
How to Apply

法規依據│Rule Accordance


申請入學 Registration

申請資格│Student Eligibility & Age



Applicants are above 18 years old or with high school education diploma can apply for the programmes offered by the Centre. Adolescents between 15 to 17 years old or above, as long as written consent is received from their parents or guardians and there is/ are guardian(s) in Taiwan, are allowed to join the programmes offered by the Centre.

    • 全職生(Full-Time ):持學生簽證,需要向中心申請在學證明以延長簽證者,每周最少上課15小時

Those who hold a student visa and need to apply for a certificate of enrollment from the center to extend their visa, at least 15 hours of class per week

    • 進修生(Part-Time):持學生簽證,無須在學證明延長簽證者。(申請者必須已持有合法在台居留文件)

Those who hold a non-student visa and do not need a certificate of enrollment to extend their visa. (Applicants must already have legal residence documents in Taiwan)


    1. 報名短期課程(少於一學期)者,本中心恕不核發入學通知書。For applicants for short-term courses (less than one semester), CLC will not issue admission notices.

    2. 文件如非中文或英文,需檢附正式中文或英文翻譯本。If the document is not in Chinese or English, the official Chinese or English translation must be attached.

    3. 申請「研習中文簽證」為中華民國停留簽證的一種,簽證註記代碼為FR,以此簽證來台者可在臺憑就學事實及合格之出缺席紀錄延長停留期間。

    4. 越南學生須繳基本外語能力證明 - 相關規定請參考 此連結

請以中文或英文填寫入學申請表 PDFWORD (點擊可下載) 或 →


After sending the application form by email or postal, please contact us to confirm whether the information has been received.

報名流程│Registration Procedures

【步驟一】 依申請人身份遞交報名文件 Apply and personally documents


As a reminder for those who are applying for a visa, make sure to obtain a copy of your enrollment certificate before you enter Taiwan.

【A.新生New studnet需申請簽證者 With a Visa

    1. 入學申請表一份。A application for Admission.

    2. 護照影本一份。A copy of passport.

    3. 照片電子檔一份(大頭照)(3.5 cm x 2.7 cm)。Electronic file of personal ID photo.

    4. 最高學歷證明影本一份(高中或高中以上成績單或在學證明或畢業證書影本一份;若文憑非中文或英文,請檢附合格譯者翻譯版本) 。

A photocopy of highest diploma and transcript, with English or Chinese that is certified by Taiwan(R.O.C) diplomatic affairs.

    1. 財力證明一份 Financial Statement / Official Bank Statement (以下請擇一繳交):

      • 三個月內銀行帳戶存款餘額達 NT$100,000(US$3580) 或以上之存款證明。

      • 如使用家人的財力證明,須請本人提供財務擔保同意支付您在台灣的支出。

      • 如是獎學金受獎者,請一併提供獎學金證明。

A financial statement issued within 3 months from a financial institution with a minimum balance of NT$100,000(US3,580); and the copy of scholarship award notification.(For details, please refer to the below page.)

    1. 越南學生須繳基本外語能力證明 - 相關規定請參考 此連結

Vietnamese students must submit proof of basic foreign language ability-please refer to relevant regulations:link.

【B.轉學生Transfer student需申請簽證者 With a Visa

    1. 入學申請表一份。A application for Admission.

    2. 護照或居留證影本一份。A copy of passport or ARC.

    3. 照片電子檔一份(大頭照)(3.5 cm x 2.7 cm)。

Electronic file of personal ID photo.

    1. 最高學歷證明影本一份(高中或高中以上成績單或在學證明或畢業證書影本一份;若文憑非中文或英文,請檢附合格譯者翻譯版本)。

A copy of highest degree certificate with English or Chinese that is certified by government's diplomatic affairs.

    1. 財力證明一份Financial Support (請擇一繳交):

      • 三個月內銀行帳戶存款餘額達 US$3,580 或以上之存款證明。

      • 如使用家人的財力證明,須請本人提供財務擔保同意支付您在台灣的支出。

      • 如是獎學金受獎者,請一併提供獎學金證明。

      • A financial statement issued within 3 months from a financial institution with a minimum balance of US3,580; or a copy of scholarship award notification.

    2. 原就讀學校在學證明及成績單一份。

A copy of the original school certificate and transcript.

【C.不需申請簽證者 Without a visa

    1. 入學申請表一份。

A application for Admission.

    1. 護照或居留證影本一份。

A copy of passport or ARC.

    1. 照片電子檔一份(大頭照)(3.5 cm x 2.7 cm)。

Electronic file of personal ID photo.

