
Our goal for this book is not to describe one best way to cultivate personal digital inquiry in your classroom. Instead, we strive to share an emerging vision of what might be, informed by a set of questions, important educational theories, anecdotal stories, and when available, evidence-based research.

Some of the major questions guiding our learning include:

  1. What do we mean by personal digital inquiry and what makes it worth embracing in classroom settings?
  2. What role do teachers play in the inquiry process, and what responsibilities do students have as learning becomes more self-directed?
  3. What informs the selection and use of digital texts and tools as part of personal digital inquiry?
  4. How can teachers flexibly plan developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that connect and engage learners with real world experiences?
  5. How do personal digital inquiry practices impact learners over time?

If you are grappling with some of these same questions, no matter where you are in your teaching career, whether you are a first year educator, a veteran teacher, or an administrator seeking to transform teaching and learning in your school, this book is designed to guide your thinking as you move forward. If you are in a place where some of these questions might be too overwhelming, this book is also for you – to encourage you to safely peek into other classrooms and get a sense of what might be possible. Either way, we welcome you to join us on a journey to uncover and describe productive ways of connecting with and engaging young learners.

Study Guide Resources

Discuss, consider and implement ideas from the Introduction (view pdf)

  • Think About It: Your Purpose for Reading
Continue to Chapter 1