
We are called to be Servant Leaders who engage in Service to our neighbors near and far and who work for justice and stewardship to hasten the reign of God. Meeting this challenge calls for reflection and study around the following practical considerations:

  1. To involve all Parishioners in Social Ministry and to include awareness of human needs into all aspects of Parish Life and Worship.

  2. To promote initiatives rooted in the Gospel of Life, that both acknowledge and treasure all forms of human life as created in the image and likeness of God.

  3. To promote activities from our Social Concerns Group; a partnered group with Our Lady of Mount Carmel and SS. Anthony and Rocco, that educates and informs on varied Social Justice issues.

  4. To include in our preaching and teaching, the Church's Social Teaching that calls us to be responsible to promote Justice and Peace into our everyday life and work.

  5. To support the needs and opportunities provided by the Diocesan Office of the Pontifical Mission Society, Catholic Relief Services and other efforts.

  6. To inform parishioners in an understanding of stewardship as a responsible personal and communal use of Time, Talent and Treasure with the church and all of life.

Some of our Active Ministries that fall under the call of Service are:

  • Pro Life Ministry

  • Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound and Hospitals

  • Please click on the following ministries for more information: