COVID Response

Nocton Community Coronavirus Response

A group of Nocton residents are collaborating during this time of need to help those who are finding it hard to access support, help or daily essentials.

Do you need help? If you need some help from your neighbours and fellow village residents please either:

Can you volunteer? We now have a number of volunteers registered. If you are still interested in helping please please email us and we will come back to you.

Would you like some freshly locally baked real bread? Have a look at this information about a twice-weekly service for Nocton villagers during the crisis.

Can you spare some groceries to help keep the foodbanks going? Please read below

Support your local food bank - Lincoln Community Larder

The following was originally posted in What's on in Nocton - feel free to reply on there too.

"Due to the recent announcement that the schools are closing as of Friday and the large amount of financial difficulties that could soon be a real issue for people - I have decided to organise a drive for the Lincoln Community Larder, who are a food bank, to try and get some donations.

As people seem to be bulk buying foods, the donations given to these charities has significantly dropped with demand about to soar. I aim to do a weekly drop off to the food banks. If you would like to donate any of the listed items please get in touch with myself or Victoria Marshall who can collect or provide you with an address for drop off.

For an extra couple of pounds per week or adding an extra of what you're already buying into your trolley could really go towards supporting those who will be most at need. As shops are hectic at the moment even if you have any of the below in your cupboards which you know you won't use I'm sure would be gratefully received and appreciated.

If you have any further questions please drop me a message. Thanks."

x Kat - - 07957141398

We would, like to make an urgent call out for UHT milk donations, as we are very low on stocks

- Lincoln Community Larder