Great places to visit

with a school group

Castle Ashby Gardens

  • Butterfly garden
  • Nature trail
  • Menagerie
  • Play area
  • Tea rooms
  • Gift shop

For more information, including group booking, visit Castle Ashby Gardens >

Meerkats in the Menagerie at Castle Ashby Gardens

Kelmarsh Hall and Gardens

The historic walled kitchen garden provides the perfect outdoor classroom in which children can learn about where their food comes from and the benefits of healthy eating.

Activities include:

  • identifying vegetables
  • taste testing
  • bug hunts
  • seed sowing
  • craft activities.

The programme is designed for pre-school and primary school children but is adapted according to the age range. With a range of hands-on activities on offer, children will get a lesson to remember.

To find out more and to book a school visit, go to Kelmarsh Hall and Gardens website >

Kelmarsh Hall walled kitchen garden

Wicksteed Park

Education events and school visits

Wicksteed Park is a place steeped in history and an ideal setting for the many educational events run throughout the year. These include Trees & Literature and themed days, such as Victorian Day and Charles Wicksteed Day plus many more.

For more information, including booking form and education pack, visit Education at Wicksteed Park >