Don't Cancel That Class!
Class Presentations
Do you have to be away from class due to a conference or other conflict? We suggest that you do not cancel that class, but contact our office to schedule a presentation instead. We would enjoy having the opportunity to talk with your students about various topics including:
Counseling Center 101 (can be completed in 50 minutes)
Disability Services 101 (can be completed in 50 minutes)
Test Anxiety Reduction Tips (can be completed in 50 minutes)
Time Management (can be completed in 50 minutes)
Suicide Awareness and Prevention - QPR Training (requires at least 1.25 hours)
WebTools and Apps to Support Study Skills (can be completed in 50 minutes)
Introduction to Mindfulness (can be completed in 50 minutes)
These can be done in person or on video.
Arrange for a Presentation
Contact Pierpont's Support Services to set up a presentation: | 304-534-7878