
We are called to be Servant leaders of Word, Preaching, Teaching, Evangelizing, and Cherishing the Gospel message throughout our entire lives. Meeting this challenge calls for reflection and study around the following considerations:

  1. To promote family-centered christian formation through catechetical programs for all ages and groups.

  2. To use the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults in all Parishes as a primary means of fulfilling our mission to evangelize.

  3. To promote full incorporation of youth and young adults into the Parish through participation in ministry, activities, organization and programs.

  4. To develop greater adult catechesis and a fuller understanding of Sacred Scriptures.

  5. To re-focus our educational ministry or catechesis on events; such as birth, marriage, death or other personal celebrations of joy and loss.

Some of our active ministries that fall under our call of Word are:

  • Adult Education offered during Advent and Lent

  • Please click on the following ministries for more information: