Plan for Horses

Design Guidelines, Infrastructure, Case Studies and more...

The following resources are provided for recreation planners, and for groups wishing to create equestrian parks, or trails, and for riders, and advocates who want easy access to information to show the less enlightened trail planners (or decision makers).

Design Guides

Get Started with considerations for horse trails, and how to build multi-use trails

Shared Trails

Shared Trails is a presentation kindly provided by Anne O'Dell and customised for NZ conditions. It is intended for use with local Councils and planners who often have little knowledge of horse trail issues and options.

Case Studies

Learn from existing horse parks

Infrastructure Design and Implementation Guides

Planning a trail, a park or a greenway? Understand what riders want and need. Find out what is happening overseas, and locally, in modern multi-use trail design and infrastructure.

Considering Trail Length

When planning a trail, or path the length of the path or trail is also important.

A short trail will have many more users within viewing distance of one another, creating the perception of potential conflict (even if none actually occurs). On long trails even very large numbers of users may never see one another (so narrow paths are still okay).i.e. divide the length of your trail by the expected number of users for a more accurate prediction of carrying caapcity instead of simply looking at numbers of users.

Important Note on International Design Guides:

When accessing international trail building, design, and specification documents it is important to carefully read the context and user numbers. United Kingdom, and United States trails are often dealing with a potential user base of many tens of millions of users. New Zealand trails should be compared to, in most cases, to overseas 'backwoods' or remote rural trail systems, with relatively few users.