


*Yamashita, Y., J. Nishioka, Dissolved Iron Concentration and the Solubility Inferred by Humic-Like Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter in the Intermediate Water in the North Pacific Including the Marginal Seas, J. Geophys. Res., Ocean, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JG007159, (20230222).

*Liu, K., J. Nishioka, B. Chen, K. Suzuki, S. Cheung, Y. Lu, H. Wu, H. Liu, Phytoplankton and microzooplankton population dynamics along the western area from the North Pacific to the Bering Sea in summer, Limnology and Oceanography, https://doi.org/10.1002/lno.12300, (20230116).​

*Cheung, S., K. Liu, K. A .Turk‐Kubo, J. Nishioka, K. Suzuki, M. R. Landry, J. P Zehr, S. Leung, L. Deng, H. Liu, High biomass turnover rates of endosymbiotic nitrogen‐fixing cyanobacteria in the western Bering Sea, Limnology and Oceanography Letters 7(6), https://doi.org/10.1002/lol2.10267, (20220705).

*Toyota, T., N. Kimura, J. Nishioka, M. Ito, D. Nomura, H. Mitsudera, The interannual variability of sea ice area, thickness, and volume in the southern Sea of Okhotsk and its likely factors, J. Geophysical Research,https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JC019069, (20221202).

*Kanna, N., S. Sugiyama, T. Ando, Y. Wang, Y. Sakuragi, T. Hazumi, K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi, J. Nishioka, Y. Yamashita, Meltwater discharge from marine-terminating glaciers drives biogeochemical conditions in a Greenlandic fjord, Glogal Biogeochemical Cycles, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GB007411, (20221104).

*Kawana, K., Y. Miyazaki, Y. Omori, H. Tanimoto, S. Kagami, K. Suzuki, Y. Yamashita, J. Nishioka, Y. Deng, H. Yai, M. Mochida, Number-Size distribution and CCN activity of atmospheric aerosols in the western North pacific during spring pre-bloom period: Influence of terrestrial and marine sources, J. Geophysical Resarch, 127(19) , https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JD036690, (20220923).

*Yan, D., J. Nishioka, T. Toyota, K. Suzuki, Winter microalgal communities of the southern Sea of Okhotsk: A comparison of sea ice, coastal, and basinal seawater, Prog. Oceanogr. 204, 102806, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102806 (20220429).

*Tazoe, H., H. Obata, T. Hara, M. Inoue, T. Tanaka and J. Nishioka, Vertical profiles of 226Ra and 228Ra concentrations in the western Subarctic Gyre of the Pacific Ocean, Frontiers in Marine Science, (20220531).

Mitsudera, H., Y. Hirano, H. Nishikawa and H. W. Shu (2023): On the Seasonal Variations of the Bering Slope Current, Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research, 7, 22-30. (20230200)*

Ueda, H., M. Kuramochi and H. Mitsudera (2023): Interannual Variations of Sea-ice Extent in the Okhotsk Sea – A Pan-Okhotsk Climate System Perspective, Atmosphere-Ocean, DOI: 10.1080/07055900.2023.2175639 (20230214)*

Kamae, Y., H. Ueda, T. Inoue, and H. Mitsudera (2023): Atmospheric circulations associated with sea-ice reduction events in the Okhotsk Sea. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 101, 125-137. https://doi.org/10.2151/jmsj.2023-007(20230307)*

Yuan N., H. Mitsudera  (2022): Cross‑shelf overturning in geostrophic‑stress‑dominant coastal fronts. Journal of Oceanography, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10872-022-00661-6 (20220923)*

Fukumoto S., S. Sugiyama, S. Hata, J. Saito, T. Shiraiwa, and H. Mitsudera (2022): Glacier mass change on the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, from 2000 to 2016. J Glaciology, https://doi.org/10.1017/jog.2022.50.(20220704)*

Ueno, H., M. Oda, K. Yasui, R. Dobashi, H. Mitsudera (2022): Global Distribution and Interannual Variation in the Winter Halocline, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52, 665-676. DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-21-0056.1 (20220401)*

Ito K, Nakamura T: Three Regimes of Internal Gravity Wave–Stable Vortex Interaction Classified by a Nondimensional Parameter δ: Scattering, Wheel-Trapping, and Spiral-Trapping with Vortex Deformation. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53, 1087–1106, DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-21-0309.1. (20220330)*

