An early Christmas present

£61 463 grant awarded to Nocton Hub

An early Christmas present for the residents of Nocton (14 Jan 2020)

Residents of Nocton village and parish have recently been awarded a generous grant of £61,463.00 from FCC Communities Foundation towards a major project at the heart of their local community, a new purpose-built community building that will be known locally as the ‘Nocton Hub’.

Work on-site is now in full swing with the exterior and roof having been assembled by November and activity now moving to the inside of the building. The new build replaces the previous village hall that had to be demolished due to subsidence.

Ian Goldsworthy, Chairman of Nocton Parish Council, said: “The generous funding from FCC Communities Foundation will enable us to fit out our new community building with essentials for it to be used by the local community, essentially the kitchen, toilets, floor coverings, decoration and electrics. Without the grant the Parish Council would have had to borrow significantly more to enable these key features.

All these elements to the project will, of course, be undertaken as an integral part of the building work which has a projected completion date between the end of February and mid-March 2020.”

He continued: “The final plans for the interior finish and fittings for the new building and its event hall, lounge, meeting room and kitchen have very recently been finalised with the contractors and the FCC Communities Foundation grant is most definitely a welcome Christmas present to the entire Nocton community and for the decades ahead.”

FCC Communities Foundation is a not-for-profit business that awards grants for community projects through the Landfill Communities Fund.

Cheryl Raynor, FCC Communities Foundation’s local grant manager says: “We are delighted to be supporting Nocton Parish Council and work alongside other funders to create a fantastic new facility for the local community. It is great to hear that work has now started on the internal fitting out and the facility is nearing completion”.

It is hoped that the Nocton Hub will open its doors to the local community and businesses early in 2020 although a formal opening date has yet to be agreed.

For further information about the new building please visit the Nocton Parish Council website at

FCC Communities Foundation is a not-for-profit business that awards grants for community, conservation and heritage projects from funds donated by FCC Environment through the Landfill Communities Fund and Scottish Landfill Communities Fund. Since 1998, FCC Communities Foundation has granted over £200m to more than 7,000 projects which benefit people living within 10 miles of a FCC Environment landfill site. For more information please visit

FCC Environment is the leading UK waste and resource management company and is part of a global group with a strong heritage in providing services for communities and business. Its vision is to be the environmental company of choice, delivering change for a sustainable future. It employs 2,400 people and operates more than 200 facilities across England, Scotland and Wales. FCC Environment donates the landfill tax credits that are generated by its operations to FCC Communities Foundation, in order to add value to the environmental and social infrastructure of the communities around landfill sites.