Photo Gallery 2023


Congratulations to our children’s choirs, who sang so beautifully for the Tree-lighting at Dunmore Corners last week!

Thank you to our prayer readers at the recent OLMC Children’s Mass, Addie Napoli and Sadie Moe. Thanks also to our lectors, cantors and gift bearers at the October 15 Mass: Lucas Powell, Ellie Reynolds, Michael Chemchick, Lorralie Chemchick, Molly Fox, Julia Kelleher, and Gianna Tucker

St Mary's School Halloween Visit to the Rectory

Ohio Catholic Youth Convention June 2023

Click on the title under the picture to view the photo gallery!

Father Doris Mass and Retirement Party June 2023-Click on the title under the picture to view the photo gallery!

Retirement Party Committee

It is with Sincere Gratitude that I thank the following members of the Committee for all their help. Your love and dedication to our Pastor was overwhelming, as were the gifts and talents you shared to make this party a success! ~ Lisa Murphy, Retirement Party Committee Coordinator

Nancy Rinaldi, Rebecca & Mike Panunzio , Liz and Mark Sottile, Lisa Malos, Dana & Dave Morris, Deacon Andy Fazio, Geri Seitzinger, Anne Marie Cannon, Mike Mc Donald, Jeanne and Kevin McDonald, Steve and Jonathan Eboli, Susan Vinskofski, Marla Nicoletto, Brian Hallock, Beth Zanguardi ,Dorothy Kelly, Fran Banick

Patricia Sheehan, Cheryl Nocilla,Kathy Gavin and Staff, Billy Griffiths & The Rover Family

April 2023

Some pictures of Holy Thursday Mass, featuring our very talented Adult Choir

Thank you to our wonderful students for sharing their talents and gifts, being lectors, gift, bearers, altar, servers, and part of our beautiful childrens choir!

Reilly Urbina, Avery Pasquilicchio, Ali Steves, Maggie Dempsey, Irelyn Stets, Anna Polishin, Emma Triano, Olivia Byron, Ella Valentine, Aidan Turner, Anita Osgood, Jenna Moeller, Lily Turnbull, Leah Ostevic, Sarah O’Donnell, Meghan O’Donnell, Quentin Dempsey

Thank you to all who participated at mass and for sharing your gifts with our parish families!

Ally Maloney, Irelyn Gilhooley, Megan & Sarah O’Donnell, Emma Triano, Ella Valentine, Olivia Byron, Aiden Turner, Avah Boock, Olivia Meola, Bianca Tolerico, Jenna Moeller, Lilly Turnbull, Traigh Sottile & Jacob Polishan.

Look who recently came to CCD! The Cat in the Hat (Gary Hughes, 1st grade) and Squidlet (Chase Dempsey)!

Thank you to our prayer readers at the end of CCD. Jamison Gilhooley, Michael and Lorelai Chemchick, Kyle McMynne, Maddie Dempsey and Amelia Joseph. Great job guys!

Congratulations to the students who received the Sacrament of First Penance in St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Church 2023!

Childrens’ Choir: Fun times!

Snow Tubing Night!

January 15 Childrens’ Mass, beautifully done by all participants!

Thank you to our extraordinary childrens choir today for making the mass so beautiful. Thank you also to our altar servers Treigh Sottile, Jacob Polishan and Tim Polishan. Thank you to Father Kevin and Deacon Andy, for a wonderful Gospel reading and a beautiful Homily! Thank you to our prayer reader, Lorelai Chemchick, and her assistant and twin brother, Michael Chemchick.