Site Model

Leading Users to Content

With research galore in our pockets, we wrote every item on OPL's content inventory onto "stickies" in Miro,* then each arranged them on multiple separate boards under categories we created. We drew heavily from categories suggested in card sorting.

We determined that OPL's content is more like a community center than a traditional library. Books, yes, but also scraper bikes, cooking classes, storytimes, poetry readings, and more! So, after looking at dozens of library websites in our competitive review, we looked to something a little different for a model: the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco.

It was a turning point in the development process.

Suddenly, we could see ways to fit things like bike fix-it clinics, essays on African American history, and recorded fingerplays for kids into the same website, along with a couple hundred thousand things to borrow.

OPL Site Map.xlsx

*Miro turned out to be our favorite product for wireframing, site mapping, and other diagramming. It allows for easy collaboration and fast, clean image exports.