We're opening!

Update from Nocton Parish Council on plans for opening the Nocton Hub

2 Jul 2020. Following the Government’s easing of the lockdown restrictions, the Parish Council has been making tentative plans for the opening of Nocton Hub. Detailed discussions have been taking place with the Contractor who has confirmed that a team will be on site during the week commencing 6 July and will remain until all of the outstanding internal and external work has been completed. In addition to finishing a number of relatively minor jobs to the inside of the building, the areas to the front and side of the Hub will be cleared of-weeds, levelled and seeded. A new fence to the front and side will also be provided although the current access to the garages from the footpath behind the gardens of the houses in Wellhead Lane will remain. In addition, the former builder’s compound will be cleared, levelled with top soil and re-seeded. The Contractor has confirmed to the Parish Council that all of this work will be completed by 17 July.

Assuming this is the case and that the necessary building regulations and other certification can be provided shortly thereafter, the current intention is for the building to be handed over formally to the Parish Council during the week commencing 3 August. Arrangements are now being made by the Ripon Arms and Nocton Hub Working Group to transfer all of the furniture and equipment currently being stored off site into the new building with a view to it being ready for use from the beginning of the week commencing 10 August. It is currently intended that the first “public” event will be a meeting of the Parish Council on 11 August. Thereafter, the Hub should be available for more general use subject, of course, to compliance with the relevant Government advice and regulations in force at the time.

It goes without saying that this provisional timetable is dependent upon a number of factors outside of the Parish Council’s control. In particular, guidance has only very recently been received which recommends a range of adjustments, etc that need to be made to enable Halls like ours to open safely. We have not yet been able to assess the extent to which these may affect the timetable or, indeed, its use by groups and others. However, it represents the Parish Council’s current “best guesstimate” and should at least enable smaller local groups and the Ripon Arms to begin planning for the Hub’s eventual opening. The Parish Council and Nocton Hub Working Group will be providing regular updates to keep residents informed of progress and, when circumstances permit, to let them know about arrangements for a more formal event when they will be able to see the new building and its facilities at first hand.

- Nocton Parish Council