We are aware of the data gaps regarding our military-connected students. Here are a few things to remember when collecting and reporting data on military-connected students:

Please reach out to the course facilitators with questions or for assistance with data.

While conducting a survey and asking new enrollees their military connection is a great way to gather data, there is a "hack" that can assist you in pulling data. The course facilitators are working to provide screenshots for Middle School. Elementary level data "hack" is coming soon as this "hack" will only show grade 3-5 data.

High School Data "Hack"

To find high school data, you can use the Nevada Report Card.

Pull the 9th and 10th grade data for Science CRT for 20-21. Then disaggregate by military connected.

Pull the 11th grade CCR scores for 20-21. Then disaggregate by military connected. 

Pull the 11th grade CCR scores for 19-20 because these students are your presumptive 12th graders for 20-21. Then disaggregate by military-connected. 

Middle School Data "Hack"

To find middle school data, you can use the Nevada Report Card.

You will pull CRT Grade 3-8 ELA/Math data.