In-District Programs

Online or At-Home options directly from your neighborhood school

Many people have expressed their wish for a part-time school program, where their child could attend some classes at their regular neighborhood school, and do some work from home. With a standard homeschool charter, you can't do both. The state has no method for paying two schools for the same child.

However, some districts do offer an in-district program that students can sign up for.

Some are for all grades, K-12, and some are just for middle or high school. Most offer online classes through a provider, while the student can still do some classes at their local school. Some programs also offer a full-time Early College option. It's worth it to look at your district web site or give them a call.

Not Charter Schools

These are different from charter schools, which may be sponsored by a district but the students at a charter do not have the option to attend local regular schools.

Partial List of In-District Programs

Below are some I happened to find, and I only researched details for three of them (linked below), but you are welcome to do your own research.

Hillsboro Online Academy*:

Eugene Online Academy*:

Portland Public Schools Virtual Scholars program

David Douglas Online Academy:

Yamhill-Carlton Alliance Academy*:

Medford Online:

Newport/Lincoln City:

Tigard-Tualatin Online Academy: (aka Creekside)

Beaverton FLEX Online:

Beaverton Early College:

*Some details for these three programs are provided on the linked pages, but information is not complete. Provided for example only.