Read and plot points on scaled pump curve, pump curve and system curve plotting on a scaled graph image, intersection point, digitizing over existing graph image

Rethink, Reinvent . . . design, check and verification tool

Pump Curve - scaled plot software

> to read and/or plot points on a scaled pump curve image / scanned image

> to plot system curve on a scaled pump curve image / scanned image

> to plot curve fit and obtain curve fitting equation from a scaled pump curve image / scanned image

> to find intersection point of pump curve and system curve

> to digitize pump curve

> to calculate & plot trimmed impeller pump curve

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Pump Curve Scaled Plot ... enhance & extend your design capability in fire hydraulics analysis

Inevitably, there are situations when fire hydraulic engineers and designers need to plot calculated hydraulic points on pump curve graph image, select a correct pump curve, analyse maximum water demand, etc

For fire hydraulic calculations software, see tFIRE: Fire hydraulic calculations.

It is critical to accurately read pump curves and select the correct curve. The pump curve chosen must produce sufficient flow and pressure to do the job. PumpCurve Scaled Plot program assists you in accurately reading and plotting hydraulic points (the orange dots plotted) on the pump curve image. This helps to choose the right pump curve for the specific needs.

The water supply available to the fire system must be analysed hydraulically. To determine the water demand of the pump source, plot the hydraulic point system curve onto the pump curve.  The point of intersection is the operating point, which is where the pump source's water demand is. This examines the water supply required to fulfill the fire system's hydraulic requirements.

Built-in Tools ...

Design Check & Verification process (Example 1):

see downloadable Design Check & Verification process .

Design Check & Verification process (Example 2):

System curve - Pump curve intersection point is out of pump curve !

Design Check & Verification process (Example 3):

"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." [Murphy's law]

The fire pump with a 245mm impeller diameter is designed for the task. But during the testing and commissioning, the pump performance test (the three red dots plotted on the chosen pump curve) revealed that something was wrong! Looking at the pump's nameplate, the installed pump has an impeller diameter of 235mm, which is not the pump that was designed for.

Trimmed Impeller approximations

Quite often to suit the design specification, the operating point is located between two curves on the pump performance chart. Either the affinity laws approach or the linear interpolation method can be used to estimate the impeller diameter size. These two techniques are provided in this program to aid the designer in approximating the reduced impeller diameter pump curve. It is important to keep in mind that the actual pump performance curves are typically derived through experimental testing or advanced modeling techniques. The performance curves are typically not plotted using the affinity laws directly. 

Trimmed impeller (affinity laws method) calculation page

Timmed impeller (affinity laws method) pump curve plot (the curve in green color)

Be aware that some pump performance curves display impeller diameter sizes that are 'corrected size' after trim correction adjustment.  This means that the indicated size does not correspond to the impeller diameter size calculated by affinity laws. The following example illustrates this salient point.

The green color curve is plotted with impeller diameter of 9.88 using affinity laws method. It clearly shows that the green color curve does not match the 9.88 Dia pump performance curve.

The indicated impeller diameter of 9.88 Dia is the 'corrected size' after trim correction adjustment

Applying trim correction, the corresponding affinity laws calculated impeller diameter is 9.68.

Now, the green color curve plotted with impeller diameter of 9.68 using affinity laws method 'matches' the 9.88 Dia pump performance curve.

Related resources: see curve fitting program CurveFit Tracer 

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PumpCurve ScaledPlot

Price: USD 2.90

OS requirements: Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

(Note: this software does not work on Windows XP).