To cultivate the school values of care and enterprise further in Upper Secondary, Secondary 3-5 class VIA representatives were tasked to spearhead their class-based VIA projects with the guidance of teachers. 

Our Secondary 3-5 students initiated projects in a variety of social causes such as the environment, the underprivileged and animal welfare. Scroll down to find out more! 

Protection of the Environment 

As human populations and demand for space continue to grow, human and wildlife are increasingly interacting and competing for resources. This has led to serious problems such as plastic pollution along our coastal areas. This is quite a threat to our little red dot, which is home to a diverse marine ecosystem! 

To learn more about how can humans and wildlife co-exist, 3E3 participated in a VIA & LLP Intertidal project with Biogirl MJ of @justkeepthinkingsg . They learnt from her about intertidal wildlife in Singapore and this culminated in an intertidal walk and beach clean-up, where 3E3 students explored and cleaned up the intertidal zone. This was quite a fascinating experience for 3E3 students, who were able to explore marine life up-close! 

Rachael, Clarisse, Joyen and Isabelle marvelled, “We came across some of the most astonishing creatures like the moon crab, the flower crab, leaf-porter crab and sand dollar. When we saw the sand dollar upclose and touched it cautiously and carefully, we could feel its texture and see its spines moving!” 

Inspired by the experience, 3E3 students also consolidated their reflections into captions for social media posts to spark public action. 

As concluded by Dawn, Joellyne, Ranice and Yi Qing, “We must continue to raise awareness and teach others how to understand, respect and demonstrate care  towards nature. We can learn how to minimize waste and participate in recycling efforts. When everyone plays a part Singapore can definitely co-exist with nature and live together in our home.” 

Did you know that studies have shown that if plastic production and pollution continue at present rates, our oceans will carry more plastic than fish (by weight) by 2050? This will not only destroy marine life, but also endanger the food supplies of millions of people!

Determined to play a part in reducing plastic pollution, as part of their class VIA project, 4N1 and 4N2 headed to Changi Beach and conducted beach clean ups. Shocked at the magnitude of plastic pollution in Singapore, our students worked hard under the blazing hot sun and gathered several bags of waste!

Remember, everyone can play a part in protecting our environment! As poignantly shared by Carl Sagan, “The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. Our responsibility lies in preserving and cherishing the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.” 

Appreciation to EAS Staff

In a gesture of heartfelt appreciation, 4N3 students have thoughtfully compiled a collection of nourishing food items and practical necessities to be presented to our school EAS staff. These were personally delivering to them, as an expression of gratitude for their unwavering service to the school. While witnessing the cleaners’ heartfelt smiles, 4N3 students developed a deeper appreciation for the simple act of giving back to our community, and were reminded that kindness can start from small acts.

Food Aid to Underprivileged Families 

Students from 3N3 ran a food drive in school to collect food items for Food Bank. To reduce food wastage, they also spurred the school community to contribute food items that may be close to expiry, so that they can be donated to those who urgently need them. Such efforts were driven by aims to increase appreciation of the value of food and develop empathy for those who are experiencing food insecurity.

© 2023 North Vista Secondary School      11 Rivervale Link, Singapore 545081 

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