Kurosaki Y, Matoba S, Iizuka Y, Fujia K, Shimada R.: Incresed oceanic dimethyl sulfide emissions in areas of sea ice retreat inferred from a Greenland ice core. Commun. Earth Environ., https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-022-00661-w (20221226)*

Kawakami K, Iizuka Y, Matoba S, Aoki T, Ando T.: Inclusions in ice layers formed by melting ad refreezing processes in a Greenland ice core. J. Glaciol., https://doi.org/10.1017/jog.2022.101. (20221121)*

Iizuka Y, Uemura R, Matsui H, Oshima N, Kawakami K, Hattori S, Ohno H, Matoba S.: High flux of small sulfate aerosols during the 1970s reconstructed from the SE-Dome ice core in Greenland. J. Geophy. Res.: Atmosphere, 127, e2022JD036880. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JD036880 (20220724)*

Niwano M, Suya M, Nagaya K, Yamagushi S, Matoba S, Harada I, Ohkawara N.: Estimation of seasonal snow balance all over Japan using a high-resolution atmosphere-snow model chain. SOLA, 18, 22-31. https://doi.org/10.2151/sola.2022-031 (20220811)*


ワークショップ「環オホーツクにおける気候・海洋変動および海洋生態系への影響」、第37回北方圏国際シンポジウム「オ ホーツク海と流氷」、紋別、2023 年 2 月 22 日(西岡、三寺)



白岩孝行:大地形と資源:石油はどこでとれるのか?.ニューサポート高校「社会」, 37, 12-13, 東京書籍 (20220401).

Nakamura T, Nobetsu T, Misaka T, Nishioka J, Mitani Y, Yamamura O, Mitsudera H: Ocean monitoring and ship observations around Shiretoko. Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on the Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans 2023, P230-231 (20230213).


白岩孝行:地球環境と人類の歴史.地理学事典、日本地理学会編、丸善出版、4-7 (20230130). 

白岩孝行:地理総合 . 高等学校地理歴史科用 文部科学省検定済教科書、東京書籍 (20230210).


中村知裕、植田純生、野別貴博、美坂正、三谷曜子、西岡純、三寺史夫 : 夏季オホーツク海北海道沿岸の水塊:タタール海峡水・ 海底混合層・北部根室海峡に注目して、令和 5 年度日本水産学会春季大会シンポジウム「知床周辺海域のホットスポット形成:海洋環境から高次捕食者まで」、 東京(東京海洋大学品川キャンパス) (20230331).



Shu H-W, Mitsudera H, Yamazaki K, Nakamura T, Kawasaki T, Nakanowatari T, Nishikawa H, Sasaki H, Tidally- modified western boundary current drives interbasin exchange. Scientific Reports, 11, 12037 (2021). https://doi. org/10.1038/s41598-021-91412-y (20210600)*

Shi M, Shiraiwa T, Mitsudera H, Muravyev Y, Estimation of freshwater discharge from the Kamchatka Peninsula to its surrounding oceans, Journal of Hydrology-Regional Studies, 36, 100836 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.ejrh.2021.100836 (20210800)*

Nishikawa H, Mitsudera H, Okunishi T, Ito S, Wagawa T, Hasegawa D, Miyama T and Kaneko H, Ren-Chieh Lien, Surface water pathways in the subtropical-subarctic intergyre frontal zone of the western North Pacific. Progress in Oceanography, 199, 102691 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102691 (20211200)*

Nakanowatari T, Nakamura T, Mitsudera H, Nishioka J, Kuroda H, Uchimoto K, Seasonal, interannual, and decadal-scale variability of the phosphate in the Oyashio region: Roles of wind-driven ocean current and tidally- induced vertical mixing in the Sea of Okhotsk. Progress in Oceanography, 197, 102615 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.pocean.2021.102615 (20210900)*

Nishioka J, Hirawake T, Nomura D, Yamashita Y, Ono K, Murayama A, Shcherbinin A, Volkov YN, Mitsudera H, Ebuchi N, Wakatsuchi M, Yasuda I, Iron and nutrient dynamics along the East Kamchatka Current, western Bering Sea Basin and Gulf of Anadyr, Progress in Oceanography, 198, 102662 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.pocean.2021.102662 (20211100)*

Nishioka J, Yasuda I, Hirawake T, Nakamura T, Kondo Y, Volkov Y N, Biogeochemical and physical linkages between the Arctic Ocean and Sub-Arctic Pacific through marginal seas. Prog. Oceanogr. 203, https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.pocean.2022.102768 (20220302)*

Nishioka J, Obata H, Hirawake T, Kondo Y, Yamashita Y, Misumi K, Yasuda I, A review: iron and nutrient supply in the subarctic Pacific and its impact on phytoplankton production, J. Oceanogr., doi:10.1007/s10872-021-00606-5, (20210513)*.

