Santa Barbara Youth Poet Laureate

"My California Burns" by Katherine Ilina

Evacuate! The time is now!

The flames are close. We can’t delay.

The trees are withered by the drought.

Oh, Golden State, survive! I pray.

We drive away. The sirens, smoke.

The masks are tight. The embers fly.

The fear, panic. And I choke

When I notice deer running by.

I close my eyes and see my home,

The rolling hills, the oaks and school.

We drive away to the Unknown.

The flames are angry, hot and cruel.

When we come back what will we find?

Are we the lucky ones this time?

The firefighters stayed behind

To hold the holy fire line.

I hope those people will not die,

The homes will stand, the deer hide.

I only have one question: “Why?”

It really burns me up inside.

Is it a punishment for us

For doing something very wrong?

We talk and bicker, and discuss,

But no results. What’s going on?

Wake up! It is only getting worse.

This talk is cheap, we need to act!

Please, end this wretched fatal curse.

Unite to make a real impact!

It is your future, fight for it!

You do your part and I do mine.

Unite to fight and never quit!

We make the change. We stop, decline.

Say “No” to corporations’ greed,

Boycott polluters, draw the line.

Don’t get ignored and take the lead.

Our future, only we define!