
"Where Dreams Come True" by Valeria Rodriguez

The sun came in through the window, straight to my eyes and the tireless cell phone did not leave me alone. After six straight days of work, I just wanted to rest and get up at 10. Resigned, I stretched out my right arm to take the mobile. With one eye I checked the number and when I read Supervisor on the screen, I immediately got up.

"Hello?" I replied.

"Hi Sam, this is Chloe from the library."

"Good morning Supervisor Chloe, can I help you with something?" I already knew what she was going to say to me. Surely a colleague would have called in sick and wanted me to cover the shift. I was right.

"I was wondering if you can come to work today."

"Of course!" I didn't hide my emotion. I loved my job, and I was always willing to work whatever time it was. My supervisor knew that perfectly, "What time do you need me there?"

"Can you come at 10?" I immediately looked at my phone screen; it was 8:40.

"Sure, I'll be there."


I am a Library Page. My main job is to process the books that people return and put them away. I started my shift arranging books and had to start on floor 3, where the adult non-fiction books were located. It was a Monday morning. Teenagers and children were in school and the adults were working, so the number of people in the building was low.

I left my cart with books near the shelves since I was not allowed to walk between the shelves with it, even without people present.

When I came back from putting away the last books, I saw that someone had left one. I took it to review the information but found nothing. There was no indication that it belonged to the library. I looked around to see if there was someone, but I could not find anyone. I thought it would be some donation that someone left in my cart.

The cover of the book was plain. It was black with golden letters that read "What would you do for your friends?"

"Anything," I said smiling.

"Even die?" A voice was heard saying.

The air began to fail and the strength left my body. I fell to the ground and before everything went dark, the image of a young man appeared in my mind.

"I'm looking forward to meeting you in person," said the young man.

"I ... an?" I said with my last breath.

My imaginary friend from when I was a child had just killed me to meet me in person.