Nishioka J, Hirawake T, Nomura D, Yamashita Y, Ono K, Murayama A, Shcherbinin A, Volkov Y N, Mitsudera H, Ebuch N, Wakatsuchi M, Yasuda I, Iron and nutrient dynamics along the East Kamchatka current, western Bering sea basin and Gulf of Anadyr, Prog. Oceanogr., doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102662, (20210814)*.

Wong K H, Nishioka J, Kim T, Obata H, Long-range lateral transport of dissolved manganese and iron in the subarctic Pacific. JGR-Ocean, 127(2), https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JC017652, (20220131)*

Yamashita Y, Nakane M, Mori Y, Nishioka J, Ogawa H, Fate of dissolved black carbon in the deep Pacific Ocean. Nature comm. 13, 307, doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-27954-0, (20220113)*

岩本洋子、相木秀則、磯口治、大林由美子、近藤文義、近藤能子、西岡純:海洋学の 10 年展望 2021:大気海洋境界、海の研究、 特集「海洋学の 10 年展望 2021」(日本海洋学会 将来構想)、30(5), 165-191, doi: 10.5928/kaiyou.30.5_165, (20210907)

木田新一郎、栗原晴子、大林由美子、川合美智代、近藤能子、西岡純:海洋学の 10 年展望 2021:沿岸域、海の研究、特 集「海洋学の 10 年展望 2021」(日本海洋学会 将来構想)、30(5), 87-104, doi: 10.5928/kaiyou.30.5_87, (20210907)

川合美智代、田村岳史、渡邉英嗣、西岡純、野村大樹、真壁竜介、溝端浩平、安中さやか:海洋学の 10 年展望 2021:極域、 海の研究、特集「海洋学の 10 年展望 2021」(日本海洋学会 将来構想)、30(5), 147-166, doi:10.5928/kaiyou.30.5_147, (20210907)

橋濱史典、纐纈慎也、近藤能子、佐々木克徳、杉本周作、高橋一生、長井健容、西岡純、林田博士、平井惇也:海洋学 の 10 年展望 2021:中緯度、海の研究、特集「海洋学の 10 年展望 2021」(日本海洋学会 将来構想)、30(5), 131-158, doi:10.5928/kaiyou.30.5_131, (20210907)

Suzuki K, Yoshino Y, Nosaka Y, Nishioka J, Hooker S B, Hirawake T, Diatoms contributing to new production in surface waters of the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas during summer with reference to water column stratification, Prog. Oceanogr., doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102692, (20211022)*.

Watanabe Y W, Nakano Y, Nishioka J, Ito M, Change of nitrogen chemical tracer N2* between the Okhotsk Sea and the subarctic North Pacific, Prog. Oceanogr., doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102693, (20211017)*.

Hirawake T, Ooida J, Yamashita Y, Waga H, Abe H, Nishioka J, Nomura D, Ueno H, Ooki A, Water mass distribution in the northern Bering and southern Chukchi seasusing light absorption of chromophoric dissolved organic matter, Prog. Oceanogr., doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102641, (20210721)*.

Nakanowatari T, Nakamura T, Mitsudera H, Nishioka J, Kuroda H, Uchimoto K, Interannual to decadal variability of phosphate in the Oyashio region: Roles of wind-driven ocean current and tidally induced vertical mixing in the Sea of Okhotsk, Prog. Oceanogr., doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102615, (20210703)*.

Nomura D, Abe H, Hirawake T, Ooki A, Yamashita Y, Murayama A, Ono K, Nishioka J, Formation of dense shelf water associated with sea ice freezing in the Gulf of Anadyr estimated with oxygen isotopic ratio, Prog. Oceanogr., doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102595, (20210521)*.

Tazoe H, Amakawa H, Suzuki K, Nishioka J, Hara T, Obata H, Determination of Nd isotopic composition in seawater using newly developed solid phase extraction and MC-ICP-MS, Talanta 232, doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2021.122435, (20210421)*.

