Learning to use the Omaha System

Omaha System Website (omahasystem.org)

Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.omahasystem.org/faq

7. How should I, my agency, institution, faculty colleagues, or students approach learning to use the Omaha System?

Learning to use the Omaha System is like learning a new language and should be approached as such. It requires thoughtful practice. The 2005 book should be a primary, essential resource for learners. Detailed suggestions to promote learning are described in the 2005 book and summarized below.

Diverse resources are listed in sections of this Website. It is ideal for several members of an agency, institution, or faculty to attend a Basic Omaha System Workshop prior to making decisions about purchasing software or adopting paper-and-pen forms. Videotapes, instructional modules/courses, and contacts including the Minnesota Omaha System Users Group, commercial software developers, and educators are listed in Links. Useful information about the purpose, organization, and benefits of the Omaha System is readily accessible in References. Use these references to increase familiarization with specific Omaha System words (terms and definitions); practice using the Omaha System with case studies included in this Website and the 18 in the book.

When it is time for implementation, those who have developed Omaha System skills are best able to successfully plan a systematic, incremental, and flexible orientation with clear expectations for their colleagues. Learners quickly recognize that the Omaha System effectively describes client situations, practitioner interventions, and client outcomes. Most learners say the language of the Omaha System is intuitive and easy once they “get the hang of it”.

13. How can I contact others who are using the Omaha System?

Use contact information in this Website and the Omaha System listserv. In addition, Karen Martin facilitates networking among those interested in the Omaha System, and offers consultation services to prospective, new, and experienced users. She has been involved with Omaha System research, development, and publication since 1978.

Contact Karen Martin (martinks0007@gmail.com) for future workshop locations, dates, times, and registration fees.

Omaha System Community of Practice (http://omahasystemmn.org/data.php)

An Introduction to the Omaha System

Presented by Karen A. Monsen, Ph.D., R.N.

· Video Presentation (flash video, 7 minutes)

· Omaha System Concept Map (pdf)

The Omaha System Interactive Visualization

The Omaha System Visualization

Dora the Data Explorer

Originally presented by Amy Lytton, R.N., M.S. at the International Omaha System Conference, April 2007.

· Video Presentation (flash video, 13 minutes)

Community Level Interventions - Rabies Care Plans

Presented by Diane Thorson, PHN, RN at MOSUG, May 25th, 2013

· Powerpoint



· Introduction to the Omaha System: Interprofessional Healthcare Informatics

· Enroll for free

· Interprofessional Healthcare Informatics is a graduate-level, hands-on interactive exploration of real informatics tools and techniques offered by the University of Minnesota and the University of Minnesota's National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. We will be incorporating technology-enabled educational innovations to bring the subject matter to life. Over the 10 modules, we will create a vital online learning community and a working healthcare informatics network. We will explore perspectives of clinicians like dentists, physical therapists, nurses, and physicians in all sorts of practice settings worldwide. Emerging technologies, telehealth, gaming, simulations, and eScience are just some of the topics that we will consider. Throughout the course, we’ll focus on creativity, controversy, and collaboration - as we collectively imagine and create the future within the rapidly evolving healthcare informatics milieu. All healthcare professionals and IT geeks are welcome!


About this Specialization

This five course specialization explores dimensions of applied knowledge related to the social determinants of health. This specialization will utilize the Data-to-Action Hourglass Model to support thinking about multiple perspectives as a way to filter, frame, and focus data-driven action related to social determinants of health.

  • Course 1: Introduction to the Social Determinants of Health, provides an overview of definitions and theoretical perspectives that will form the foundation of this specialization.

  • Course 2: Social Determinants of Health and Vulnerable Populations, highlights how social determinants of health can affect vulnerable populations in different ways.

  • Course 3: Social Determinants of Health and Health Care Systems, explores topics that are particularly relevant for healthcare clinicians and administrators, as well as communities.

  • Course 4: Social Determinants of Health and Methodological Opportunities, examines the methodological approaches and research tools that inform an understanding of best practices in working with science teams, communities, and with data.

  • Course 5: Social Determinants of Health and Planetary Health, centers on planetary health as a fundamental health determinant in shaping a shared future.

Each course also includes a data applications module, in which learners will practice analyzing, displaying, and interpreting social determinants of health data.

Applied Learning Project

Each course in this specialization will feature a data applications component, in which students will have the chance to practice using R to analyze, display, and interpret social determinants of health data using NHANES and Omaha System datasets. Students will then have the chance to apply these skills to their own datasets as part of a peer-reviewed assignment

Metropolitan State University, Partnership for Informatics in Nursing Education (PINE)

“Using a Standardized Terminology for PHN Assessment, Intervention, and Evaluation: An Introduction”

Copyright © Dr. Debra Eardley, 2018-2019. All rights reserved.


World Continuing Education Association Portal (ICN)


· Health Informatics: Applications of the Omaha System

· In this extensive course, “Health Informatics: Applications of the Omaha System – Learn and apply the Omaha System in practice, education, and research”, learners will engage in in-depth exploration of the value of standardized terminology applications in the emerging age of health information systems. Resources are provided for further involvement in practical and scholarly applications of the Omaha System.

· Registration Fee: $99.00

Honoring the Legacy of Virginia Saba Through Charting a Path Forward for Standardized Nursing Terminologies in Practice and Research

· Free 2-day workshop with numerous international/national presentations including Karen Monsen, Robin Austin, Kathy Bowles, Nicole Sowers, and Marlene Versteeg, and Chantal Zuizewind