Integrative Care

The purpose of the Integrative Care guidelines is to provide a resource for practitioners of integrative therapies who wish to use an evidence-based Omaha System care plans for clinical decision support and documentation. Guidelines and their metadata are provided for Integrative Nursing, Strengths-based Care, Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture), and Low Back Pain Chiropractic Care.


Austin, R. R., Schulz, C., & Monsen, K. A. (2017). An informatics approach to interprofessional management of low back pain: A feasibility case study using the Omaha System. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics, 24(3),268–274.

Kreitzer, M. J., & Koithan, M. (2014). Integrative nursing. Cary, NC: Oxford Press.

Monsen, K. A., Vanderboom, C. E., Olson, K. S., Larson, M. E & Holland, D. E. (2017) Care coordination from a strengths perspective: A practice-based evidence evaluation of evidence-based practice. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 31(1), 39-55.