Sato M, Nishioka J, Maki M, Takeda S, Chemical speciation of iron in the euphotic zone along the Kuroshio Current, Mar. Chem. 233, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2021.103966, (20210416)*.

Misumi K, Nishioka J, Obata H, Tsumune D, Tsubono T, Long M C, Lindsay K, Moore J K, Slowly Sinking Particles Underlie Dissolved Iron Transport Across the Pacific Ocean, Glob. Biogeochem. Cycles, doi:10.1029/2020GB006823, (20210401)*.

Wong, KH, Obata H, Nishioka J, Yamashita Y, Kondo Y, Subarctic Pacific Intermediate Water: An Oceanic Highway for the Transport of Trace Metals in the North Pacific, Limnol. Oceanogr. Bulletin (Accepted 20220320).

Nishioka, J., I. Yasuda, T. Hirawake, T. Nakamura, Y. Kondo, Y. N. Volkov, Biogeochemical and physical linkages between the Arctic Ocean and Sub-Arctic Pacific through marginal seas. Progress in Oceanography, 203, 102768, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102768. (20220302)*

Nishizawa B, Okado J, Mitani Y, Nakamura T, Yamaguchi A, Mukai T, Watanuki Y, Two species of seabirds foraged in contrasting marine habitats across the cold-water belt along the coast of northern Hokkaido in the southwestern Okhotsk Sea. Fisheries Science, 88, 109-118, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12562-021-01576-9. (20220130)*

Nakanowatari T, Nakamura T, Mitsudera H, Nishioka J, Kuroda H, Uchimoto K, Interannual to decadal variability of phosphate in the Oyashio region: Roles of wind-driven ocean current and tidally induced vertical mixing in the Sea of Okhotsk. Progress in Oceanography, 197, 102615, doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102615. (20210605)*

Hattori S, Iizuka Y, Alexander B, Ishino S, Fujita K, Zhai S, Sherwen T, Oshima N, Uemura R, Yamadan N, Suzuki N, Matoba S, Tsuruta A, Savarino J, Yoshida N. (2021). Isotopic evidence for acidity-driven enhancement of sulfate formation after SO2 emission control. Sci. Adv. 7, eabd4610, https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abd4610 (20210316)*

Nagatsuka N, Goto-Azuma K, Tsushima A, Fujita K, Matoba S, Onuma Y, Dallmayr R, Kadota M, Hirabayashi M, Ogata J, Ogawa-Tsukagawa Y, Kitamura K, Minowa M, Komuro Y, Motoyama H, and Aoki T (2021). Variations in mineralogy of dust in an ice core obtained from northwestern Greenland over the past 100 years, Clim. Past, 17, 1341–1362, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-17-1341-2021 (20210414)*

Fujita K, Matoba S, Iizuka Y, Takeuchi N, Tsushima A, Kurosaki Y, and Aoki T (2021). Physically based summer temperature reconstruction from melt layers in ice cores. Earth and Space Science, 8, e2020EA001590. https://doi. org/10.1029/2020EA001590 (20210610)*

Tanikawa T, Masuda K, Ishimoto H, Aoki T, Hori M, Niwano M, Hachikubo A, Matoba S, Sugiura K, Toyota T, Ohkawara N and Stammes K. (2021). Spectral degree of linear polarization and neutral points of polarization in snow and ice surfaces. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf., 273, 107845. https://doi.org/:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2021.107845 (20210719)*

Niwano M, Kajino M, Kajikawa T, Aoki T, Kodama K, Tanjkawa T and Matoba S (2021). Quantifying Relative Contributions of Light-Absorbing Particles from Domestic and Foreign Sources on Snow Melt at Sapporo, Japan during the 2011-2012 Winter. Geophys. Res. Lett. 48, e2021GL093940. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL093940R (20210803)*

Iizuka Y, Matoba S, Minowa M, Yamasaki T, Kawakami K, Kakugo A, Miyahara M, Hashimoto A, Niwano M, Tanikawa T, Fujita K and Aoki T. (2021). Ice core drilling and the related observations at SE-Dome site, southeastern Greenland Ice Sheet. Bull. Glaciol. Res., 39, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.5331/bgr.21R01. (20210826)*

Yasunari T J, Wakabayashi S, Matsumi Y and Matoba S (2022). Developing an insulation box with automatic temperature control for PM2.5 measurements in cold regions. J. Environ. Man., 311, 114784. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.jenvman.2022.114784 (20220220)*

