ACIM Study Groups
Every Sunday at 11:00 AM unless noted
Every Sunday at 11:00 AM unless noted
Format is a combination of lecture and spiritual service - open group. References come from Course publications, attitudinal healing publications and a diverse selection of inspirational writings. Discussion is led by Stephen Anthony and Bob Childers. Love offering.
Format is a combination of lecture and spiritual service - open group. References come from Course publications, attitudinal healing publications and a diverse selection of inspirational writings. Discussion is led by Stephen Anthony and Bob Childers. Love offering.
This meeting will be recorded by a web cam and broadcast live to a You Tube web site.
This meeting will be recorded by a web cam and broadcast live to a You Tube web site.
NEW: Dan Sherwood is posting some of the pictures and video clips he shares at the Sunday Gathering. Here is the link to the folders
NEW: Dan Sherwood is posting some of the pictures and video clips he shares at the Sunday Gathering. Here is the link to the folders
Every Wednesday at 7:15 PM unless noted
Every Wednesday at 7:15 PM unless noted
Open study and discussion group. Love offering.
Open study and discussion group. Love offering.
The group also intends to continue offer video teleconferencing participation. Contact Norm Durfee about joining the Wednesday meeting.
The group also intends to continue offer video teleconferencing participation. Contact Norm Durfee about joining the Wednesday meeting.
Both groups are using video teleconferencing programs to share meeting content.
Both groups are using video teleconferencing programs to share meeting content.
OASIS Institute is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
OASIS Institute is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: OASIS Wednesday ACIM Group
Topic: OASIS Wednesday ACIM Group
Time: Every Wednesday at 7:15 PM unless noted
Time: Every Wednesday at 7:15 PM unless noted
Join Zoom Meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting:
One tap mobile
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,86364140522#,,,,*471015# US (Chicago)
+13126266799,,86364140522#,,,,*471015# US (Chicago)
+19294362866,,86364140522#,,,,*471015# US (New York)
+19294362866,,86364140522#,,,,*471015# US (New York)
Meeting ID: 863 6414 0522
Meeting ID: 863 6414 0522
Passcode: 471015
Passcode: 471015
OASIS Institute is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
OASIS Institute is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: OASIS Sunday ACIM Gathering
Topic: OASIS Sunday ACIM Gathering
Time: Every Sunday at 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) unless noted
Time: Every Sunday at 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) unless noted
Join Zoom Meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting:
One tap mobile
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,86364140522#,,,,*471015# US (Chicago)
+13126266799,,86364140522#,,,,*471015# US (Chicago)
+19294362866,,86364140522#,,,,*471015# US (New York)
+19294362866,,86364140522#,,,,*471015# US (New York)
Meeting ID: 863 6414 0522
Meeting ID: 863 6414 0522
Passcode: 471015
Passcode: 471015