問與答 Q&A

外來人士在臺生活諮詢服務熱線 0800-024-111

  • 歡迎撥打 外來人士在臺生活諮詢服務熱線 0800-024-111 詢問相關簽證題。
  • 以下簽證資訊僅供參考,請諮詢鄰近的中華民國大使館或辦事處(各駐外館處聯絡資訊可至 www.taiwanembassy.org 網站查詢),取得簽證訊息,或是參考 中華民國外交部領事事務局網頁 提供的資訊。The following information on visas is for reference only. For further details or updated information on visa regulations, please contact the nearest ROC embassy, consulate or representative agency, or visit http://www.boca.gov.tw/.
  • 在出發前往臺灣前,請務必先瞭解相相關簽證規定。Please be sure you understand the rules and regulations regarding visas before you leave your country.

Q1:如何申請簽證?我應該申請什麼種類的簽證?How to apply for a visa? What type of visas should I apply for?

A1:簽證申請人應在線上填表系統,填寫申請表。至本中心學習中文的學生,應選擇「停留簽證」(Visitor Visa),目的為中文研習 (研習中文的簽證代碼為FR)。送出表格後,請列印出來,再到您選擇的中華民國駐外大使館或辦事處,繳交本中心入學許可信及相關申請文件。

Students should apply and present the NPTU Language Center admission letter to the nearest ROC embassy, consulate, or representative agency for a visitor visa. Admission letters are only valid for the term applied for. Be sure to apply for a visitor visa specifying study at the NPTU Language Center (visa code: FR.)

Q2:持有停留簽證可以在臺灣停留多久?How long can I stay on a visitor visa?


Usually, FR visas allow holders to remain in Taiwan for 60 or 90 days. Extendable visas may be extended for a maximum stay of up to 180 days. If visas are non- extendable or when no further extensions are granted, the holders must leave Taiwan to obtain a new visa.

Q3:我的國家屬於30天免簽證入境的國家,我可以不申請簽證,直接來華語中心就讀嗎?My country is on the list of 30-days visa exempt countries. Can I come to study without applying for a visa?


As a 30-day visa-exempt entry is not extendable, students must leave Taiwan to apply for a new visa from abroad after the visa exemption period expires. For students’ convenience, we do not recommend students to come to Taiwan on 30-day visa-exempt entry since a regular term at NPTU Language Center lasts for 3 months.

Q4:我的國家屬於90日免簽證入境的國家,我可以不申請簽證,直接來華語中心就讀嗎?My country is on the list of 90-days visa exempt countries. Can I come to study without applying for a visa?


As 90-days visa-exempt entry allows students enough time to complete one term’s study with NPTU Language Center, it is possible to come to Taiwan without applying for a visa. However, you may miss a few days of class depending on the date of your entry, please consult NPTU Language Center's calendar before making your travel plans. Make sure your passport has at least 6-months of validity upon entry. You must also present a confirmed seat reservation for departure to the immigration officers.

Attention: 90-days visa-exempt entry is not extendable (except for UK & Canada citizens,) students must leave Taiwan and enter again if they wish to continue their studies. If you plan to study in Taiwan for a longer period of time and do not wish to leave Taiwan every 90 days, we still recommend that you obtain an extendable visa before coming to Taiwan.

Q5:我的簽證將在課程結束的前幾天到期,我還可以延長簽證,完成課程嗎?My visa will EXPIRE just a few days before the last day of class. Can I still extend my visa to complete my study?


If the expiration date is not far away from the last day of class, students may apply for an extension for a short grace period (usually no more than 10 days) so they can complete their study and leave Taiwan without applying for a new visa. However, please note that only the Immigration Agency holds the authority to grant/deny extensions.

Q6:我想要就讀三期以上,在臺灣會停留超過180天,就讀期間,我可以不用離開臺灣申請簽證嗎?I want to study for three terms or longer. How can I stay longer without having to leave the country?

A6:學生在台連續居住120天,期間沒有出境,成績和出席紀錄良好,並有意在國語中心就讀三期以上,可以申請居留簽證(Resident Visa)。申請流程請見第7個問題。申請到居留簽證後,將可取得居留證(ARC)。請注意,外交部有時候會要求居留簽證的申請人提供保證人,本中心無法為學生擔任保證人。

Students who have studied in the NPTU Language Center for 4 months consecutively and have never left Taiwan during the period can apply for a resident visa if they wish to study for three terms or more. With a resident visa, they may apply for an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC). Please note that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sometimes requires a guarantor before a resident visa can be issued. NPTU Language Center does not act as a guarantor for any student.

Q7:要如何申請研習中文的居留簽證?How to apply for a resident visa for language studies?

A7:在語言中心學習滿4個月,並已註冊下一期課程,持(1) 在學證明、(2) 出席紀錄、(3) 健康檢查證明、(4) 財力證明(約8萬元臺幣)、(5) 研習計畫書、(6) 簽證申請表(線上簽證申請系統填寫)、(7) 照片兩張、(8) 護照正本、(9) 護照影本,到外交部領事局申請。申請時間約需10個工作天,且必須在停留簽證到期前完成申請,建議最晚要在停留簽證到期前的2週提出居留簽證申請。

Please submit the following items to the Bureau of Consular Affairs to apply for a resident visa:

1.Certificate of Enrollment (must include Enrollment for the next term also) 2.Certificate of Attendance 3.Resident Visa Application Form

4.Financial Statement (the equivalent value of NT$ 80,000 at minimum) 5.Study Plan 6.Passport (original& photocopy)

7.Two 2-inch photos 8.Application Fee (NT$3,000 to 4,000) 9.Health Check Result

It takes 2 weeks to process the application. To Avoid your visitor visa expiring before your resident visa application is granted, you must submit your resident visa application one month before your visitor visa expires.