Miyamoto C, Iizuka Y, Matoba S, Hattori S and Takahashi Y (2022). Gypsum formation from calcite in the atmosphere recorded in aerosol particles transported and trapped in Greenland ice core sample is a signature of secular change of SO2 emission in East Asia. Atmos. Environ., in press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119061 (20220313)


三寺史夫、中村知裕、田口文明、浮田甚郎、星一平、第 8 章 オホーツク海・北極域における大気海洋相互作用、中村尚、 川村隆一編「気候系の Hotspot:中緯度大気海洋相互作用研究の新展開」、気象研究ノート、244、215-244 (20211029)*


白岩孝行:地理用語としての造山帯の退場.ニューサポート高校「社会」、36,10-11、東京書籍 (20210901) 


三寺 史夫、背の低い海底地形がもたらす表層循環、東京大学大気海洋研究所 国際沿岸海洋研究センター 共同利用研究集 会「海洋力学における海岸 / 海底地形の役割と影響」、オンライン(20210727)

西岡 純:北太平洋における鉄および栄養塩の循環と生物生産、基調講演、2021 年日本地球化学会特別セッション S1 (20210909)


Nishioka J: Chief Session convener, Atmospheric nutrient deposition and microbial community responses, and predictions for the future in the North Pacific Ocean, PICES 2021 annual meeting topic session (20211027)

吉岡祟仁・白岩孝行・大西健夫・楊宗興:公開シンポジウム 森里海のつながりを改めて考える.日本陸水学会 第 85 回大会 (20210920)



Saiki R, Mitsudera H, Fujisaki-Manome A, Kimura N, Ukita J, Toyota T, Nakamura T: A Mechanism of Ice-Band Pattern Formation Caused by Resonant Interaction between Sea Ice and Internal Waves in a Continuously Stratied Ocean., Progress in Oceanography, 190: 21(1-21) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102474 (20201111) * 

Kawaguchi Y, Nishioka J, Nishino S, Fujio S. Lee K, Fujiwara A, Yanagimoto D, Mitsudera H, and Yasuda I: Cold water upwelling near the Anadyr Strait: Observations and simulations., Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125: 18(1-18) e2020JC016238.https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JC016238 (20200917)* 

Yasunaka S, Mitsudera H, Whitney F, Nakaoka S: Nutrients and dissolved inorganic carbon variability in the North Pacific., Journal of Oceanography, 77: 14(3-16), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10872-020-00561-7. (20200905)* 

Nishioka J, Obata H, Ogawa H, Ono K, Yamashita Y, Lee K, Takeda S, Yasuda I: Sub-polar marginal seas fuel the North Pacific through the intermediate water at the termination of the global ocean circulation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 117 (23) 12665-12673, doi:10.1073/pnas.2000658117, (20200526)* 

Inoue M, Takehara R, Hanaki S, Kameyama H, Nishioka J, Nago S: Distribution of radiocesium and radium isotopes in the western Bering Sea in 2018. Mar. Chem. 225, 103843, doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2020.103843, (20200617)* 

Hirawake T, Uchida M, Abe H, Alabia ID, Hoshino T, Masumoto S, Mori A, Nishioka J, Nishizawa B, Ooki A, Takahashi A, Tanabe Y, Tojo M, Tsuji M, Ueno H, Waga H, Watanabe Y, Yamaguchi A, Yamashita Y: Response of Arctic biodiversity and ecosystem to environmental change: Findings from ArCS project. Polar Sci., doi.org/10.1016/ j.polar.2020.100533, (20200520)* 

Yan D, Yoshida K, Nishioka J, Ito M, Toyota T, Suzuki K: Response to sea ice melt indicates high seeding potential of the ice diatom Thalassiosira to spring phytoplankton bloom: A laboratory study on an ice algal community from the Sea of Okhotsk. Front. Mar. Sci., doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.00613 (20200724)* 

Kanna N, Sugiyama S, Fukamachi Y, Nomura D, Nishioka J: Iron supply by subglacial discharge into a fiord near the front of a marine-terminating glacier in northwestern Greenland. Glob. Biogeochem. Cycles, doi. org/10.1029/2020GB006567, (20200913)*. 

