



Students would have options for on-campus dormitory or own arrangement off the campus. If you would make your own arrangement, you are advised to arrive two weeks before the commencement of course.

It is recommended that students who are coming to Taiwan for the first time, should book a hotel prior to arrival (if you require the center to book a hotel on your behalf, please inform us by email or letter at least one week prior to your arrival), after arrival you may wish to search for a suitable dormitory or a room to rent in the local area.

校外住宿 Housing Off Cmapus

本校可提供校外住宿之諮詢。校外租屋有相當多的選擇,有含傢俱及未含傢俱,單人房(雅房或套房)租金每個月約新臺幣3,000~6,000 元,三間房間的公寓租金每月約新臺幣20,000元。公寓通常會提供全套的廚具設施,但是一般的單人房(雅房)通常都沒有廚具設施及專用的浴廁。 生活費和伙食費約新台幣5,000~10,000元(視個人而定)。

Students who live off-campus have a range of living options. Apartments may be furnished or unfurnished. The rental expense for a single room is about NT$ 3,000~6,000 per month. IF you want to rent a three-bedroom apartment, it may cost you about NT$ 20,000 per month. Off-campus apartments usually have more extensive cooking facilities.

歡迎至【教育部-賃居服務資訊網】(https://house.nfu.edu.tw/NPIC) 查詢住宿資訊,系統操作說明如下:

    • 選擇學校:
      1. 選擇縣市:屏東縣
      2. 選擇學校:國立屏東大學
    • 查詢條件:
      1. 學校校區:林森校區
      2. 出租類型:整棟出租 或 獨立套房 或 房間分租
      3. 房屋類型:公寓、大樓、學舍、透天
      4. 其餘請依您個自喜好自行設定查詢條件








貼心提醒 Intimate reminder

  1. 無論租屋時間多短都應簽訂契約,否則當遇到房東突然要求您搬離時,您將沒有任何證據要求賠償。Irrespective of the length of time you need to rent a property you will need to sign a rental agreement, otherwise, if the landlord should ask you to leave without notice, you won’t have any proof in order to receive compensation.
  2. 訂契約時,一定要請房東出示身分證明、房屋所有權狀、房屋稅單、或是登記膳本,證明房東真實身分。如果是二房東,也要要求出示和原房東定的契約,了解是不是重複轉租給其他人。When signing the contract you must ask to see the landlord’s identity card, the property title deeds, a tax receipt for the property, and land registration transcription to verify the landlord’s ownership of the property. If you are subletting then you must also request to see the contract signed with the primary landlord in order to find out whether or not it is already being sublet.
  3. 契約書上如果有任何更改處,一定要有雙方的印章或是簽名,防止未來發生糾紛。If there are any alterations made to the contract then both parties need to add their seal or signature in order to prevent any possible future disputes from occurring.​
  4. 兩方都要保留一份契約書做證明。Both parties must keep a copy of the contract for reference.
  5. 入住之後一定要先照相記錄屋貌,以便搬離時還原房間的樣子,避免有所糾紛。After you arrive at the apartment remember to take photographs of the rooms, in order to ensure that when you need to move out, you can return the rooms to their original appearance.

找房子的時候,可以依照下面幾點和房東詢問 While looking for an apartment to rent you may wish to ask the prospective landlord the following questions:

  1. 租金裡是不是已經包含以下費用:水費、電費、冷氣費、電視第四台、公共費、大樓管理費。Does the rent include the following: Water, electricity, air conditioning, cable television, communal fees and building administration fees?
  2. 租金何時付?怎麼付?When and how does the rent need to be paid?
  3. 押金多少。How much is the deposit?
  4. 房間內原本有哪些家具和設備?如果有別的需求,房東是否可以免費提供。What furniture and facilities does the room have? If you require anything else can the landlord supply it to you free of charge?
  5. 如果租的是雅房,公共區域有哪些:衛浴設備、客廳、廚房 If the apartment has communal areas, which are they: Toilet or bathroom facilities, living room or kitchen.
  6. 房東有無其他需求:男女房客皆可?養動物?房東同住,公共區域的使用權限和範圍?Does the landlord have any other requirements: Male and female tenants are both acceptable? Are you allowed to keep pets? If the landlord is also living at the property, are there any rules or limits in the use of the communal areas.
  7. 屋齡?房子的建材?How old is the property? What are the main building materials?
  8. 其他房客的行業?What jobs do the other tenants do?

