Summit Learning Charter

  • Grades K-12

  • Grades 6-12 are 100% online, younger grades K-5 are 50% online, some live online

  • Stipend: $500 for K-5 curriculum

  • Curriculum: School provides all online content, some print options

  • High School: Online, or community college

  • Meetings: No in-person meetings, twice a week electronic check-ins

About the School

  • Sponsoring school district: Estacada

  • Locations: Eagle Creek, in a former elementary school building, and Tigard, serving students statewide

  • Size: 1,150 students

  • In operation since 2008

  • Web site:

Stipend / Allotment

Grades K-5: $500, with an additional $300 for approved outside classes such as music, martial arts, etc.

Grades 6-12: No stipend, all online provided curriculum, or textbooks provided if needed.

Families can keep items purchased with the stipend, as long as they maintain enrollment for the full year. If a student leaves mid-year, the items must be returned. Chromebooks are provided, with all necessary software and logins, at the student orientation.


Grades K-5

These grades can choose a full-time online service using the Calvert online curriculum, or individually selected print materials from Rainbow Resource or Timberdoodle. Students can also choose a blend of print and online classes, provided through Odysseyware.

Access to various subscription online services is also provided, such as: MobyMax, Reading Eggs/Math Seeds, Beast Academy, Prodigy, and Newsela. Summit also uses Pathways for math and reading.

Grades 6-12

For 6th grade and up, main classes are all online. Students can also take video-chat enrichment courses with a live teacher twice a week, or participate in enrichment classes and tutoring on campus.

Students may select classes from three third-party online content providers:

  • Edgenuity

  • eDynamic Learning

  • Odysseyware

There are also live online classes in most subjects, created and taught by Summit teachers. See the class catalog on the web site for a complete listing.

On Site Classes

Students can attend core subject workshops and enrichment classes, which are held on Tuesday/ Thursday at the Eagle Creek location and Monday/Wednesday at the Tigard location. These are in a flexible, drop-in format.

Enrichment classes include subjects such as: Math labs, S.T.E.A.M., drama, social studies, Spanish, literature workshops, PE, music, and art, leadership, home etc.

Field Trips

Field trips are offered occasionally, but not usually with a class. General trips are open to all, such as OMSI, Oregon Symphony, pumpkin patch, etc.

High School Options

High schoolers may earn all credits through Summit Virtual Academy regular online coursework, or earn community college credits after age 16, either part-time or full-time. There are many available core and elective classes through the three online partners as well as classes taught by Summit instructors. No AP or Honors.

Community College / Early College

Summit high school students may take a few selected classes at the local community college, while earning most of their credits through the usual online program, or completely switch to community college, through the Early College Program. Students may switch back and forth between part- or full-time college attendance, depending on their workload and available classes.

In the Early College Program, a student attends community college full time, during their last two years in high school. Summit pays college tuition and fees for 12 college credits per term. Students may choose to take more credits at their own expense. Summit provides a $150 textbook stipend/prepaid visa per term.

To participate:

  • Students must be 16, have a minimum GPA of 2.3, and be on track to graduate.

  • Students must be registered for 12 college credits every term.

  • Courses must count toward the completion of the student’s high school diploma requirements.

Students in the full time Early College program do no have the usual attendance requirements of the Virtual Academy program, but instead must occasionally submit a form signed by the college instructor, confirming their class attendance and grades. Students meet with their Summit advisor and a Community College advisor once per term, before the CC registration, to plan the trimester.

Participating community colleges are in Western Oregon:

  • Chemeketa CC

  • Linn-Benton CC

  • Clackamas CC

  • Mt. Hood CC

  • Lane CC

  • Portland CC

  • Rogue CC

Special Education Services

Special education is provided by the Eagle Creek school district staff at the Eagle Creek campus. There is also an English Language Learners program.

Meetings, Check-Ins and Reports

Correspondence is required twice a week. This can be an email check in, attending an online class or in-person enrichment, or a social event for the school.

For elementary grades K-5 who are not using online curriculum, parents must complete an online form once a week that documents the learning or lessons done.

For grades 6-12, which are online only, there are no in-person meetings required, but students must log into a live “advisory” class once a week, on Mondays, to hear announcements and check in. These meetings are recorded, so if a student misses one, they can watch the video and email the teacher their response to confirm.

Standardized Testing

SBAC annually, plus Star360 progress monitoring assessments three times per year.


Open enrollment begins April 1 for new students. Once enrollment is closed, this is posted on the web site and no more applications are taken. A waiting list is kept for that school year, but if no spots open up, the student must apply again for the following year. (Wait list does not roll over.)