Kawaguchi Y, Nishioka J, Nishino S, Fujio S, Lee K, Fujiwara A, Yanagimoto D, Mitsudera H, YasudaI: Cold water upwelling near the Anadyr Strait: Observations and Simulations. J. Geophys. Res.-Ocean, doi:10.1029/2020JC016238, (20200917)* 

Miyazaki Y, Suzuki K, Tachibana E, Yamashita Y, Müller A, Kawana K, NishiokaJ: New index of organic mass enrichment in sea spray aerosols linked with senescent status in marine phytoplankton. Sci. Rep., doi.org/10.1038/ s41598-020-73718-5, (20201012)* 

Wong KH, Obata H, Kim T, Kondo Y, Nishioka J: New insights into the biogeochemical cycling of copper in the Subarctic Pacific: Distributions, size fractionation and organic complexation. Limnol. Oceanogr., doi:10.1002/ lno.11695, (20210108)* 

Yasuda I, Masuda S, Nishioka J, Guo X, Harada N, Ito S, Hibiya T, Hasumi H: Ocean mixing processes (OMIX): impact on biogeochemistry, climate and ecosystem. J. Oceanogr. 77(1), 1-1, doi:10.1007/s10872-020-00578-y, (20201118) 

Dobashi R, Ueno H, Okada Y, Tanaka T, Nishioka J, Hirawake T, Ooki A, Itoh S, Hasegawa D, Sasai Y, Sasaki H, Yasuda I: Observations of anticyclonic eddies in the western subarctic North Pacific. J. Oceanog. 77, 229-242, doi. org/10.1007/s10872-020-00586-y, (20210106)* 

Tanaka T, Hasegawa D, Yasuda I, Yanagimoto D, Fujio S, Nakamura H, Inoue R, Nishioka J: Enhanced vertical turbulent nitrate flux in the intermediate layer of the Kuroshio in the Tokara Strait. J. Oceanogr.77, 45-53, doi. org/10.1007/s10872-020-00581-3, (20210112)* 

Kondo Y, Bamba R, Obata H, Nishioka J, Takeda S: Distinct profiles of size-fractionated iron-binding ligands between the eastern and western subarctic Pacific. Sci. Rep., doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-81536-6, (20210121)*

Alwi W, Wong KH, Fukuda H, Ogawa H, Suzuki-Mashio A, Kondo Y, Nishioka J, Obata H: Wide-range detection of Cu-binding organic ligands in seawater using reverse titration. Mar. Chem. 230, doi.org/10.1016/ j.marchem.2021.103927 (20210121)* 

Yamashita Y, Tosaka T, Bamba R, Kamezaki R, Goto S, Nishioka J, Yasuda I, Hirawake T, Oida J, Obata H, Ogawa   H: Widespread distribution of allochthonous fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the intermediate water of the North Pacific. Prog. Oceanogr. 191, doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102510, (20210201)* 

Mori Y, Nishioka J, Fujio S, Yamashita Y: Transport of dissolved black carbon from marginal sea sediments to the western North Pacific. Prog, Oceanogr. doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102552 (20210331)* 

Kishi S, OhshimaKI, Nishioka J, Isshiki N, Nihashi S, Riser SC: The prominent spring bloom and its relation to sea-ice melt in the Sea of Okhotsk, revealed by profiling floats. Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:org/10.1029/2020GL091394, (20210320)* 

Tashiro Y, Yoh M, Shiraiwa T, Onishi T, Shesterkin V, Kim V: Seasonal variations of dissolved iron concentration in active layer and rivers in permafrost areas, Russian Far East, Water, 12(9), 2579; https://doi.org/10.3390/w12092579 (20200915)*

Matoba S, Hazuki R, Kurosaki Y, Aoki, T : Spatial distribution of the input of insoluble particles into the surface of the Qaanaaq Glacier, northwestern Greenland. Frontiers Earth Sci., 11:542557. https://doi.org/ 10.3389/ feart.2020.542557 (20200922)* 

Kurosaki Y, Matoba S, Iizuka Y, Niwano M, Tanikawa T, Ando T, Miyamoto A, Fujita S, Aoki T : Reconstruction of sea ice concentration in northern Baffin Bay using deuterium excess in a coastal ice core from the northwestern Greenland Ice Sheet. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmosphere, 125, e2019JD031668. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JD031668 (20200801)* 

