Omaha System Goals

The purpose of this study was to create standardized language goals for a case management system that used the Omaha System. A group of nursing informaticians analyzed, refined, and developed revised goals evaluated using medical vocabulary principles. A set of unique goals were developed and aligned with the Omaha System that had specifically designed characteristics and functionality that allowed individualization and evaluation of goal attainment. Goal statements and ratings were standardized and written to reflect goals a client could attain. The Omaha System goals served as a template for nurse case managers to use in telephonic support with clients and future development of new goals and allowed the organization the ability to generate quality metrics.

This goals development project was conducted by University of Minnesota doctor of nursing practice (DNP) students at the request of Optum, preceptor Kari Miller. The project is described in a publication in press: O’Niell, A. M., Mossing, M. R., Newcome, M. D., Miller, K. B., & Monsen, K. A. (in press). Developing structured Omaha System goals for use in an electronic health record. CIN.