Dr. O'Malley, 2023-2024


Welcome to Orgo! This class simulates a college level organic chemistry course. We will learn about molecular structure, conformational analysis, stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms, and how chemists use synthesis to make useful substances, such as Gilead, Inc's synthesis of the anti-viral drug Remdesivir. Organic chemistry is challenging and rewarding. It is highly recommended that students have at least a 94 in their first semester of sophomore chemistry.  Did you struggle in introductory chemistry? Fear not: Organic is very different, and may be just the thing for you. 

Grade breakdown

Homework (20%)

Classwork (20%)

Assessments (60%)


Office Hours

Be academically honest

Here is the whole workbook for the year.

Other links:

Vocabulary you should know for this course:

Proton – a positively charged subatomic particle (abbreviated H+)Hydride – the anion of hydrogen (abbreviated H-)Electron – a negatively charged subatomic particleIon – a charged atom or group of atomsAnion – a negatively charged ionCation – a positively charged ionElectronegativity – the tendency of an element to attract electrons in a bond Ionization energy – the energy absorbed when a neutral atom loses an electronElectron affinity – the energy released when a neutral atom gains an electronElectron configuration – the arrangement of electrons in an atom (e.g. F = 1s22s22p5)Atomic orbital – a region in which there is a high probability of finding an electron (s, p, d, f)Polar covalent bond – a bond formed by unequal sharing of electrons between atomsPolar molecule – a molecule with an asymmetric distribution of charge