校內住宿 Housing in Campus


本校共有三個校區,每個校區皆附屬有學生宿舍,本中心設於屏師校區,學生可以在相同校區內住宿及上課。屏師校區宿舍計有光華樓、蕙蘭樓及復旦樓,其中光華樓為 3人寢研究生宿舍,其餘為 4人一寢大學部宿舍。




The Center provides boarding plans for you to choose from. We care about not only your Chinese-learning experience but also your safety and convenience while staying in Taiwan.

On-campus dormitory of 3 to 4 occupancy rooms are offered. Quotas at on-campus residences are limited. Each room is equipped with Internet access, paid air-condition, bunk bed, closet, desk and chair. Basic Bedding is not including. Each common area is equipped with TV, drinking water dispenser, vending machine and coin-operated washing machine/dryer in the laundry area. Cooking is not allowed in the dormitory.

The dormitories are on campus: There are restaurants and stores near the university. It’s very convenient.

The dorm fee is charged monthly. Fifteen days or under is charged half of the fee; more than fifteen days is treated as a month.


    • 靈活的居住時間:在校外租屋,大多數的公寓需要簽署長達半年或至少1年的租房合約。在本校可提供週租和月租不同時長的選項,也提供自由的搬入與搬出時間。
    • 輕鬆入住:學生宿舍包括水電費、WIFI、有線電視、交誼廳、讀書室、討論室、自動販賣機、公共衛浴、飲水機、自費洗衣機、烘乾機、脫水機等,並提供書報雜誌供學生閱讀;大部分樓層裝有冷氣,以確保學生在舒適中學習與生活。
    • 24小時學生監護:本校學生宿舍實施自治管理 ,男女生分開住宿 ,全天24小時保全系統門禁管理 ,1人1卡刷卡進出,環境幽雅、舒適安全,並有24小時錄影監視系統,使學生住的安心。
    • 極好的居住地點:本校坐落於交通便利的區域,林森校區內各式運動設施(操場、籃球場、游泳池及健身房)比鄰宿舍區,提供住宿生運動遊憩的樂趣;宿舍內另設有交誼空間,提供住宿生聯誼、有視電視、閱讀空間等多元活動環境。
    • 合理的價格:本校住宿費合理並且包含水電費,每學期(4個月)住宿費用約為新台幣8,000~10,000元,寒、暑假亦可申請住宿。


National Pingtung University Student Dormitory Regulation

一、 請於櫃檯登記寢室號碼鎖,否則將影響寢室修繕,必要時將強制破壞鎖頭。

Please give the password of the door combination lock to the Service Center attendant on the first floor for any repair and maintenance issues. School authorities can destroy the combination lock if the password isn't given to the attendant at the front desk on the first floor.

二、 廣播時間中午 12 時至 12 時 30 分、下午 7 時至 8 時,若有緊急事不在此限。

The dormitory public address (PA) system will only broadcast announcements from 12:00 to 12:30 and 19:00 to 20:00, although it can be used anytime in the event of an emergency.

三、 公共或寢室衛浴設施使用規定: Rules for using the dormitory bathroom:

(一) 熱水供應時間下午 5 時 30 分至 12 時;並請節約能源,隨手關燈及水龍頭。

Hot water is available from 17:30 to 24:00. Please turn off the water faucets and lights after use to conserve energy.

(二) 請遵守洗衣機及脫水機的使用時間及方式,並不得任意移動擺放位置。

Please follow the instructions on the washing machines and dryers. Do not move the washers or dryers.

(三) 使用衛浴設施請注意禮貌與衛生,使用後保持清潔及恢復原狀。

Please maintain sanitary habits and have good manners when using the bathroom. Make sure the bathrooms are clean after use.