Amino T, Iizuka Y, Matoba S, Shimada R, Oshima N, Suzuki T, Ando T, Aoki T, Fujita, K. : Increasing dust emission from ice free terrain in southern Greenland since 2000, Polar Science, https://doi.org/10.1016/j-polar.2020.100599 (20201003)* 

Nishimura M, Matsunaka T, Junbo W, Matoba S, Tsushima A, Zhu L, Izutsu Y : Sources and behavior of monsoon air masses in the lowest-latitude region on the Tibetan Plateau, and their paleoclimatic implications. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol., 554, 109750. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109750. (20200407)*

Tanikawa T., Kikuchi K, Aoki T, Ishimoto H, Hachikubo A, Niwano M, Hosaka M, Matoba S, Kodama Y, Iwata Y, Stamnes K : Effects of snow grain shape and mixing state of snow impurity on retrieval of snow physical parameters from ground -based optical instrument. J. Gephys. Res.-Atmosphere, 125, e2019JD031858. https://doi. org/10.1029/2019JD031858. (20200708)* 

Hara K. Osada K, Yabuki M, Matoba S, Hirabayashi M, Fujita S, Nakazawa F, Yamanouchi T : Atmospheric seasalt and halogen cycles in the Antarctic. Environ. Sci.- Processes Impacts, https://doi.org/10.1039/D0EM00092B (20200710)* 

Komuro Y, Nakazawa F, Hirabayashi M, Goto-Azuma K, Nagatsuka N, Shigeyama W, Matoba S, Homma T, Steffensen J P, Dahl-Jensen D : Temporal and spatial variabilities in surface mass balance at the EGRIP site, Greenland from 2009 to 2017. Polar Science, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polar.2020.100568 (20200807)* 

廣瀬聡、青木輝夫、庭野匡思、的場澄人、谷川朋範、山口悟、山崎哲秀:北西グリーンランド氷床上 SIGMA-A サイトで 観測された雪氷面熱収支の特徴、雪氷、83(2)、145-154 (20210121)*


Nakanowatari T and Mitsudera H: Long-term trend and interannual to decadal variability in the Sea of Okhotsk. In: Chen CT., Guo X. (eds) Changing Asia-Pacific Marginal Seas. Atmosphere, Earth, Ocean & Space. Springer, Singapore, pp19-56, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-4886-4_3 (2020615)

白岩孝行(2019)、第 2 章 大地と人 水域、沼野充義・望月哲男・池田嘉郎編著「ロシア文化事典」丸善出版、pp.60-61 (20191020)



飯塚芳徳、的場澄人、宮﨑雄三:アイスコア—極域海氷—海洋エアロゾル研究の新展開、大気化学研究、44、044A01 (20201215)*


青木輝夫、的場澄人、庭野匡思、朽木勝幸、谷川朋範、竹内望、山口悟、本山秀明、藤田耕史、山崎哲秀、飯塚芳徳、堀雅裕、 島田利元、植竹淳、永塚尚子、大沼友貴彦、橋本明弘、石元裕史、田中泰宙、大島長、梶野瑞王、足立光司、黒﨑豊、杉山慎、 津滝俊、東久美子、八久保晶弘、川上薫、木名瀨健 : SIGMA 及び関連プロジェクトによるグリーンランド氷床上の大気・ 雪氷・雪氷微生物研究− ArCS II プロジェクトへのつながり − . 雪氷、83(2)、 169-192 (20201123)* 

Sugiyama S, Kanna N, Sakakibara D, Ando T, Asaji I, Kondo K, Wang Y, Fujishi Y, Fukumoto S, Podolskiy E, Fukamachi Y, Takahashi M, Matoba S, Iizuka Y, Greve R, Furuya M, Tateyama K, Watanabe T, Yamasaki S, Yamaguchi A, Nishizawa B, Matsuno K, Nomura D, Sakuragi Y, Matsumura Y, Ohashi Y, Aoki T, Niwano M, Hayashi N, Minowa M, Jouvet G, van Dongen E, Bauder A, Funk M, Bjørk A A, Oshima T : Rapidly changing glaciers, ocean and coastal environments, and their impact on human society in the Qaanaa


Mitsudera H, Miyama T, Nishikawa H: Impacts of riverine discharges on the overturning circulationand material circulation in the Sea of Okhotsk and the North Pacific Ocean, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, Online (20200714) 

Nishioka J: Importance of intermediate water formation for suplying iron and macro-nutrient in the North Pacific, invited talk, Goldschmidt conference 2020, (20200624)


