Community Health Workers

Community Health Workers (CHWs) are members of the community they serve. They build relationships and trust at the grassroots level and bridge the gap between individuals, families and communities and the health and human services systems. CHWs work in clinical and community settings to provide these linkages. CHWs teach community members and providers the knowledge and skills needed to understand, give, and receive appropriate care and service options. Thus, CHWs are essential team members who promote the health of populations at risk of poor health outcomes.

The Omaha System can be used to describe and document CHW practice that is holistic, client/family centered, and organic. This guideline was developed to enable CHWs to document observations and interventions, and to demonstrate outcomes of CHW services. The specialized training, supervision, and type of services CHWs receive and deliver, drive the translation of the CHW scope of practice. Therefore, these guidelines are intended to be incorporated within facilities specific CHW training program as a baseline document that can aid in defining and clarifying an individual CHW’s scope of practice as well as aid in the documentation of CHW’s observations and services.