How to Knock Doors and Influence People

Hello! If you've never canvassed with us before, but want to learn, you've come to the right place!

We use a mobile app called "Minivan" which we will show you how to use when you arrive to our canvassing event. Please download it before you show up to canvass. It will help you identify the doors to knock, and track your success.

You can use our sample script to get an idea of what to say, but feel free to paraphrase and make it your own. The best way to make a good connection is to be yourself. Here's our script:

Hi, my name is [Our Revolution Somerville]. I'm a Somerville resident in [neighborhood or ward optional].

I'm with Our Revolution Somerville. Have you heard of us? We're working to build a movement of ordinary people fighting for progress in Somerville. What are some of issues you care about? (Listen to them. If you are able to connect their experiences with ORS, that's good. Oh you're concerned about development in Somerville? ORS worked on organizing to oppose the FRIT waiver!)

We recently endorsed a slate of candidates who will uphold our values [reference slate pledges on palm card as you hand them the palm card and refer back to conversation about issues they care about]. If we stand together, we can build a more progressive Somerville together.

Can I count on you to vote for our Slate on November 8? [record response]

Are you interested in joining or volunteering with Our Revolution Somerville? [record response and email address]

Thank you! Have a nice day!

From there finish recording any information you didn't get to and move on to the next door.