Rising Suns -

A Men's Healing Circle


The Rising Suns is a men’s circle. We gather weekly to share our life stories, challenges, dramas, and traumas in a supportive and judgment-free space.

This is authentic men’s work in which we learn to accept ourselves fully. We embrace the whole masculine, giving voice to our thoughts, feelings, and impulses instead of repressing them. We express our personalities and celebrate our unique styles, gifts, and talents.

Often, guys are conditioned with “be a man!” and “don’t talk about it,” which pushes us into emotional isolation. Many men go through life without ever talking about what’s happening or how they feel. This can result in a pressure buildup that often results in burnout, blow up, or meltdown.

This group was created in response to this need: for brotherhood, for community, and for brave men to gather in times of increasing social volatility.

We do not discuss the details of what’s shared in the circle. Confidentiality is a primary value. In this gathering, we connect with our inner power and embody the Divine Masculine through speaking with an open heart, listening with an open mind, and connecting with the Divine.


Beginning February 20, 2024, We will meet every Tuesday from 7-8:30 PM at OASIS Institute, 4918 Homberg Dr, Knoxville, TN 37919.

Everything said in the group will be confidential and must not leave the group.


Time will be divided equally among each member of the group.

Each member of the group may speak without interruption.  If the member wishes to only be heard, with no feedback, he may state at the beginning of his time that he wants to be heard and is not open to feedback. 

Once the member is finished speaking, others must ask if he is open to questions, comments, advice, or other feedback, before addressing him. 

If he is open, dialog may continue for the remainder of the member’s allotted time.

At the conclusion of the member’s allotted time, the next member in the circle will speak or pass, and so on. 


NIck Hadley, Facilitator

