Join A Campaign

If you're on social media, help by sharing campaign posts (ours or other rider's)

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Other sport and recreation, have officially recognised national organisations that represent them when it comes to transport, safety or recreation, but we didn't. So our first step to has been to raise awareness. Public campaigns raise awareness of recreational horse riding, and our issues.

Join a campaign now!


"I Ride" is about who rides, why we ride in the great outdoors, and what we get from it. I Ride is about each and every one of us, and everyone can participate. It aims to show that the vast majority of riders, are recreational riders.

Sport NZ shows equestrian has the lowest participation rate in clubs, yet Councils continue to insist that riders are 'organised'. They fail to recognise that equestrians are like pedestrians. We need to change the talk of walk-cycle, to walk-cycle-ride.

Submit your own photo and text for #IRide by email and I will create one for you, and send you back a copy for you to use (and we'll use it too), OR create your own and use the #IRide hashtag and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram or G+

We want as many different faces, stories, and experiences as possible; reflecting all the aspects of horse riding, and ownership in New Zealand.

You can also download these graphics to use as the intro to a submission, or in an email, or letter to your local Council, or MP. If you're on Facebook, or other Social media - share them with others, especially on the Social Media sites of Councils, or local MPS (they all have them). And of course, you can help us create more by participating in the I Ride campaign.

View all the #IRide campaigners

I Ride

Road Safety

Thanks to Holly Simons Design for creating a new animated road safety campaign resource for us.

Join Movement, we have!

Movement is an alliance of organisations working for safer roads.

Movement Safe Journeys for Active Kiwis

We have a petition to improve road safety for horse riders.

Top Stars

"Top Stars" focuses on our top level sports stars, and their competitive horses.

It aims to show that young riders, and young horses need access to all sorts of environments to develop their abilities. It also shows that access to recreation, is important for the health, and well being of all - even the most expensive sport horse, or highly trained equestrian competitor.

Blyth Tait | Eventing

Blyth Tait NZ Horse Network Campaign

Wilson Sisters | Show Jumping

Wilson Sisters NZ Horse Network

Jody Hartstone | Dressage

Jody Hartstone Ali Baba copyright