
Refund Policy


※ 本退費方式依教育部專科以上學校推廣教育實施辦法辦理。









a) 退費申請書(可現場填寫)

b) 繳費證明(收據)正本

c) 學生證正本

d) 身分證、護照或居留證影本

e) 申請退費本人存摺封面影本(帳號及分行名稱須清晰)



      • 開課前,如因故無法繼續就讀,得申請延期,惟以順延一期為限,所繳學費全額保留至下期。

      • 開課後未逾全期授課時數三分之一而申請延期者,所繳學費保留三分之二至下期,並應於下期開課前,繳足整學期學費差額。

      • 開課後逾全期授課時數三分之一,不得申請延期,學費不予保留。

      • 辦理延期就讀時,若下期收費調整,須補繳差額,但不退其減少部分;並得酌收與報名費相等之手續費(金額隨當期報名費調整)。

      • 一旦申請延期後,將無法退費。即使延期就讀後無法就讀,仍不得申請退費。

※ 課程的總時數為150小時,其1/3時數為50小時。

Refund Policy

1. Students who submit refund application after they make the payment and before the course starts are entitled to a 90% refund of the tuition.

2. Students who submit refund application before passing the first third of the course are entitled to a refund of 50% of the tuition.

3. There will be no refund after the first third of the course.

4. If the class is not open because there are fewer students enrolled than it is required or because of other reasons which has nothing to do with students, all the fees which are already paid will be refunded.

5. Except for the situation mentioned in point 4, there is no refund for the application fee.

6. Refund application shall be submitted by 17:00 of the deadline. Please submit the following application documents to the CLD office in person (the procedure takes about 1 hour). Refund application documents: a) application form b) original receipt c) original CLD student ID card d) the photocopy of ID card/passport/ARC e) the photocopy of the cover page of the applicant’s bank account book (which shall clearly indicate the bank’s branch’s name and the account number)

7. The refund can be expected in 3 weeks after the application submission is accepted and confirmed by the CLD office (bank remittance handling fee might be charged, and the fee will be charged from the student).

8. Postponing the enrollment: Those who cannot continue the program can apply for a “postponement of enrollment”.

— Application before the course starts: The enrollment and full tuition fee will be kept for the coming semester.

— Application before passing the first third of the course: The enrollment and 2/3 of the tuition fee will be kept for the coming semester. And the applicants shall pay the rest of the tuition fee before the beginning of the coming semester.

— No application for “postponement of enrollment” is accepted after passing the first third of the course.

— A handling fee and the difference in tuition will be charged in case the tuition fee is raised. But there is no refund if the tuition fee is reduced.

— The enrollment can be postponed only once. And once you apply for the postponement, no more refund will be given (even if you still cannot attend the course).

* Total class hours of 10-week course: 150 hours; 1/3 class hours: 50 hours (including national holidays).

* The regulation is in compliance with the 教育部專科以上學校推廣教育實施辦法.