& NZ Horse Network

You might wonder if we need another organisation, after all we have the Equestrian Sport NZ (ESNZ), but New Zealand's equestrian community is far behind other sport and recreation because of our lack of cohesiveness. We need to take proactive steps to protect, and create new riding areas, and promote the wonderful values of recreational horse riding.

Why a Group for Recreational Riders?

  • There are only 6000 +/- riders registered with ESNZ.

  • NZ Pony Clubs has approx 8500 +/- members.

  • Sport NZ estimates at least 78,000 participating regularly in horse riding each year...

  • Sport NZ shows equestrians have the lowest club membership of all sports; only about 20% of riders belong to a club.

  • Most of those clubs never make submissions or represent horse riders to their local Council, regional agencies or central government in order to gain more horse riding access or to promote horse riding to the wider community!

Compare the goals and objectives of Equestrian Sport New Zealand (ESNZ, formerly NZEF) to the British Horse Society (BHS) -


The ESNZ was original formated on 14 July 1950, as the New Zealand Horse Society. The basic goal was to get a showjumping team to the Olympics.

The immediate goals were to :

  • Encourage and organise equestrian events run under international rules

  • make every endeavour to organise and enter a team in the 1956 Olympics

  • make application to the FEI for recognition of that body

and the objectives of the Society were:

  • To improve the standard of horsemanship

  • To improve the standard of training of the horse

  • To improve the standard of show events and ensure only the best being successful

  • To look after the interests of the horse competitor

Since that time the Society has undergone a number of name changes and is now known as Equestrian Sport New Zealand. However, it still remains basically a competitive sports administration body.


By contrast the British Horse Society (BHS) is a far more well rounded organisation, aiming to represent every horse and rider in the UK (and 'horse' means any member of the equine family).

"The British Horse Society works tirelessly for every horse and rider throughout the regions of the UK. Focusing on horse welfare, horse and rider safety, access and rights of way,training (register of instructors) and approving livery yards and riding schools."

  1. To promote and advance the education, training and safety of the public in all matters relating to the horse;

  2. To promote the use, breeding, well-being, safety, environment, health and management of the horse for the public benefit;

  3. To promote community participation in healthy recreation involving the horse.

  4. To promote and facilitate the prevention of cruelty, neglect or harm to horses and to promote the relief, safety, sanctuary, rescue and welfare of horses in need of care, attention and assistance;

  5. To promote and secure the provision, protection and preservation of rights of way and of access for ridden and driven horses over public roads, highways, footpaths, bridleways, carriageways, public paths and other land.

NZ Horse Network (NZ Horse Recreation Inc*)

  • To promote community participation in healthy recreation involving the horse[1].

  • To promote, create, protect and maintain for the community; public rights of way and of access for ridden and driven horses over public roads, highways, footpaths, bridleways, carriageways, public paths and through public parks, open spaces or other land.

  • To promote and advance the education, training and safety of the public in all matters relating to the horse.

  • To research and publish equine related information for the benefit of the community.

  • To promote and facilitate the prevention of cruelty, neglect or harm to horses and to promote the relief, safety, sanctuary, rescue and welfare of horses in need of care, attention and assistance.

  • To promote the use, breeding, well-being, safety, environment, health and management of the horse for the public benefit.

  • To encourage all equestrians regardless of sporting discipline, club affiliation or non-affiliation to work together in the community, and to create links with other community organisations to advance common goals.

[1] *Horse for the purpose of the Rules means any member of the family Equidae

*NZ Horse Recreation Incorporated is the registered name of NZ Horse Network