession or loss of Polish citizenship

  • by recognition as a Polish citizen, meaning foreigner living on the territory of Poland pursuant to applicable permissions, who, in the course of many years residing in Poland have become integrated into the Polish society, know the Polish language, have means of support and housing, respect the Polish legal order and do not pose a threat to national defence or security.

More details can be found here Ways of acquiring Polish citizenship

Obtaining "Ancestral" Citizenship


  • Ancestor who left Poland before it became independent in 1918 and was born before year 1899 is ineligible to qualify.

  • There should be an unbroken chain of citizenship in order to qualify for citizenship by descent. What does that mean? It means that your ancestor did not obtain citizenship of other country, serve in military or hold governmental position of other country.

  • Proving unbroken chain of citizenship through female line will only work for cases after 1951, before that her citizenship will be defined based on her husband citizenship.

Below you can find two types of chart depending on a gender of your ancestor, please note that both charts present basic scenarios and in any case it is always worth to verify your individual case with citizenship specialist and/or lawyer! But we hope those will provide you with some general understanding of eligibility.



Understanding what supporting documents are required

The best case scenario is when you have original Polish documents such as mentioned above, however if you do not have any, then you need to conduct the research for the relevant documents in the archives of current and historical Poland.

You may do that yourself or hire professional researchers.

Archive resources:

  • For census, voting records check respective to the area State Archives if such records exist.

  • For certified copies of vital records check respective to the area State Archives and Civil Registration Offices, if such records exist.

  • For military records please consult our two websites - Historical and Military resources and World Archives for links to Military Historical Bureau and other archives i.e. based in the UK.

Other forms of acquiring Polish citizenship

Where and how to apply?

  • To have Polish citizenship granted, you should apply to the President of the Republic of Poland through a consul at a Polish consular post of your local competence

  • Foreigners residing in Poland should apply through the voivodeship (province) governor

Please note: Applications sent directly to the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland will be returned

  • You can submit the documents personally by appointment or send them by mail. Please note! If you send your application by mail, you need to have the signature on it officially confirmed

  • In order to book an appointment, please contact the Consular Department of the Embassy of Poland at your location (by phone or by e-mail)

  • What documents need to be submitted?

  1. Application for Polish citizenship

  2. Passport photo

  3. All additional documents required are specified here

  4. Please note:

    • the application must be filled in Polish only!

    • copies of Polish and foreign documents must be certified by a consul to be true copies of the originals,

    • all documents made in a foreign language must be translated into Polish by a sworn translator or consul,

    • EU documents covered by the regulation 2016/1191 can be attached instead of a translation, those not covered by said regulation should have the apostille attached,

  • documents made outside the EU should have the apostille attached for countries parties to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, signed in the Hague on 5 October 1961, or be legalised by a Polish consul for other countries.


Process duration & fees

  • A foreigner is granted Polish citizenship by the President of the Republic of Poland. The President is not obliged to consider the application for Polish citizenship within any specific time limit.

  • Administrative fee will depend on location you apply at, please consult directly your relevant consulate. Please also consider additional fees which maybe related to obtaining the records and translation of all mentioned above required documents.

additional resources