三寺 史夫 : セッションコンビナー、海洋と大気の力学、日本海洋学会 2020 年秋季大会、Online (20201127)

Nishioka J: Chief Session convener, Atmospheric nutrient deposition and microbial community responses, and predictions for the future in the North Pacific Ocean, PICES 2020 annual meeting topic session (20201029)



Katsura, S., H. Ueno, H. Mitsudera, S. Kouketsu, Spatial Distribution and Seasonality of Halocline Structures in the Subarctic North Pacic. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50, 95-109. doi: https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-19-0133.1 (20200100)* 

Kanna, N., D. Lannuzel, P. van der Merwe, J. Nishioka, Size fractionation and bioavailability of iron released from melting sea ice in the subpolar marginal sea, Marine Chemistry,(20200331)*

Yoshida, T., S. Nakamura, J. Nishioka, S. B. Hooker, and K. Suzuki, Community composition and photosynthetic physiology of phytoplankton in the western subarctic Pacic near the Kuril Islands with special reference to iron availability. J. Geophys. Res. – Biogeosciences. doi: 10.1029/2019JG005525. (20200221)*

Yamashita, Y., J. Nishioka, H. Obata, and H. Ogawa, Shelf humic substances as carriers for basin-scale iron transport in the North Pacic. Scientic Reports, 10, 4505, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-61375-7, (20200311)*

Kuroda, H., Y. Toya, T. Watanabe, J. Nishioka, D. Hasegawa, Y. Taniuchi and A. Kuwata, Influence of Coastal Oyashio water on massive spring diatom blooms in the Oyashio area of the North Pacific Ocean. Progress in Oceanography, 175, 328-344. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2019.05.004, (20190514)*

Pokhrel, A., Kawamura, K., Kunwar, B., Ono, K., Tsushima, A., Seki, O., Matoba, S. and Shiraiwa, T. : Ice core records of leveglucosan and dehydroabietic and vanillin acids from Aurora Peak in Alaska since the 1660s: a proxy signal of biomass-burning activities in the Northern Pacic Rim, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20 (597-612) (20200117) *

Minowa, M., M. Schaefer, P. Skvarca, S. Matoba, G. Gacitúa (2019): Glaciological traverse across the Southern Patagonican Iceeld, Bull. Glaiol. Res., 37, 31-45. doi: 10.5331/bgr.19R03 (20191223) *


白岩孝行 (2020)、第 5 章 雪氷のフィールドワークにおけるリーダーの資質、澤柿教伸・野中健一・椎野若菜編「フィー ルドワークの安全対策」古今書院、pp. 72-85. (20200114)

白岩孝行 (2019)、第 2 章 大地と人 水域、沼野充義・望月哲男・池田嘉郎編著「ロシア文化事典」丸善出版、pp.60-61 (20191020)


Mitsudera H., H. Iida, Dynamics of water exchange processes at a deep submarine canyon off the western coast of the Sakhaline which causes the origin of the cold water belt along the Soya Warm Current, JpGU 2019, Makuhari Messe, Chiba(20190527)

Nishioka, J., H. Obata, I. Yasuda, Micro- and macro-nutrient supply from the marginal seas to the North Pacic Ocean and its changing, invited plenary talk, PICES annual meeting 2019, Victoria, Canada (20191022)


変化する環オホーツク陸域・海域環境と今後の展望 低温科学研究所共同研究集会、北海道大学、札幌 (20190726) 

海洋と大気の力学  日本海洋学会 2019 年度秋季大会、富山国際会議場、富山 (20190926)

Jun Nishioka, Yuzo Miyazaki, Sohiko Kameyama, Yutaka Watanabe, Masahiko Fujii, Takeshi Yoshimura, SOLAS Open Science Conference, Hokkaido University in Sapporo (20200421-25)

Jun Nishioka, SOLAS Science Steering Committee meeting, Sapporo (20200426-28) 

西岡 純、「西部ベーリング海におけるロシア船観測航海成果とりまとめワークショップ」北海道大学低温科学研究所共同利用集会 (20191017-18)

中村知裕、北海道大学共同利用・共同研究拠点アライアンス部局横断シンポジウム 実行委員 (20191031)

的場澄人、原圭一郎、本山秀明:国立極地研究所共同研究集会「大気・雪氷・海洋間の物質循環と極域への輸送プロセス に関する研究集会」(20191118-19)