
Work Permit

  1. 本頁資訊節錄自勞動部勞動力發展署外國人在臺工作服務網。
  2. 下述說明如有更動依勞動部勞動力發展署外國人在臺工作服務網公布之最新資料為準。

詳細相關規定請洽詢「勞動部勞動力發展署」之申辦外 籍人士工作許可辦公室。

For more details and regulations, please contact with the office of foreigners' work permit, Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training.

資格規範 Qualification


※ 僑外生申請工讀條件可參考「就業服務法」第50條及「雇主聘僱外國人許可及管理辦法」第30條至第35條規定。

Should a foreign, overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macau student been officially enrolled in a school to take courses in a division, department or graduate institute thereof or to take language course(s) for one year or more, the said foreign student may apply for jobs.

※Overseas Chinese students apply for part-time jobs can refer to Article 50 of Employment Services Act and Article 30 to 35 of Regulations on the Permission and Administration of the Employment of Foreigners.

工作時間限制 Working Time Limit


※ 工作時間限制可參考「就業服務法」第50條規定。

With the exception of the winter and summer vacations, foreign students’ sum of working hours shall not exceed 20 hours per week.

※The limitation of working hours refers to Article 50 of Employment Services Act.

應備文件 Documents Required


Documents required for foreign students, overseas Chinese studnets, and foreign students of Chinese origin work permit applicatio


Remark: If aforementioned information and certification documents are copies, they should be marked with the words: “same as originals” and stamped with the seal of apply for school units. (Applicant shall assume legal responsibly for providing information and documents proven false through investigation)

申請表格 Application Forms


外國專業人員工作許可案件,已可透過「外國專業人員工作許可申辦網」(https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw) 線上送件,請多加利用。

Application Forms

Now you can submit the application for foreign professional work permit via internet. Please make good use of the site "Work Permit Application Webpage for Foreign Professional" (https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw)

勞動力發展署:24219 新北市新莊區中平路439號南棟4樓


本署服務時間:週一至週五 上午8時30分至12時30分,下午13時30分至17時30分



Workforce Development Agency

Address: 4F., No.439, Zhongping Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 24219, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Service hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30a.m.~12:30a.m.;1:30p.m.~5:30p.m.

Office hours for foreigner's work permit application: Monday to Friday, 8:30a.m ~ 5:30p.m.

Address:10F, No. 39, Sec. 1, Zhonghua Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City