財力證明說明 Financial Statement/Proof of financial support

*中文或英文版財力證明與擔保證書財力證明是由銀行發行的正式文件。該文件必須證明申請人在就讀期間將有足夠的資金支付學校的學費以及生活費用。如果財力證明書上的擔保人不是申請人本人, 擔保證書上要清楚表明擔保人和申請人的關係,擔保人明白財力擔保的原因和責任, 以及擔保人的簽名。如果申請人有兩個擔保人,就必須提供兩份擔保證書。

The financial statement is an official document issued by the bank. This document must prove that the applicant will have sufficient funds to pay the school's tuition and living expenses during the study period. If the guarantor on the financial certificate is not the applicant, the guarantee certificate must clearly indicate the relationship between the guarantor and the applicant, and the guarantor understands the reasons and responsibilities of the financial guarantee, and the guarantor’s signature. If the applicant has two guarantors, two guaranty certificates must be provided.


Bank statements or records of remittance supported by the applicant’s relatives must be submitted along with the household registration/ birth certificate/ family book which may prove the relationship of relative.


The scholarship certificate must indicate the duration and the exact amount of the scholarship.

※ 備註:


The review of the application documents will take about two weeks. Once the review is passed, we will mail the original admission notice to the address you filled in the application form, and send the scanned file to your e-mail box. (It will be sent after 15 working days.)



The copies of graduation certificates and transcripts must be verified by Taiwan(R.O.C) embassies, representative offices, offices or other agencies authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; in languages other than Chinese and English, Chinese or English translations should be attached.


Applicants can only apply for admission according to the school season and the time listed on the application deadline. Please assess by yourself the point between receiving the admission letter, which is sufficient for visa matters. Applicants are requested to submit application documents as soon as possible.

【步驟二】 遞交報名文件方式

【自國外線上申請Online application】

 Prepare all the documents and email to clc@mail.nptu.edu.tw

【自國外郵寄申請Send by post abroad】請將申請文件寄到本中心,地址如下。

中文地址為Chinese address:900393臺灣屏東市林森路1號敬業樓2樓-國立屏東大學華語教學中心

英文地址為English address:Chinese Language Center, National Pingtung University, 2nd Floor, Jing-Yie Building, No.1 Linsen Rd., Pingtung City, Pingtung County 900393, Taiwan(R.O.C)

收件人:國立屏東大學華語教學中心 / Chinese Language Center(NPTUCLC)

【在台灣申請入學者In-person in Taiwan】


※ 提醒您:

    • 申請學生簽證者,請確認在入境台灣前先拿到學校核發的入學通知單,再到海外的 中華民國大使館或各駐外館處辦事處 辦理學生簽證再入境。

Once you have your enrollment certificate, go to a Taiwanese Visa office in your home country (Check MOFA). Students who have arranged a student visa can enter the country.

    • 獲得本中心核發之入學通知書後,請與離您最近的中華民國大使館或各駐外館處辦事處聯絡,以便知道還需要準備什麼文件及辦理簽證需要多少錢。

Please take your enrollment certificate to the embassy of Taiwan(R.O.C)nearby to know about the cost of visa and other entry documents

    • 台灣駐國外辦事處有權利拒發簽證。 Taiwan's govement offices abroad have the right to refuse visa issuance

    • 拿到簽證後,購買機票來台灣,便可以直接來學校辦理註冊繳費及報到了。

After getting your visa, you can purchase a ticket to come to Taiwan, and you can directly come to the school for registration, payment and registration

    • 若申請截止之後,報名後資料仍有缺漏,請於一個月內補齊,否則將自動取消申請。

    • 若您在準備資料的過程中,有任何疑問,歡迎來電(+8867663800 ext.24001)或以Email(clc@mail.nptu.edu.tw)來信確認。

    • 中華民國外交部規定,特定國家人士無法申請來台研習中文之簽證,請自行確認相關規定。


  1. 登入簽證線上填表 填寫資訊,並列印包含條碼之表格文件。

  2. 憑入學通知書至最近的中華民國大使館或 各駐外館處、辦事處申請簽證。

※ 注意:入學許可書僅發給需申請簽證之學生;報名資料審查約需兩週處理,一旦通過審核,我們將郵寄錄取通知正本至您申請表填寫的地址,並寄送掃描檔案到電子信箱。(約經15個工作天後寄出。)

The admission permit is only issued to students who need to apply for a visa; the review of the application documents will take about two weeks. Once the review is passed, we will mail the original admission notice to the address you filled in the application form, and send the scanned file to your e-mail box. (It will be sent after 15 working days.)

【步驟四】繳費方式 Tuition Payment


可接受付款方式為現金。Only accept payment in cash.



※ 備註:請參閱本中心 → 費用及退費辦法

【步驟五】 註冊報到 Registration



    1. 入學通知書。

    2. 學歷證書正本(備驗)。

    3. 護照或居留證正本(備驗)。

    4. 護照相片頁及簽證影本各一份或居留證印本一份。

    5. 照片2張。

    6. 報名費、學費(所有費用一律以現金繳款,恕不接受信用卡及支票)。


【學生手則 Student Regulation】


中英文若有不同時,以中文版為準。In the event of any disputes or misunderstanding as to the interpretation of the language or terms of this form, the Chinese language version shall prevail.