To cultivate the school values of care and enterprise further in Upper Secondary, Secondary 3 class VIA representatives were tasked to spearhead their class-based VIA projects with the guidance of teachers.

This was done in partnership with the Social Studies Issue Investigation Project, in which the Sec 3 students were tasked to select a social issue that is a cause of concern, collect and analyse data that would help them devise well-substantiated conclusions, and provide recommendations to alleviate the social issue. Upon developing a deeper understanding of the social issue, students subsequently embarked on their class-based VIA projects to mitigate the identified social issues. Thus, this partnership between curriculum and VIA provided the opportunity for students to practice the real-world application of Social Studies, and at the same time, grow to become informed, concerned, and participative citizens.

Our Secondary 3 students initiated projects in a variety of social causes such as the environment, the underprivileged and animal welfare. Scroll down to find out more!

Animal Welfare

Furry friends who were delighted with the donated food

Students from 3E4 partnered with Causes for Animals Singapore (CAS) and collected food for dogs and cats that lived at the local rescue shelter. In addition, they also sought to raise awareness about adoption in school and encourage volunteering efforts amongst their peers.

Students from 3E5 initially intended to contribute their artistic skills to animal welfare efforts by painting wall murals at the new facility Causes for Animals Singapore (CAS) recently moved into. However, due to COVID-19 restrictions, their plans were overturned. This resulted in a change of plans. Continuing with their original intent to volunteer through art, the students created beautiful canvas paintings that will be placed on the shelter walls to brighten the homes of shelter animals. They also designed bags and pencil cases which will be sold to help cover the veterinary bills of animals in need.

Self-designed bags, boxes and pencil cases to be sold

Canvas Paintings to be Hung on Shelter Walls

Like their peers from 3E4 and 3E5, students from 3E2 also partnered with Causes for Animals Singapore (CAS). Recognising the need to increase public awareness about adoption from the shelter, they designed profile posters for the cats and dogs of the shelter. These posters will be used on social media to spread the word about adoption.

Protection of the Environment

Students from 3T1 worked on collecting old books and recycable material to help support the efforts of recycling and keeping our environment clean and green.

Migrant Workers

Students from 3T2 collected hygiene products which the migrant workers were in urgent need of. The items were delivered to workers in dormitories islandwide. The project was run in partnership with It's Raining Raincoats.

Items collected for the migrant workers

Migrant Workers receiving the collection drive items

Food Aid to Underprivileged Families

Responding to calls from the Food Bank for food donations, students from 3E1,3N1 and 3N2 ran a food drive in school to collect food items. To reduce food wastage, they also spurred the school community to contribute food items that may be close to expiry, so that they can be donated to those who urgently need them. Such efforts were driven by aims to increase appreciation of the value of food and develop empathy for those who are experiencing food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Students from 3E1 with their food donations

Students from 3N2 with their food donations

© 2021 North Vista Secondary School 11 Rivervale Link, Singapore 545081

CREDITS: Banners made using Family Center template created by Slidesgo, including images by Freepik, and icons by Flaticon