四、 下述規定請共同遵守,違反者將依校規處置:

All students living in the dorm must obey the following rules. Any student who violates any of these rules will be subject to penalties stipulated by NPTU regulations.

(一) 宿舍訪客時間限平日上午 9 時至 12 時、下午 2 時至 5 時;週六、日及國定假日不予開放。受訪者引領訪客至櫃台登記及扣繳證件,並於交誼廳內會客,以不進入寢室為原則。

Visiting hours: Weekdays 09:00~ 12:00 and 14:00~17:00;The dorms are not open to visitors on weekends and national holidays. Visitors must go to the Service Center on the first floor and leave their ID card there when registering. Visitors are prohibited from entering individual dorm rooms and are only permitted to use the lounge.

(二) 請勿在宿舍內飼養寵物,如狗、貓、兔、鳥、鼠、蛇等。

Keeping pets of any kind, including dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, mice, snakes, etc., inside dorm rooms is strictly prohibited.

(三) 使用公物或交誼廳後,應恢復原狀並保持清潔,損壞設備應照價賠償。

Please take good care of the public facilities and lounge. Visitors caught vandalizing or damaging any public facilities will be required to pay for any necessary repairs.

(四) 公共區域勿置放私人物品;於規定處晾曬衣服;寢室內外牆壁不得繪畫或雕塑;宿舍內全面禁煙, 勿炊煮、飲用含有酒精性飲料、賭博、吹奏樂器或其他影響住宿安寧的行為。

The following behaviors are not allowed in the dorm rooms: 1.Storing personal items in public areas of the dormitory (i.e., areas outside of the student dorm rooms). 2.Drying clothes in areas not designated for clothes drying. 3.Painting or carving the walls. 4.Smoking,drinking, or gambling. 5.Cooking. 6.Other behaviors in violation of public health, peacefulness, and safety or than damage or endanger the environment.

(五) 禁止製造、運輸、販售、藏匿或使用依法管制之違禁品等行為。

Manufacturing, transporting, selling, or hiding any dangerous objects or drugs, including fuel, arsenic, thallium, MDMA/ecstasy, amphetamines, etc., are strictly prohibited.

(六) 凌晨零時至 6 時關閉宿舍大燈,該時段僅保留書桌檯燈及插座所需用電。

The master lights of the dormitory building will automatically shut off from 12:00 am (midnight) to 06:00 in the morning. Only desk lamps and electrical outlets on the table will be available during the these hours.

(七) 宿舍內除吹風機、收錄音機、電扇、滅蚊器、電腦外,禁止使用其他電器品。

The use of electric appliances and power strips without permission is strictly prohibited. Only hair dryers, radios, electric insect zappers, and computers are permitted to be plugged in to wall outlets.

(八) 寢室內抽風機電源為 220V,勿使用其他電器,以免燒毀。

The voltage of the air conditioner outlets is 220V. Do not plug any other electrical device or those outlets or the devices could burn out.

(九) 海報核准後請張貼於推定地點,且不可將宣傳單放置於各寢室的信箱。

Posters, announcements, and circulars can only be put on the specified bulletin boards by permission. Putting them into the mailboxes is prohibited.

(十) 腳踏車、機車按規定停放於學生停車場,不得停放宿舍附近或攜入宿舍。

Bicycles and motorcycles should be parked in designated student parking lots. Do not park bicycles and motorcycles around the dormitory or in dorm rooms.















A:90003屏東市林森路1號國立屏東大學林森校區 + 宿舍別 + 房號 。收件人需為住宿生本人,請勿使用暱稱、綽號。非住宿生或收件人姓名與房號不符者, 一律退回原寄件處。










A:1.可參考學校與屏東縣市簽訂之特約醫院自行前往就診,特約醫院請參考衛生保健組「特約醫療院所」內容(學校首頁→行政單位→學生事務處→衛生保健組→特約醫療院所 )或(http://www.staf-health.nptu.edu.tw/files/11-1054-16.php?Lang=zh-tw)。