Q8:我現在持有研習中文的居留證,可不可以在臺灣換成讀大學的居留證?I am admitted to an undergraduate/postgraduate degree program. Can change my visa for language studies to a resident visa for degree studies?

A8:可以,持有研習中文居留證的學生,在臺灣申請到大學後,請在居留期滿前,備齊(1) 大學入學通知、(2) 國語中心在學證明、(3) 國語中心出席紀錄、(4) 國語中心學生證、(5) 簽證申請表、(6) 照片兩張、(7) 護照正本、(8) 護照影本、(9) 體檢報告正本、(10) 財力證明、(11) 經當地外館驗證的最高學歷證明正本、(12) 經當地外館驗證的最高學歷證明影本、(13) 大學註冊繳費通知(至少15萬元臺幣)。需在居留期間期滿前,到外交部領事事務局申請居留簽證變更。

If you have a visitor visa for language studies and want to change it to a resident visa for degree studies, you need to submit the following 10 items to Bureau of Consular Affairs:

1.University's admission letter 2.Certificate of Enrollment & Certificate of Attendance issued by the language center

3.Student ID of the language center 4.Resident Visa Application Form

5.Two 2-inch passport photos (the color of the background must be white) 6.The original and a photocopy of your passport

7.The original and a photocopy of Health Check Result 8.Financial Statement( an equivalent value of NT$150,000 at minimum)

9.The original and a photocopy of diploma of highest degree, accompanied by the original and a photocopy of translation notarized by a Taiwan consulate

10.Notice for registration and tuition payment issued by the university

Q9:我現在在別的語言中心學中文,我可不可以換學校來屏東大學語言中心學中文?I am studying in another language center. Can I transfer to the NPTU Language Center next term?


    1. 原語言中心的在學證明
    2. 原語言中心的出席紀錄
    3. 本中心的在學證明
    4. 本中心的入學許可信


Yes. You need to apply and register in the NPTU Language Center first. Then, take:

    1. 1.Certificate of Enrollment issued by your current language center
    2. Record of Attendance issued by your current language center
    3. Certificate of Enrollment issued by the NPTU Language Center
    4. Admission Letter issued by the NPTU Language Center

in order to change the language center stated on your visa at the National Immigration Agency.

Q10:持有研習中文的簽證,可不可以打工?Can I take a part-time job if I stay in Taiwan on a visa for language studies?


Students who have studied in a language center for one year and have an ARC can apply for a part-time work permit. Foreigners who don't have a work permit cannot work in Taiwan. To apply for a work permit, NPTU Language Center students must go to Office 614 to apply for NPTU Language Center's approval to apply for a work permit. After obtaining the approval, submit your application to the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training. Working hours for part-time work permit holders cannot exceed 16 hours per week.

Q11:我可不可以直接申請一年的課程,使用申請一年課程的證明,來申請簽證?Can I apply for a one years worth of classes then apply for a visa?


No, NPTU Language Center's academic terms are only 3-months long, and you can only apply for one term (or 2-month summer session) each time. Applicants can use the admission letter to apply for a 60- or 90-days extendable visitor visa for language studies. If you would like to study for more than one term, please pay for the next term's tuition fee at the end of the current term. Please extend your visa two weeks to one month before your period of stay is reached.

Q12:我已經在臺灣學了二年中文,想在繼續學中文,我可不可以再延長研習中文的居留證?I already studied Chinese in Taiwan for 2 years. If I want to continue studying, can I extend my ARC?


ARCs for language studies can only be extended for up to 2 years. After the period of stay reaches 2 years, you need to leave the country, and re-apply for another visitor visa for language studies with the documents issued by the language center and other required documents. Whether your visa application is approved is at the discretion of the Taiwan consulates.

Q13:我剛辭掉工作,可不可在臺灣工作的居留證,換成研習中文的居留證?I just resigned from my job, can I change my ARC for employment to an ARC for language studies?

A13:不可以,在臺灣境內不能申請不同目的的簽證,必須持本中心的(1) 入學許可信、(2) 其他簽證申請相關文件,離開台灣,到臺灣駐海外的大使館或辦事處申請中文研習停留簽證。

No, you cannot change your visa to a different purpose of stay in Taiwan. You need to leave Taiwan and take:

1.NPTU Language Center's admission letter

2.Other documents for visa application

in order to apply for a visitor visa for language studies (visa code: FR) in a Taiwan consulates overseas.

Q14:如果我需要帶子女到臺灣研習華語,應該幫子女辦理什麼簽證?Can I take my children to Taiwan while I am studying Chinese here?


You can apply for a visitor visa for dependent relatives after you receive an ARC for language studies. However, the NPTU Language Center is bound by the government's law to take tuition payment for one term only each time. As a result, your children cannot apply for a resident visa for dependent relatives unfil after you receive your ARC.
